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Author: (former)FormerSanDiegan
Posts by (former)FormerSanDiegan
Forum Activity by (former)FormerSanDiegan
- ucodegen wrote:
- sdrealtor wrote:And then a
- Don’t pay high fees…
Buy a
- EconProf wrote:
But I must
- deadzone
- deadzone wrote:Just pay
- deadzone wrote:
Given that
- flyer wrote:And in other real
- deadzone wrote:You can’t
- deadzone wrote:
And I’m just
- Interesting move
- Have you considered Bay Park
- FlyerInHi wrote:This is what
- The saying goes:
“Now you’re
- Super high IQ. So high it
- Speaking of nailing
- I’m still waiting for that
- Trumpelstiltskin
- Do you have the resources
- Oni Koroshi wrote:Shouldn’t
- Slightly off topic, but
- gzz wrote:What is that?
- These articles don’t take
- Thank you for citing my
- kev374 wrote:just because
- I like her style.
Rich, you
- I think it depends on the
- Escoguy wrote:
I’d suggest
- .. gonna put that question
- Folks…
Today is pi day. In
- When bears capitulate and
- Ribbles wrote:We are in this
- We did a rent-back agreement
- I wouldn’t assume all real
- The BG trip with CA
- We bought a new LEAF when it
- If you are super savers and
- I don;t have any good ideas
- scaredyclassic wrote:changing
- If I were you I would sell
- Public Service Announcement
- I have a slightly different
- Interesting recent article on
- ltsdd wrote:
This is strictly
- The SDDT site stopped
- Let’s turn this around:
- I think feeding the trolls is
- I’m no climate expert, but it
- paramount wrote:After
- paramount
- What was your original reason
- Having lived in both places,
- spdrun wrote:In a normal
- AN wrote:So, 2 people so far
- I remember the following
- If you are considering
- You are missing a key piece
- rockingtime wrote:Since you
- CA renter wrote:
This fully
- Rich Rocks the UT
- 1. perspective: $1200 a year
- bibsoconner wrote:
So if
- kev374 wrote: The alternative
- The first boomers (born in
- 14296 Dalia Dr, SOLANA BEACH,
- I thought people like Patrick
- afx114 wrote:It’s a bit
- Bitcoin acts a lot more like
- During the previous real
- CA renter wrote:
Out of
- That pic looks like a Carlos
- 6packscaredy wrote:Temecula
- You are being bullied. The
- I think it’s pointless to
- SDHopes wrote:BoomerAang
- paramount wrote:The upside to
- livinincali
- I agree with Hatfield and HLS
- EconProf wrote:
- HLS wrote:
I realize that
- Meanwhile… short-term
- The-Shoveler wrote:OK I will
- We should just make killing
- We have purchased 4 houses
- There certainly is a lot of
- no_such_reality wrote:
- SD Realtor wrote:Get an
- This is yet another reason
- spdrun wrote:Are there any
- The only difference i see is
- kev374 wrote:
Let me ask YOU
- bearishgurl wrote:
Of course,
- Household
- outtamojo wrote:I never could
- People who are underwater are
- all wrote:bearishgurl
- Termite section 1 clearance
- This reminds me …
When we
- “Why the huge difference
- My first vacancy was the
- BG –
I consider myself
- Article on Gen Y
“So is this
- Other historical views on
- bearishgurl wrote:
FSD, that
- bearishgurl wrote:
I don’t
- spdrun wrote:All I can say is
- agreed… that particular
- Another reason to use a PM
- spdrun wrote:The way to do it
- You’re welcome.
- Here’s what I do to cope with
- spdrun wrote:It’s a farkin’
- I don’t really agree with the
- bearishgurl wrote:
… I
- earlyretirement wrote:Yep.
- The-Shoveler wrote:If you
- earlyretirement wrote:I
- Rich Toscano wrote:barnaby33
- barnaby33 wrote:This has
- That’s funny… So if we see
- spdrun wrote:Why would a
- Congratulations Rich !
- Grab your surfboard dudes,
- BG – I agree that for the
- bearishgurl wrote:
FSD, would
- earlyretirement wrote:
- bearishgurl wrote:
I never
- If squat300 leaves I hope
- bearishgurl wrote:
- BG – “These workers really
- Not directly, but I tried to
- … just checking in a year
- I bought BRK.B in early 2010
- Hottest Up-Coming Neighborhoods in 2013 : Mira Mesa
- Do you live in the same city
- … also, these may be zoned
- jpinpb wrote:Well, I had the
- carlsbadworker wrote:
You are
- CA renter wrote: We were
- SK in CV wrote:
I think
- The notion that interest rate
- SK in CV
- anxvariety wrote:
I am not
- AN wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- mike92104 wrote:Federal
- On a related note, why is
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:flu
- PLAN A –
First, draft up an
- One major source for Rentals
- I think flu touched on many
- Not exactly uniformly
- sdduuuude wrote:birmingplumb
- Whatever you do, rent in your
- Regarding commutes.
At 10 am
- other FS D –
What part of SD
- Hello other FS D
Take a look
- flu –
Good News… keep
- We mostly buy in the
- birmingplumb wrote:
There is
- Your current purchase likely
- Spammers sometimes dredge up
- “working with the first
- no_such_reality wrote:Yes,
- Great thread!
of course if
- Matt-
It depends on your
- Assuming you have a
- whomever it is, you gotta
- enron_by_the_sea wrote:“Gah
- SK in CV wrote:Don’t take
- sdsurfer – I think that’s a
- Maybe you can donate to the
- Clearly the tenant is right.
