1) Stop the Corporations from ruling the country/the world. Especially Walmart.
2) No more government being enslaved by the World Bank
3) Environmental Protection/stop the madness of consumerism, though with the ruin of the Central Bank and Corporation, that would follow naturally
4) Outsourced work to China and other countries, back to US
5) Brittany Spears no longer allowed to be media focus
6) Press owned by the people, not the corporation (refer back to #1)
7) No more government outsourcing (ie: prisons should not be FOR profit organizations)
8) Strict animal/environmental abuse laws and penalties.
9) Increase REAL education (ie: critical thinking skills, writing, math, art, philosophy—why are the humanities removed from most school curriculum…seems only sports is the viable extra-curricular activity these days) We are producing a nation of idiots.
10) No more INCOME TAX, but if the world bank goes this will follow suit….
11) The lady that owns the Big Lots building on University Avenue will be banned from raising their rent and making them move.
Drunkle, why are you so hard on civil servants? Lemme tell you dude, the civil servants OVERALL as a group, do much better work than the contractors. Except with the contractors, they are a lower paid, lower qualified bunch, and the man that lines his pockets with gold is the man that has the contract.
Oh, and DOD does have new personnel system to deal with getting rid of poor performing civil servants (that is the supposed reason for it, but that’s just lip service, because the real reason to is move labor dollars to the war), it is called NSPS, started for many of us in the SD area 1 Oct, with the rest of it to roll out in March. It’s a bad plan for many reasons I can’t get into here, and it was Donald Rumsfeld that dismantled this 50 year program.