18 posts and you guys have nothing. Not one valid post as to why you jump for joy when there is an article about housing woes but when there was a positive article you guys ran to the computers and did all the google searches you could before your fingers got sore.
Oh, you know what you are right, we are weak and narrow-minded. I feel so worthless and helpless now.
Our narrow-mindedness and negative thoughts will surely lead us to despair, hopelessness, homelessness, and eventually financial ruin.
We will not be able to see the turnaround because of our myopathy. Oh the pain and horror of having you point that out is more than I can take.
Maybe people won’t like me anymore. Not only will I be penniless and lacking in forethought, but the added burden of being shunned by society is almost too much to bear.
wait … wait a minute. What am I doing.
We are better than that.
We can sort this out.
We can open our eyes and see what’s going on.
Deep Breath … and Exhale.
Maybe people do like us. Maybe we are right.
Maybe it’s just coincidence that the media sort of agrees with us some of the time.
Maybe this too will pass.
We can do it. I know we can.
We are strong.
We are smart.
We can pull through.
Why ?
Because …
“I’m Good Enough, I’m Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me”