- The irony is that some folks
- I like the Coast-to-coast
- ocrenter wrote:
The tsunami
- He should call her bluff and
- paramount wrote:I’m no tax
- MLG generally has given
- sdduuuude wrote:Considering
- As to investing in a company
- There are tax advantages to
- bearishgurl
- Statistically, the expected
- Jazzman wrote:Are you
- As for SHiller …
I tend to
- The-Shoveler wrote:SoCal is
- There has been discussion
- walterwhite wrote:on the
- Hadn;t noticed the gas price
- CA renter wrote:latenightsd
- You can buy REITS in an
- Don’t worry Tsunami V5.0 is
- pri_dk wrote:
One day things
- Generally speaking your loan
- Jacarandoso
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:$
- $ 253,897.13
- walterwhite wrote:You borrow
- urbanrealtor
- number ? PLEEEASE
- Nor-LA-SD-GUY2 wrote:Gee I
- CAN you PLEEEEASE post the
- Thanks BG. But some people
- $325,724.68
- CA renter wrote:What
- OT: Public employees: mistreated and misunderstood OR leeches to productivity ?
- I haven’t read this entire
- As long as we are whining
- ctr70 wrote:I will have to
- CA renter wrote:
It’s a much
- SD Realtor wrote:No way man.
- CA renter wrote:
The pension
- Actually, there is a back
- I am not a real estate agent,
- It’s funny how the boomers
- As someone who was born in
- EJ wrote:
@patb – I am not
- You should have them sign a
- As we sit beside the yule
- OT: Holiday Season Song for these Times
- sdduuuude wrote:paramount
- They also appear to have
- briansd1 – My original post
- The Buy call also takes into
- CA renter wrote:sdduuuude
- … or wrong.
- … or aliens ?
- walterwhite wrote:What if the
- The owner already refinanced
- I set foot in San Diego in
- markmax33 wrote:
- walterwhite wrote:Name ONE
- flu wrote:
..There’s never
- So if 2009 and earlier FHA
- bearishgurl wrote:
Amount of
- bearishgurl wrote:IMO,
- gandalf wrote:
Do I think
- walterwhite wrote:practically
- patientrenter wrote:sdrealtor
- Josh –
I diagree that housing
- barnaby33 wrote:So you are
- patientrenter
- I would conjecture that a
- This is not an isolated
- To clarify, I am looking for
- Reliable (and timely) Rental Rates Information
- paramount wrote:That’s what
- briansd1 wrote:
SF is not a
- CA renter wrote:
If not for
- Drop your rent by $50.
- sdrealtor wrote:Mr Mortgage
- GH wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- I think that this upcoming
- Dear svelte –
Your tenant has
- I predict that there will be
- Did the power go out in LA,
- The real reason for the power
- Here is a re-post of
- davelj makes some excellent
- Perhaps this is what caused
- George Bush screwed
- Temecula Zillow
I follwed the
- ice9 wrote:
You’re probably
- ice9 wrote:
You’re probably
- ice9 wrote:
You’re probably
- ice9 wrote:
You’re probably
- ice9 wrote:
You’re probably
- That being said, we once
- That being said, we once
- That being said, we once
- That being said, we once
- That being said, we once
- The original question here is
- The original question here is
- The original question here is
- The original question here is
- The original question here is
- Briansd1, I Love the string
- Briansd1, I Love the string
- Briansd1, I Love the string
- Briansd1, I Love the string
- Briansd1, I Love the string
- REZ – ETF based on rental
- REZ – ETF based on rental
- REZ – ETF based on rental
- REZ – ETF based on rental
- REZ – ETF based on rental
- I also disagree with the
- I also disagree with the
- I also disagree with the
- I also disagree with the
- I also disagree with the
- captcha wrote:I was under
- captcha wrote:I was under
- captcha wrote:I was under
- captcha wrote:I was under
- captcha wrote:I was under
- temeculaguy wrote:Speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:Speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:Speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:Speaking of
- temeculaguy wrote:Speaking of
- Maybe those people are
- Maybe those people are
- Maybe those people are
- Maybe those people are
- Maybe those people are
- Aecetia wrote:Flu,
Good for
- Aecetia wrote:Flu,
Good for
- Aecetia wrote:Flu,
Good for
- Aecetia wrote:Flu,
Good for
- Aecetia wrote:Flu,
Good for
- If you submit enough 10%
- If you submit enough 10%
- If you submit enough 10%
- If you submit enough 10%
- If you submit enough 10%
- CA renter
- CA renter
- CA renter
- CA renter
- CA renter
- CA renter wrote:
I’ve often
- CA renter wrote:
I’ve often
- CA renter wrote:
I’ve often
- CA renter wrote:
I’ve often
- CA renter wrote:
I’ve often
- uhh, forgot the link.
- uhh, forgot the link.
- uhh, forgot the link.
- uhh, forgot the link.
- uhh, forgot the link.
- Here is one with prices from
- Here is one with prices from
- Here is one with prices from
- Here is one with prices from
- Here is one with prices from
- … but if you need to stick
- … but if you need to stick
- … but if you need to stick
- … but if you need to stick
- … but if you need to stick
- If you can wait another year
- If you can wait another year
- If you can wait another year
- If you can wait another year
- If you can wait another year
- jstoesz wrote:Here is a life
- jstoesz wrote:Here is a life
- jstoesz wrote:Here is a life
- jstoesz wrote:Here is a life
- jstoesz wrote:Here is a life
- briansd1 wrote:
Do your kids
- briansd1 wrote:
Do your kids
- briansd1 wrote:
Do your kids
- briansd1 wrote:
Do your kids
- briansd1 wrote:
Do your kids
- I’m fairly conservative and
- I’m fairly conservative and
- I’m fairly conservative and
- I’m fairly conservative and
- I’m fairly conservative and
- CA renter wrote:
What I fear
- CA renter wrote:
What I fear
- CA renter wrote:
What I fear
- CA renter wrote:
What I fear
- CA renter wrote:
What I fear
- Home prices only go down.
