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Author: JES
Forum Activity by JES
- Rent this month = sign this
- Rent this month = sign this
- Rent this month = sign this
- Rent this month = sign this
- Rent this month = sign this
- Awesome Carlsbad Home For Rent
- Down 200 and accelerating,
- To be perfectly honest, IMO
- How exactly do we quantify
- And in the process, they
- This is laughable. Let me
- This makes me absolutely
- Again, I have to share my
- And that’s reported income.
- Refer to this link for data
- Timing the Market
- Leave California and your
- Hopefully, then we will have
- Hopefully, then we will have
- I can agree with you there.
- I can agree with you there.
- I can agree with you there.
- Therby taking on huge
- Therby taking on huge
- Therby taking on huge
- Case Shiller’s methodology
- Case Shiller’s methodology
- Case Shiller’s methodology
- Anyone factoring in the
- Anyone factoring in the
- Anyone factoring in the
- Job losses aren’t helping
- Job losses aren’t helping
- Job losses aren’t helping
- Same street in San Marcos,
- Same street in San Marcos,
- Same street in San Marcos,
- As ironic as it sounds, they
- As ironic as it sounds, they
- As ironic as it sounds, they
- It is all about the land my
- It is all about the land my
- It is all about the land my
- What about media flow? I had
- What about media flow? I had
- What about media flow? I had
- The self deception is
- The self deception is
- The self deception is
- Yes, the symbols on their
- Yes, the symbols on their
- Yes, the symbols on their
- We all know that the entire
- We all know that the entire
- We all know that the entire
- CNNfn Headline
- I will agree that prices
- I will agree that prices
- I will agree that prices
- Alex, the problem that I
- Alex, the problem that I
- Alex, the problem that I
- Entrepreneur, Business
- Entrepreneur, Business
- Entrepreneur, Business
- And just think how worthless
- And just think how worthless
- And just think how worthless
- Why this matters: This is
- Why this matters: This is
- Why this matters: This is
- As a comparison, look to 646
- As a comparison, look to 646
- As a comparison, look to 646
- Something Ain’t Right in San Marcos
- He’s back in the Navy
- He’s back in the Navy
- He’s back in the Navy
- Running the numbers is
- Running the numbers is
- Running the numbers is
- Allow me to speak from
- Allow me to speak from
- Allow me to speak from
- Is there a reason to go with
- Is there a reason to go with
- Is there a reason to go with
- Went to Murietta in 2000 to
- Went to Murietta in 2000 to
- Went to Murietta in 2000 to
- The good doctor should move
- The good doctor should move
- The good doctor should move
- High End of the Market
- The lesson I have learned is
- The lesson I have learned is
- The lesson I have learned is
- I think today will be the
- I think today will be the
- I think today will be the
- SD Realtor
Countryhaven is a
- SD Realtor
Countryhaven is a
- SD Realtor
Countryhaven is a
- Question: Where is the best
- Question: Where is the best
- Question: Where is the best
- 7 minutes left. Time for a
- 7 minutes left. Time for a
- 7 minutes left. Time for a
- Do a Myers Briggs
- Do a Myers Briggs
- Do a Myers Briggs
- Anyone else enjoying this
- Anyone else enjoying this
- Anyone else enjoying this
- Prices have already gone
- Prices have already gone
- Prices have already gone
- Mommy and Daddy
- When I look at homes in an
- When I look at homes in an
- When I look at homes in an
- I would consider looking in
- I would consider looking in
- I would consider looking in
- I would guess that they will
- I would guess that they will
- I would guess that they will
- Check out the platinum
- Check out the platinum
- Check out the platinum
- The difference now as
- The difference now as
- The difference now as
- Haha, that’s great! They
- Haha, that’s great! They
- Haha, that’s great! They
- By the way, so long as you
- By the way, so long as you
- By the way, so long as you
- DMV Registration – Leaving California
- Where are you considering
- Where are you considering
- Where are you considering
- I recommend that you go to
- I recommend that you go to
- I recommend that you go to
- Is gold a good way to play
- Is gold a good way to play
- Is gold a good way to play
- I salute the realtor in my
- I salute the realtor in my
- I salute the realtor in my
- You gave up your 7 yr. ARM,
- You gave up your 7 yr. ARM,
- You gave up your 7 yr. ARM,
- All of that excess they
- All of that excess they
- I work for the federal
- I work for the federal
- Here’s an idea. Move to a
- Here’s an idea. Move to a
- Perry – So very true, but I
- ZK –
The argument you raise
- deadzone –
You’re not worth
- IMO Bush’s comments just
81 Democratics in
- The main justification I
- ZK –
You managed to
- In that case it is likely we
- Britney filed for divorce
- Perry, Affirmative Action as
- Republican Congress
- I believe they were raised
- MH,
I understand your
- ZK,
I’m a pretty moderate
- Contrary to my late night
- Slow Voter Turnout
- Finally someone with the
- Anyone have any data for
- How can it be illegal if it
- Concho – Fortunately we do
- Barnaby, have you ever read
- As if people are not getting
- Darn! I am too late, I voted
- PowaySeller – Did Jim pay
- Probably took offense
- It’s funny…I follow Jim’s
- He could also be right with
- On that note I think we have
- Powayseller – Who appointed
- ZK – Much of what would be
- Give me a break. You chose a
- “They have pared away your
- I save my fantasies for more
- I am on vacation in the
- Whenever I back out of a
- Yet another classic post!
