[quote=4slive][quote=briansd1]4slive makes a good point.
Why does the ROC calls itself the Republica of China, if in reality they just want to be called Taiwan?[/quote]
That’s the fact of politics. No one can take the risk to change the situation. Without changing the ROC naming, I can’t figure out any reason not to call ROC people as Chinese, which is not conflict with Taiwanese.
Back to 70s’, when ROC is the representative of China in UN, most of the ROC people like to call them as Chinese. Why things changed in just 30 years, it’s not ethical reason, and it’s just politics. Politics keeps changing while people can’t change their ethical stamp. With time goes, say in another 30 years, probably no surprise to see ROC people call them back as Chinese. I think it becomes a trend now.[/quote]
But back in the 70’s, people of Taiwan also cried and sobbed away when Dear Leader Chiang Kai Shek passed away. And when his passing coincided with a rainstorm, everyone believed the heaven was crying with them too.