- Home prices only go down.
- Home prices only go down.
- Home prices only go down.
- Home prices only go down.
- My hobbies:
0. Reading about
- My hobbies:
0. Reading about
- My hobbies:
0. Reading about
- My hobbies:
0. Reading about
- My hobbies:
0. Reading about
- BillS78 wrote:You can stay
- BillS78 wrote:You can stay
- BillS78 wrote:You can stay
- BillS78 wrote:You can stay
- BillS78 wrote:You can stay
- CA renter wrote:
Sdr, what
- CA renter wrote:
Sdr, what
- CA renter wrote:
Sdr, what
- CA renter wrote:
Sdr, what
- CA renter wrote:
Sdr, what
- sdrealtor wrote:A beautiful
- sdrealtor wrote:A beautiful
- sdrealtor wrote:A beautiful
- sdrealtor wrote:A beautiful
- sdrealtor wrote:A beautiful
- Your safest assumption is to
- Your safest assumption is to
- Your safest assumption is to
- Your safest assumption is to
- Your safest assumption is to
- I just noticed this:
- I just noticed this:
- I just noticed this:
- I just noticed this:
- I just noticed this:
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- paramount wrote:Since many
- Is that $12,000 all your
- Is that $12,000 all your
- Is that $12,000 all your
- Is that $12,000 all your
- Is that $12,000 all your
- Point Mugu is in ventura
- Point Mugu is in ventura
- Point Mugu is in ventura
- Point Mugu is in ventura
- Point Mugu is in ventura
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- Right now, late Spring 2011
- Right now, late Spring 2011
- Right now, late Spring 2011
- Right now, late Spring 2011
- Right now, late Spring 2011
- pri_dk wrote:carlsbadworker
- pri_dk wrote:carlsbadworker
- pri_dk wrote:carlsbadworker
- pri_dk wrote:carlsbadworker
- pri_dk wrote:carlsbadworker
- UR is correct, the laws did
- UR is correct, the laws did
- UR is correct, the laws did
- UR is correct, the laws did
- UR is correct, the laws did
- It depends.
How much would
- It depends.
How much would
- It depends.
How much would
- It depends.
How much would
- It depends.
How much would
- try
- try
- try
- try
- try
- walterwhite wrote:on the
- walterwhite wrote:on the
- walterwhite wrote:on the
- walterwhite wrote:on the
- walterwhite wrote:on the
- Scarlett wrote:Zero for
- Scarlett wrote:Zero for
- Scarlett wrote:Zero for
- Scarlett wrote:Zero for
- Scarlett wrote:Zero for
- [quote=Scarlett]Good point,
- [quote=Scarlett]Good point,
- [quote=Scarlett]Good point,
- [quote=Scarlett]Good point,
- [quote=Scarlett]Good point,
- Scarlett wrote:What about
- Scarlett wrote:What about
- Scarlett wrote:What about
- Scarlett wrote:What about
- Scarlett wrote:What about
- Scarlett wrote:If the prices
- Scarlett wrote:If the prices
- Scarlett wrote:If the prices
- Scarlett wrote:If the prices
- Scarlett wrote:If the prices
- Scarlett wrote:
I thought it
- Scarlett wrote:
I thought it
- Scarlett wrote:
I thought it
- Scarlett wrote:
I thought it
- Scarlett wrote:
I thought it
- Scarlett wrote:
I didn’t
- Scarlett wrote:
I didn’t
- Scarlett wrote:
I didn’t
- Scarlett wrote:
I didn’t
- Scarlett wrote:
I didn’t
- UCGuy – Affordability in San
- UCGuy – Affordability in San
- UCGuy – Affordability in San
- UCGuy – Affordability in San
- UCGuy – Affordability in San
- Doooh wrote:
Here’s what has
- Doooh wrote:
Here’s what has
- Doooh wrote:
Here’s what has
- Doooh wrote:
Here’s what has
- Doooh wrote:
Here’s what has
- briansd1 wrote:
Dave said
- briansd1 wrote:
Dave said
- briansd1 wrote:
Dave said
- briansd1 wrote:
Dave said
- briansd1 wrote:
Dave said
- Isn’t there someone on this
- Isn’t there someone on this
- Isn’t there someone on this
- Isn’t there someone on this
- Isn’t there someone on this
- I don’t believe the resets
- I don’t believe the resets
- I don’t believe the resets
- I don’t believe the resets
- I don’t believe the resets
- barnaby33 wrote:It turns out
- barnaby33 wrote:It turns out
- barnaby33 wrote:It turns out
- barnaby33 wrote:It turns out
- barnaby33 wrote:It turns out
- I never thought my April
- I never thought my April
- I never thought my April
- I never thought my April
- I never thought my April
- ;)
- ;)
- ;)
- ;)
- ;)
- :)
- :)
- :)
- :)
- :)
- sorry, forgot the link
- sorry, forgot the link
- sorry, forgot the link
- sorry, forgot the link
- sorry, forgot the link
- Shadow inventory finally being released ?