- “…you lose the benefit of
- Let’s start a fouth!
- Most of us seem to agree
- As a Midwest transplant who
- Another Marine here! I came
- What’s more annoying and
- Interesting piece JG and I
- That’s classic
- While we are on the topic of
- Personally, I like Tim
- Complain about Fox News all
- Just to clarify – Do you
- Anyone heard any arguments
- The remarks about people
- Sounds like a great news
- has some rentals
- Got a flyer today with
- I was stationed at Pendleton
- Went to McDonalds today with
- This median business is
- Wow, I just opened another
- IMO sdrealtor makes very
- I fully understand the risk
- I honestly think it is a
- On the issue of liability:
- That’s a pretty bleak
- SDRealtor,
Is there a
- SDRealtor – You raise some
- I’ve bought and sold two
- Perry, It is interesting
- September Data
- Bugs: I second your comment
- Just to clarify. The builder
- So there is the possibility
- Perry – That is exactly what
- Completely agree with you
- Agreed,
The media is
- The fact that the market has
- FutureSDguy:
If you live in
- I have been looking at
- This trend is being lauded
- I’ve been following a
- The climate in Vista has to
- Sky is Falling in San Marcos
- I partially disagree with
- I mapped this and there is a
- Powayseller has initiated 11
- Chris –
I just finished
- JG – Where do you find this
- Deleted
- My dream is not to drive a
- If you add job lossses and a
- With regards to disconting
- Is this a townhome? Those
- Let’s just all be a little
- mydogsarelazy – Never look
- Although we should strive to
- This is facinating and I’m
- Wow, who was that artist?
- justme – Since you have such
- Barnaby – I plead guilty to
- Without a certain amount of
- Take a drive through Bressi
- Take a drive through Bressi
- I’m loving the references to
- ctlmdjb: I challenge you to
- PD – That 6.24% sure is
- They really have done a good
- The stock market has been
- But then Schwab could never
- Sometimes I wonder if
- To continue that analogy,
- It was intentionally
- Yes, have her explain it on
- Mydogsarelazy:
Did you
- 19 examples and the only
- I looked at a home online
- I moved from San Marcos this
- DH is more down to earth,
- Yes, now that huge discounts
- Agreed, and the key is that
- I think what we have now are
- Duplicate
- I saw an ad in the WS
- That’s classic vrudny!
- “A general state of
- It’s also fun when extended
- More great news from San
- It’s stories like this that
- I left a company this year
- 2009-2010, 30% drop.
- IMO you should ignore the
- I’ve worked in high
- It will be an era of great
- If your parents need the
- Found a new city on that
- Great to see I’m not alone.
- Good stuff sdrebear and I
- I don’t talk about real
- Look who has a book for
- I suspect they received
- It is also curious how these
- They should account for how
- Roman,
Do you happen to work
- Intel laid off almost
- Assuming you are serious,
- The odds of condos going up
- Wow!
I just pulled up the
- I haven’t looked in Bressi
- I would also encourage
- Is it the case that even
- The common theme that I hear
- We really need to get a
- Wow, when I logged on this
- Powayseller did claim to not
- You have to pull out all the
- All homes in this county are
- When you figure out the
- Yes, this has been a good
- Are those accurate figures?
- Interest Rates and Home Prices
- Very good lesson contraman.
- Yes Powayseller!
I am very
- I find it unlikely as well,
- “Great citations, JES. I’m
- I thought this would be a
- Powayseller: As I stated in
- At the time of the writting
- I’ve noticed that on the
- We don’t have to assume it
- That’s why I love USAA. In
- August Data
- I bouhgt a Centex home and
- We need to ask ourselves why
- If you can do the 6.2%
- So long as the realtor makes
- contraman, you are indeed a
- Save the cross! I’d chain
- Even worse, he used
- powayseller – Is this a no
- Not sure if you know this
- I personally know of a
- My ‘instincts’ are telling
- It would be a good time to
- Any figures on consumer debt
- I took German in college,
- SD Realtor,
Great analysis.
