4runner You and I are so similiar at our core that it doesn’t matter if we are religious or not.I would not harm or steal from you because we in many ways rely on each other to survive.I do not want to risk retaliation for hurting your interests because that threatens my survival both immediately and when my son and your daughter need eachother to promote the race.When survival or the perception of one’s ability to survive is threatened the stuff hits the fan. Sometimes this reality or perception results in stolen BMW’s. As humans sometimes this phenomena plays out on a grand scale and we have wars,usually religion is used to promote support that primative endeavor. Rationalism might help us avoid it. So might a really ethical religion but IMO religion is a slippery slope. Monkeys are not religious but they don’t kill each other under normal circumstances. You really mistrust human instincts and intellect apparently. It seems you also gloss over the negative aspects of religion? You also seem to think that all inspiration for dicipline comes from some religious source. We discipline our children and ourselves, they and my wife and I are capable of living lifes adventures side by side with yours and you(if you have them). Now throw in oil (survival) a couple of different religions, like say Christianity and Islam and you have fodder for a crusade.