- EmilyHicks wrote:The last 10
- EmilyHicks wrote:The last 10
- EmilyHicks wrote:The last 10
- EmilyHicks wrote:The last 10
- EmilyHicks wrote:The last 10
- davelj wrote:Let’s see what
- davelj wrote:Let’s see what
- davelj wrote:Let’s see what
- davelj wrote:Let’s see what
- davelj wrote:Let’s see what
- I understand the concept of
- I understand the concept of
- I understand the concept of
- I understand the concept of
- I understand the concept of
- outtamojo wrote:Ha ha ,
- outtamojo wrote:Ha ha ,
- outtamojo wrote:Ha ha ,
- outtamojo wrote:Ha ha ,
- outtamojo wrote:Ha ha ,
- Flip houses. It’s easy. You
- Flip houses. It’s easy. You
- Flip houses. It’s easy. You
- Flip houses. It’s easy. You
- Flip houses. It’s easy. You
- briansd1 wrote:The Nissan
- briansd1 wrote:The Nissan
- briansd1 wrote:The Nissan
- briansd1 wrote:The Nissan
- briansd1 wrote:The Nissan
- jpinpb wrote:Agree w/SDR.
- jpinpb wrote:Agree w/SDR.
- jpinpb wrote:Agree w/SDR.
- jpinpb wrote:Agree w/SDR.
- jpinpb wrote:Agree w/SDR.
- CDMA ENG wrote:The economics
- CDMA ENG wrote:The economics
- CDMA ENG wrote:The economics
- CDMA ENG wrote:The economics
- CDMA ENG wrote:The economics
- 1 Bath is not a problem since
- 1 Bath is not a problem since
- 1 Bath is not a problem since
- 1 Bath is not a problem since
- 1 Bath is not a problem since
- As this thread proves
- As this thread proves
- As this thread proves
- As this thread proves
- As this thread proves
- bearishgurl wrote:sdr, put
- bearishgurl wrote:sdr, put
- bearishgurl wrote:sdr, put
- bearishgurl wrote:sdr, put
- bearishgurl wrote:sdr, put
- Rich Toscano wrote:I have SD
- Rich Toscano wrote:I have SD
- Rich Toscano wrote:I have SD
- Rich Toscano wrote:I have SD
- Rich Toscano wrote:I have SD
- If you can buy a place that
- If you can buy a place that
- If you can buy a place that
- If you can buy a place that
- If you can buy a place that
- I agree with jstoesz …
- I agree with jstoesz …
- I agree with jstoesz …
- I agree with jstoesz …
- I agree with jstoesz …
- BG – Agreed One of the
- BG – Agreed One of the
- BG – Agreed One of the
- BG – Agreed One of the
- BG – Agreed One of the
- Is this a manufactured home
- Is this a manufactured home
- Is this a manufactured home
- Is this a manufactured home
- Is this a manufactured home
- Sure, the resets of 2-year
- Sure, the resets of 2-year
- Sure, the resets of 2-year
- Sure, the resets of 2-year
- Sure, the resets of 2-year
- CAR –
I agree that there are
- CAR –
I agree that there are
- CAR –
I agree that there are
- CAR –
I agree that there are
- CAR –
I agree that there are
- doofrat wrote:Thanks FSD. I
- doofrat wrote:Thanks FSD. I
- doofrat wrote:Thanks FSD. I
- doofrat wrote:Thanks FSD. I
- doofrat wrote:Thanks FSD. I
- Doooh wrote:You sound like an
- Doooh wrote:You sound like an
- Doooh wrote:You sound like an
- Doooh wrote:You sound like an
- Doooh wrote:You sound like an
- Doooh wrote:Your examples
- Doooh wrote:Your examples
- Doooh wrote:Your examples
- Doooh wrote:Your examples
- Doooh wrote:Your examples
- doofrat wrote:
If you go from
- doofrat wrote:
If you go from
- doofrat wrote:
If you go from
- doofrat wrote:
If you go from
- doofrat wrote:
If you go from
- jpinpb –
Your hard work,
- jpinpb –
Your hard work,
- jpinpb –
Your hard work,
- jpinpb –
Your hard work,
- jpinpb –
Your hard work,
- If rates changed
- If rates changed
- If rates changed
- If rates changed
- If rates changed
- You cannot really ever have
- You cannot really ever have
- You cannot really ever have
- You cannot really ever have
- You cannot really ever have
- B
- B
- B
- B
- B
- yogamom wrote:Agree that the
- yogamom wrote:Agree that the
- yogamom wrote:Agree that the
- yogamom wrote:Agree that the
- yogamom wrote:Agree that the
- I have a sneaking suspicion
- I have a sneaking suspicion
- I have a sneaking suspicion
- I have a sneaking suspicion
- I have a sneaking suspicion
- The best time to buy is
- The best time to buy is
- The best time to buy is
- The best time to buy is
- The best time to buy is
- finance_king wrote:I could
- finance_king wrote:I could
- finance_king wrote:I could
- finance_king wrote:I could
- finance_king wrote:I could
- Go with option 3. The 1/8
- Go with option 3. The 1/8
- Go with option 3. The 1/8
- Go with option 3. The 1/8
- Go with option 3. The 1/8
- Rule #1 : Never try to buy a
- Rule #1 : Never try to buy a
- Rule #1 : Never try to buy a
- Rule #1 : Never try to buy a
- Rule #1 : Never try to buy a
- A scrape is considered new
- A scrape is considered new
- A scrape is considered new
- A scrape is considered new
- A scrape is considered new
- sdrealtor wrote:deadzone
- sdrealtor wrote:deadzone
- sdrealtor wrote:deadzone
- sdrealtor wrote:deadzone
- sdrealtor wrote:deadzone
- pri_dk wrote:”I propose to
- pri_dk wrote:”I propose to
- pri_dk wrote:”I propose to
- pri_dk wrote:”I propose to
- pri_dk wrote:”I propose to
- jstoesz wrote:a neighborhood
- jstoesz wrote:a neighborhood
- jstoesz wrote:a neighborhood
- jstoesz wrote:a neighborhood
- jstoesz wrote:a neighborhood
- Tahnks for the additional
- Tahnks for the additional
- Tahnks for the additional
- Tahnks for the additional
- Tahnks for the additional
- briansd1 wrote:JBurkett19
- briansd1 wrote:JBurkett19
- briansd1 wrote:JBurkett19
- briansd1 wrote:JBurkett19
- briansd1 wrote:JBurkett19
- deadzone wrote:
Are you
- deadzone wrote:
Are you
- deadzone wrote:
Are you
- deadzone wrote:
Are you
- deadzone wrote:
Are you
- Update …
15 months after
- Update …
15 months after
- Update …
15 months after
- Update …
15 months after
- Update …
15 months after
- briansd1 wrote:
I agree with
- briansd1 wrote:
I agree with
- briansd1 wrote:
I agree with
- briansd1 wrote:
I agree with
- briansd1 wrote:
I agree with
- deadzone wrote:FSD, in your
- deadzone wrote:FSD, in your
- deadzone wrote:FSD, in your
- deadzone wrote:FSD, in your
- deadzone wrote:FSD, in your
- sdrealtor wrote:FSD
I’ll add
- sdrealtor wrote:FSD
I’ll add
- sdrealtor wrote:FSD
I’ll add
- sdrealtor wrote:FSD
I’ll add
- sdrealtor wrote:FSD
I’ll add
- deadzone –
There are plenty
- deadzone –
There are plenty
- deadzone –
There are plenty
- deadzone –
There are plenty
- deadzone –
There are plenty
- socrattt wrote:Article 7.1.9
- socrattt wrote:Article 7.1.9
- socrattt wrote:Article 7.1.9
- socrattt wrote:Article 7.1.9
- socrattt wrote:Article 7.1.9
- jstoesz wrote:Damn you all!