- I stand corrected.
- IMO he used quotes from
- Yeah, that was the plan 1 or
- In my example, let’s assume
- Was that Centex home the
- Powayseller, Do you have
- Not sure what that could
- UT This Morning
- I know I’ve asked this
- Law schools are even worse
- Libertarian = wasted vote,
- Would you both agree that
- Outsourcing / Remote Workers
- Poway, I don’t have any
- Perry – Only someone raised
- David – Good luck to you and
- San Marcos Reduction
- Chrispy – The three
- 1) Rent
2) Yes, sold March
- David, since you mentioned
- Are there any upgrades
- I just saw an article on
- Advice to not buy should not
- Crime and culture, like I
- Any chance of you moving to
- The problem I see with us
- That American citizen should
- As far as laws and
- If builders are cancelling
- Shiller is hitting it right
- I agree with you
- Yeah, I would say that it is
- Reply To: now at KPBS — soft landing economist talking
- Thanks UTC. You can listen
- Duplicate
- Let’s look to the stock
- Couple points:
-I have been
- I couldn’t believe they got
- Thanks for the reply. South
- Reno
- The fact that so many CA
- I think that it should be
- In 2001 I piad 260k for a
- It was probably CAR comments
- I have been of the belief
- It simply amazes me
- You’re right, one thing I
- I couldn’t be happier. I
- Reply To: CAR affordability index
- These guys would give the
- Little off topic, but don’t
- Good points!
I don’t have
- One thing to consider is
- That’s great and what a good
- I pulled some of the more
- This USAA deal is truly an
- For the Navy Fed 18-month
- I looked at that site again
- And Wal-Mart sales were
- Powayseller – How do you go
- Countrywide has a 5.25% APY
- In that case we should also
- Unless you think rates will
- That article in the UT about
- Couple questions guys:
- Duplicate
- Duplicate
- Just saw the numbers
- Perry, In my experience most
- Here’s a simple and
- The virtual office is a
- Yes, you called this one!
- Starting a business – Real estate or other
- I hold military personnel,
- More layoffs in
- MH,
Do you really think that
- Agreed
Instead of spending
- That is a crazy rate for
- These are 550+ very well
- Nokia to lay off half of work force
- Perry, if you truly believe
- Moving Miramar Marines and
- (Last reply was to Perry)
- The fact that the Marine
- The military has an
- I’m cautious about the
- By the way, Lindberg field
- Why not start by closing
- I met this guy once who
- “Open house, and open bar,
- Instead of ‘seller will
- I laughed earlier today when
- I believe the answer to all
- Yes indeed, and believe it
- In our neighborhood of 15 YO
- One issue I have is that I
- I’m curious:
Some of you
- Duplicate
- Duplicate
- Duplicate
- Duplicate
- Funny, I’ve recently read
- Powayseller – Wish I could
- The kicker is that it wasn’t
- Is the weater similar to
- That makes two of you who
- Flinger – I had decided not
- My warning was the sale of
- My hunch (and I wish I had
- Cour D’ Alene (sp? too)
- I agree with you. As much as
- I see how this is going to
- I see how this is going to
- I see how this is going to
- Yes, when I was younger and
- Here’s a related article on
- Why wouldn’t they? Next to
- Good advice. Homes in Denver
- 250k – Ft. Collins/Colorado
- Yes, I forgot to mention
- Great analysis! Think about
- Ah, you have hit it right on
- Sadly, I have determined
- When we purchased in early
- Here’s the house I was
- Interesting situation and it
- Once homes are no longer
- On a less technical
- My thoughts are that there
- It’s tragic because it’s
- Funny about the overseas
- Just looked on Monster and
- Inflation comes in to play
- Would be interesting to see
- Any numbers out there for
- Sony has big operation off
- I’d say many are real jobs,
- Really? I know housing is
- Also, WCDMA and CDMA2k are
- One would think that would
- The situation would have to
- Almost forgot! On Qualcomm
- Agreed – the wireless sector
- On the flip side other
- Centex does seem to be ahead
- Home Equity
- Why the focus on whether a
- I have an old neighbor who
- All things considered you
- I bought a new Toyota in 04′
- Yes, you’re right! And I
- Since the topic has been
- I second that:
I know a guy
- That is too funny!
- My comment about employers
- I work in the wireless
- Go to Qualcomm’s website and
- Hmm…I just read somewhere,
- Anyone have any hard numbers
- So many great responses
- It is so nice to hear from
- Isn’t that amazing that so
- Isn’t that amazing that so
- Isn’t that amazing that so
- Great post and I feel the