[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=sd_matt]
By your own standard. You still refuse to articulate just how AB32 will encourage the development of cheap green energy.[/quote]
Matt: All due respect, you’re arguing with a known troll. He cannot successfully articulate or advance an argument. He accuses others of being simpletons, but his retorts, such as they are, are the height of mendacity.
If you look at his inability to get facts straight, absurd extrapolations based on single data points (“Apple is successful, so ALL businesses in California are successful”) and the instant retreat to ad hominem when challenged, you’ll see immediately what you’re dealing with.
Don’t waste your breath, dude, it ain’t worth your time. Go organize your sock drawer, or watch Carrot Top videos. Its a better use of your day than crossing swords with this mental bantamweight.[/quote]