- jstoesz wrote:Damn you all!
- jstoesz wrote:Damn you all!
- jstoesz wrote:Damn you all!
- jstoesz wrote:Damn you all!
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- Huckleberry wrote:I stand by
- Huckleberry wrote:I stand by
- Huckleberry wrote:I stand by
- Huckleberry wrote:I stand by
- Huckleberry wrote:I stand by
- briansd1 wrote:
Hard to look
- briansd1 wrote:
Hard to look
- briansd1 wrote:
Hard to look
- briansd1 wrote:
Hard to look
- briansd1 wrote:
Hard to look
- go electric … Nissan
- go electric … Nissan
- go electric … Nissan
- go electric … Nissan
- go electric … Nissan
- Huckleberry wrote:
We all
- Huckleberry wrote:
We all
- Huckleberry wrote:
We all
- Huckleberry wrote:
We all
- Huckleberry wrote:
We all
- sdduuuude wrote:Thanks, FSD,
- sdduuuude wrote:Thanks, FSD,
- sdduuuude wrote:Thanks, FSD,
- sdduuuude wrote:Thanks, FSD,
- sdduuuude wrote:Thanks, FSD,
- sdduuuude wrote:While it
- sdduuuude wrote:While it
- sdduuuude wrote:While it
- sdduuuude wrote:While it
- sdduuuude wrote:While it
- December/January are
- December/January are
- December/January are
- December/January are
- December/January are
- jameswenn wrote:It doesn’t
- jameswenn wrote:It doesn’t
- jameswenn wrote:It doesn’t
- jameswenn wrote:It doesn’t
- jameswenn wrote:It doesn’t
- I think the FISERV
- I think the FISERV
- I think the FISERV
- I think the FISERV
- I think the FISERV
- I would build up more cash
- I would build up more cash
- I would build up more cash
- I would build up more cash
- I would build up more cash
- briansd1 wrote: I like to
- briansd1 wrote: I like to
- briansd1 wrote: I like to
- briansd1 wrote: I like to
- briansd1 wrote: I like to
- Pavlov wrote:
Ah, we have a
- Pavlov wrote:
Ah, we have a
- Pavlov wrote:
Ah, we have a
- Pavlov wrote:
Ah, we have a
- Pavlov wrote:
Ah, we have a
- Ima Nass
- Ima Nass
- Ima Nass
- Ima Nass
- Ima Nass
- Back to jstoesz original
- Back to jstoesz original
- Back to jstoesz original
- Back to jstoesz original
- Back to jstoesz original
- Ima Nass wrote:
Look, nobody
- Ima Nass wrote:
Look, nobody
- Ima Nass wrote:
Look, nobody
- Ima Nass wrote:
Look, nobody
- Ima Nass wrote:
Look, nobody
- Ima Nass wrote:My wife and I
- Ima Nass wrote:My wife and I
- Ima Nass wrote:My wife and I
- Ima Nass wrote:My wife and I
- Ima Nass wrote:My wife and I
- sdrealtor wrote: Not saying
- sdrealtor wrote: Not saying
- sdrealtor wrote: Not saying
- sdrealtor wrote: Not saying
- sdrealtor wrote: Not saying
- jstoesz – You need to do what
- jstoesz – You need to do what
- jstoesz – You need to do what
- jstoesz – You need to do what
- jstoesz – You need to do what
- jstoesz wrote:you guys were
- jstoesz wrote:you guys were
- jstoesz wrote:you guys were
- jstoesz wrote:you guys were
- jstoesz wrote:you guys were
- jstoesz wrote:oh just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh just to
- jstoesz wrote:oh just to
- jpinpb wrote:
So I guess the
- jpinpb wrote:
So I guess the
- jpinpb wrote:
So I guess the
- jpinpb wrote:
So I guess the
- jpinpb wrote:
So I guess the
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- protorio wrote:
… Some
- protorio wrote:
… Some
- protorio wrote:
… Some
- protorio wrote:
… Some
- protorio wrote:
… Some
- jstoesz wrote:Those curves
- jstoesz wrote:Those curves
- jstoesz wrote:Those curves
- jstoesz wrote:Those curves
- jstoesz wrote:Those curves
- protorio wrote:
But to be
- protorio wrote:
But to be
- protorio wrote:
But to be
- protorio wrote:
But to be
- protorio wrote:
But to be
- wanttobuy –
Your strategy
- wanttobuy –
Your strategy
- wanttobuy –
Your strategy
- wanttobuy –
Your strategy
- wanttobuy –
Your strategy
- This thread and a recent
- This thread and a recent
- This thread and a recent
- This thread and a recent
- This thread and a recent
- jstoesz wrote:
But so far,
- jstoesz wrote:
But so far,
- jstoesz wrote:
But so far,
- jstoesz wrote:
But so far,
- jstoesz wrote:
But so far,
- walterwhite wrote:
- walterwhite wrote:
- walterwhite wrote:
- walterwhite wrote:
- walterwhite wrote:
- Only 6 hours and 40 minutes
