[quote=afx114]I wonder how Texas would feel if we pulled all of the federal aid they receive. Pull out the border patrol, all federal troops, close down all federal bases, close down the Johnson Space center, stop hurricane relief aid rebuilding efforts, and “build the fence!” between Texas and the rest of the United States. Does Texas think that we’d let any water from the Rio Grande go beyond Las Cruces? Do they have the money and the manpower to enforce the border with Mexico? I hate to break it to them, but a bunch of Minutemen in RVs building chain link fences isn’t going to do the job. Is this really the road that Texas wants to go down?
Could you imagine the outrage if California or Massachusetts had threatened succession under Bush? We wouldn’t have heard the end of it from Rush, Coulter, and DeLay. Treason, terrorists, and gay heathens is what they’d be calling us.
I say let us keep Austin, the rest can go.[/quote]
I have to agree, Well said.
I would add then Califorina would do well to succeed, I got to believe we send far more to the FedGov than we get back.