All I can tell you guys is that there is alot of variability with short sale offers. One dependency is that you may want to check to see the trustee sale date. If the date is right around the corner then yeah they are more then likely just trying to delay the trustee sale. We have discussed many times that lots of times agents will post a short sale with a low price simply to get an offer into the lender to get processing done.
One thing that I am seeing is that second liens are being alot more tougher to deal with then last year.
It is just a variable process. I have two short sale listings with the same first lien holder and they are being processed in a very different way. Both of them however are agonizingly slow. Also each time the buyers have walked we have had to resubmit the packages and that also adds more time to the process.
In the end the deals do get done alot of the time, it just takes extreme persistence. If you are a buyer be patient and have alot of faith. Fire and forget.