- Only 6 hours and 40 minutes
- Only 6 hours and 40 minutes
- Only 6 hours and 40 minutes
- Only 6 hours and 40 minutes
- If you refinance and the
- If you refinance and the
- If you refinance and the
- If you refinance and the
- If you refinance and the
- teaboy wrote:OK, so I just
- teaboy wrote:OK, so I just
- teaboy wrote:OK, so I just
- teaboy wrote:OK, so I just
- teaboy wrote:OK, so I just
- erik0534 wrote:I had a link
- erik0534 wrote:I had a link
- erik0534 wrote:I had a link
- erik0534 wrote:I had a link
- erik0534 wrote:I had a link
- – insert my previous comment
- – insert my previous comment
- – insert my previous comment
- – insert my previous comment
- – insert my previous comment
- Here is a summary of how well
- Here is a summary of how well
- Here is a summary of how well
- Here is a summary of how well
- Here is a summary of how well
- weberlin wrote:
I still don’t
- weberlin wrote:
I still don’t
- weberlin wrote:
I still don’t
- weberlin wrote:
I still don’t
- weberlin wrote:
I still don’t
- First of all, posting what is
- First of all, posting what is
- First of all, posting what is
- First of all, posting what is
- First of all, posting what is
- One example:
- One example:
- One example:
- One example:
- One example:
- weberlin wrote:Why is the
- weberlin wrote:Why is the
- weberlin wrote:Why is the
- weberlin wrote:Why is the
- weberlin wrote:Why is the
- I believe that the past few
- I believe that the past few
- I believe that the past few
- I believe that the past few
- I believe that the past few
- All of my allocation for
- All of my allocation for
- All of my allocation for
- All of my allocation for
- All of my allocation for
- flu wrote:
I got it from
- flu wrote:
I got it from
- flu wrote:
I got it from
- flu wrote:
I got it from
- flu wrote:
I got it from
- … index … “reaches new
- … index … “reaches new
- … index … “reaches new
- … index … “reaches new
- … index … “reaches new
- The only way to address this
- The only way to address this
- The only way to address this
- The only way to address this
- The only way to address this
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:jstoesz
- briansd1 wrote:
That’s very
- briansd1 wrote:
That’s very
- briansd1 wrote:
That’s very
- briansd1 wrote:
That’s very
- briansd1 wrote:
That’s very
- Before you do anything,
- Before you do anything,
- Before you do anything,
- Before you do anything,
- Before you do anything,
- I concur with sdr on not
- I concur with sdr on not
- I concur with sdr on not
- I concur with sdr on not
- I concur with sdr on not
- CONCHO wrote:As with the
- CONCHO wrote:As with the
- CONCHO wrote:As with the
- CONCHO wrote:As with the
- CONCHO wrote:As with the
- investor
- investor
- investor
- investor
- investor
- How about the following
- How about the following
- How about the following
- How about the following
- How about the following
- I have another idea.
- I have another idea.
- I have another idea.
- I have another idea.
- I have another idea.
- Forgot to add… If you are
- Forgot to add… If you are
- Forgot to add… If you are
- Forgot to add… If you are
- Forgot to add… If you are
- Don;t know about specifics
- Don;t know about specifics
- Don;t know about specifics
- Don;t know about specifics
- Don;t know about specifics
- investor
- investor
- investor
- investor
- investor
- I don’t have time to write a
- I don’t have time to write a
- I don’t have time to write a
- I don’t have time to write a
- I don’t have time to write a
- pri_dk wrote:
But now the
- pri_dk wrote:
But now the
- pri_dk wrote:
But now the
- pri_dk wrote:
But now the
- pri_dk wrote:
But now the
- Sounds like a variant on
- Sounds like a variant on
- Sounds like a variant on
- Sounds like a variant on
- Sounds like a variant on
- If your cash is earmarked for
- If your cash is earmarked for
- If your cash is earmarked for
- If your cash is earmarked for
- If your cash is earmarked for
- flu wrote:
Any ideas why?
- flu wrote:
Any ideas why?
- flu wrote:
Any ideas why?
- flu wrote:
Any ideas why?
- flu wrote:
Any ideas why?
