[quote-70Degrees]…That Indian lawyer cant sit down in a room and talk to me about my family and my kids, and take me out for lunch and build my confidence that he can handle my case. So what happens is the smart American firm figures out that the relationship and the complex law can be handled locally, and they can hand off the routine stuff to someone better suited to do the job (in india), with the American continuing to manage the relationship…[/quote]
Sorry, 70Degrees, I don’t see this happening. Please tell us how an Indian citizen living in India can obtain an American Paralegal Certificate or Degree approved by the American Bar Assn (ABA). As far as I am aware, there are no (online) classes which will convey this type of credential. And, while you’re “researching,” why don’t you cull the “want ads” for this profession to find out if law firms in the US (and CA) will even consider a candidate from a non-ABA-approved school.
You appear to be trying here to make this sound “plausible” but every single state has different laws so you FAIL on this premise.
And GOOD LUCK with the (abroad) “Indian” with “imitation slang-English skills” learning this stuff which is best left to “locals,” LOL!