Afx: You say you’re not trying to knock my personal beliefs, after spending several paragraphs implying that I’m sitting out on my front lawn trying to figure out where the thunder god went.
I’m not arguing for some arbitrary, “spiritual” answer to that which science can’t explain. Nope. My argument is that both Faith and Reason are MUTUALLY supportive. Both not only co-exist, they augment each other.
You’re a fan of Sagan, right? Look up his locking horns with Velikovsky and their two opposing poles of thought. Sagan, for all of his knowledge, was hopelessly unable (or unwilling) to see a viewpoint he couldn’t understand.
Much of the research to be conducted at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) will focus on the Higgs Boson (the so-called “God Particle”). I bring this up because your argument stresses that science and spirituality are pulling away from each other, and I think the opposite is happening.
Might String Theory be debunked or discredited? Possibly. But, as you point out, this is a process and, in my opinion, one that will ultimately unite science and spirituality.
There is a divine “spark” in all of us, an undeniable yearning to know, which is what confirms the existence of God, since that quest for knowledge is a desire to unite with our creator.