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Ricechex wrote:Monthly rent =
- Have you ever lived/worked in
- Have you ever lived/worked in
- Have you ever lived/worked in
- Have you ever lived/worked in
- Have you ever lived/worked in
- On the surface it sounds like
- On the surface it sounds like
- On the surface it sounds like
- On the surface it sounds like
- On the surface it sounds like
- doofrat wrote:Why do
- doofrat wrote:Why do
- doofrat wrote:Why do
- doofrat wrote:Why do
- doofrat wrote:Why do
- briansd1 wrote:
Whitman was
- briansd1 wrote:
Whitman was
- briansd1 wrote:
Whitman was
- briansd1 wrote:
Whitman was
- briansd1 wrote:
Whitman was
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- It seems that everyone knows
- It seems that everyone knows
- It seems that everyone knows
- It seems that everyone knows
- It seems that everyone knows
- Hobie wrote:I would have
- Hobie wrote:I would have
- Hobie wrote:I would have
- Hobie wrote:I would have
- Hobie wrote:I would have
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- NicMM wrote:Yes, the company
- NicMM wrote:Yes, the company
- NicMM wrote:Yes, the company
- NicMM wrote:Yes, the company
- NicMM wrote:Yes, the company
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- The fundamental flaw in your
- The fundamental flaw in your
- The fundamental flaw in your
- The fundamental flaw in your
- The fundamental flaw in your
- Refinance has nothing to do
- Refinance has nothing to do
- Refinance has nothing to do
- Refinance has nothing to do
- Refinance has nothing to do
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- BigGovernmentIsGood
- briansd1 wrote:
I always felt
- briansd1 wrote:
I always felt
- briansd1 wrote:
I always felt
- briansd1 wrote:
I always felt
- briansd1 wrote:
I always felt
- I assume you are moving from
- I assume you are moving from
- I assume you are moving from
- I assume you are moving from
- I assume you are moving from
- Making strategic changes,
- Making strategic changes,
- Making strategic changes,
- Making strategic changes,
- Making strategic changes,
- The U.S. exports over $1
- The U.S. exports over $1
- The U.S. exports over $1
- The U.S. exports over $1
- The U.S. exports over $1
- I am guessing that HLS with
- I am guessing that HLS with
- I am guessing that HLS with
- I am guessing that HLS with
- I am guessing that HLS with
- sdrealtor wrote:and write the
- sdrealtor wrote:and write the
- sdrealtor wrote:and write the
- sdrealtor wrote:and write the
- sdrealtor wrote:and write the
- I agree. Unless the land is
- I agree. Unless the land is
- I agree. Unless the land is
- I agree. Unless the land is
- I agree. Unless the land is
- Arraya wrote:Actually, in
- Arraya wrote:Actually, in
- Arraya wrote:Actually, in
- Arraya wrote:Actually, in
- Arraya wrote:Actually, in
- (I see that while I was
- (I see that while I was
- (I see that while I was
- (I see that while I was
- (I see that while I was
- Regardless of when it closes,
- Regardless of when it closes,
- Regardless of when it closes,
- Regardless of when it closes,
- Regardless of when it closes,
- Here’s a book to read
- Here’s a book to read
- Here’s a book to read
- Here’s a book to read
- Here’s a book to read
- A patent would only protect
- A patent would only protect
- A patent would only protect
- A patent would only protect
- A patent would only protect
- walterwhite wrote:and what is
- walterwhite wrote:and what is
- walterwhite wrote:and what is
- walterwhite wrote:and what is
- walterwhite wrote:and what is
- walterwhite wrote:no it’s
- walterwhite wrote:no it’s
- walterwhite wrote:no it’s
- walterwhite wrote:no it’s
- walterwhite wrote:no it’s
- walterwhite wrote:yeah but 2%
- walterwhite wrote:yeah but 2%
- walterwhite wrote:yeah but 2%
- walterwhite wrote:yeah but 2%
- walterwhite wrote:yeah but 2%
- walterwhite wrote: All sort
- walterwhite wrote: All sort
- walterwhite wrote: All sort
- walterwhite wrote: All sort
- walterwhite wrote: All sort
- “I also remember
- “I also remember
- “I also remember
- “I also remember
- “I also remember
- CONCHO wrote:meadandale
- CONCHO wrote:meadandale
- CONCHO wrote:meadandale
- CONCHO wrote:meadandale
- CONCHO wrote:meadandale
- sdrealtor wrote:I agree. Give
- sdrealtor wrote:I agree. Give
- sdrealtor wrote:I agree. Give
- sdrealtor wrote:I agree. Give
- sdrealtor wrote:I agree. Give
- kcal09 wrote:Refinancing has
- kcal09 wrote:Refinancing has
- kcal09 wrote:Refinancing has
- kcal09 wrote:Refinancing has
- kcal09 wrote:Refinancing has
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- It may or may not have any
- It may or may not have any
- It may or may not have any
- It may or may not have any
- It may or may not have any
- See ya later brianFL1.
- See ya later brianFL1.
- See ya later brianFL1.
- See ya later brianFL1.
- See ya later brianFL1.
- “if anyone runs into any bugs
- “if anyone runs into any bugs
- “if anyone runs into any bugs
- “if anyone runs into any bugs
- “if anyone runs into any bugs
- Ren wrote:paramount wrote:My
- Ren wrote:paramount wrote:My
- Ren wrote:paramount wrote:My
- Ren wrote:paramount wrote:My
- Ren wrote:paramount wrote:My
- Inflation.
- Inflation.
- Inflation.
- Inflation.
- Inflation.
- bubba99 wrote:
The GS
- bubba99 wrote:
The GS
- bubba99 wrote:
The GS
- bubba99 wrote:
The GS
- bubba99 wrote:
The GS
- The real story on the 3,8%
- The real story on the 3,8%
- The real story on the 3,8%
- The real story on the 3,8%
- The real story on the 3,8%
- I stand corrected. Reading
- I stand corrected. Reading
- I stand corrected. Reading
- I stand corrected. Reading
- I stand corrected. Reading
- jficquette wrote:We are
- jficquette wrote:We are
- jficquette wrote:We are
- jficquette wrote:We are
- jficquette wrote:We are
- I agree in general on
- I agree in general on
- I agree in general on
- I agree in general on
- I agree in general on
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl wrote:FSD, my
- bearishgurl wrote:FSD, my
- bearishgurl wrote:FSD, my
- bearishgurl wrote:FSD, my
- bearishgurl wrote:FSD, my
- Once again the source of the
- Once again the source of the
- Once again the source of the
- Once again the source of the
- Once again the source of the
- I thought the article was a
- I thought the article was a
- I thought the article was a
- I thought the article was a
- I thought the article was a
- The source for the prediction
- The source for the prediction
- The source for the prediction
- The source for the prediction
- The source for the prediction
- I don’t see any reason to ban
- I don’t see any reason to ban
- I don’t see any reason to ban
- I don’t see any reason to ban
- I don’t see any reason to ban
- [quote=NewtoSanDiego]
- [quote=NewtoSanDiego]
- [quote=NewtoSanDiego]
- [quote=NewtoSanDiego]
- [quote=NewtoSanDiego]
- Any funds you need in less
- Any funds you need in less
- Any funds you need in less
- Any funds you need in less
- Any funds you need in less
- bearishgirl – I guess I have
- bearishgirl – I guess I have
- bearishgirl – I guess I have
- bearishgirl – I guess I have
- bearishgirl – I guess I have
- bearishgirl – Your loan
- bearishgirl – Your loan
- bearishgirl – Your loan
- bearishgirl – Your loan
- bearishgirl – Your loan
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- “I predicted a long period of
- “I predicted a long period of
- “I predicted a long period of
- “I predicted a long period of
- “I predicted a long period of
- Are you looking for screening
- Are you looking for screening
- Are you looking for screening
- Are you looking for screening
- Are you looking for screening
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:You guy’s
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:You guy’s
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:You guy’s
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:You guy’s
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:You guy’s
- HomeShopping wrote:To
- HomeShopping wrote:To
- HomeShopping wrote:To
- HomeShopping wrote:To
- HomeShopping wrote:To
- patb wrote:
so you are
- patb wrote:
so you are
- patb wrote:
so you are
- patb wrote:
so you are
- patb wrote:
so you are
- jeeman wrote:waterboy,
- jeeman wrote:waterboy,
- jeeman wrote:waterboy,
- jeeman wrote:waterboy,
- jeeman wrote:waterboy,
- The consensus appears to be
- The consensus appears to be
- The consensus appears to be
- The consensus appears to be
- The consensus appears to be
- Step back, and forget about
- Step back, and forget about
- Step back, and forget about
- Step back, and forget about
- Step back, and forget about
- jpinpb wrote:
Why not just
- jpinpb wrote:
Why not just
- jpinpb wrote:
Why not just
- jpinpb wrote:
Why not just
- jpinpb wrote:
Why not just
- patb wrote:
so then pay it
- patb wrote:
so then pay it
- patb wrote:
so then pay it
- patb wrote:
so then pay it
- patb wrote:
so then pay it
- jpinpb wrote:Hold the phone,
- jpinpb wrote:Hold the phone,
- jpinpb wrote:Hold the phone,
- jpinpb wrote:Hold the phone,
- jpinpb wrote:Hold the phone,
- patb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- patb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- patb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- patb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- patb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- That’s why I suggest they
- That’s why I suggest they
- That’s why I suggest they
- That’s why I suggest they
- That’s why I suggest they
- These loans, although scarce,
- These loans, although scarce,
- These loans, although scarce,
- These loans, although scarce,
- These loans, although scarce,
- flu wrote:
I don’t know. I
- flu wrote:
I don’t know. I
- flu wrote:
I don’t know. I
- flu wrote:
I don’t know. I
- flu wrote:
I don’t know. I
- flu wrote:At this rate, one
- flu wrote:At this rate, one
- flu wrote:At this rate, one
- flu wrote:At this rate, one
- flu wrote:At this rate, one
- jpinpb wrote:Did you see Page
- jpinpb wrote:Did you see Page
- jpinpb wrote:Did you see Page
- jpinpb wrote:Did you see Page
- jpinpb wrote:Did you see Page
- It’s been a while… here’s
- It’s been a while… here’s
- It’s been a while… here’s
- It’s been a while… here’s
- It’s been a while… here’s
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I have
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I have
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I have
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I have
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I have
- I have no experience with
- I have no experience with
- I have no experience with
- I have no experience with
- I have no experience with
- Why stop at 90% ? After a
- Why stop at 90% ? After a
- Why stop at 90% ? After a
- Why stop at 90% ? After a
- Why stop at 90% ? After a
- XBoxBoy wrote:Wonder if
- XBoxBoy wrote:Wonder if
- XBoxBoy wrote:Wonder if
- XBoxBoy wrote:Wonder if
- XBoxBoy wrote:Wonder if
- MadeInTaiwan wrote:
As a side
- MadeInTaiwan wrote:
As a side
- MadeInTaiwan wrote:
As a side
- MadeInTaiwan wrote:
As a side
- MadeInTaiwan wrote:
As a side
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- bearishgurl
- MadeInTaiwan
- MadeInTaiwan
- MadeInTaiwan
- MadeInTaiwan
- MadeInTaiwan
- bearishgurl –
That’s another
- bearishgurl –
That’s another
- bearishgurl –
That’s another
- bearishgurl –
That’s another
- bearishgurl –
That’s another
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- “Californians that claimed
- “Californians that claimed
- “Californians that claimed
- “Californians that claimed
- “Californians that claimed
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- SK in CV wrote:
I kind of
- SK in CV wrote:
I kind of
- SK in CV wrote:
I kind of
- SK in CV wrote:
I kind of
- SK in CV wrote:
I kind of
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- Excellent point flu. But
- Excellent point flu. But
- Excellent point flu. But
- Excellent point flu. But
- Excellent point flu. But
- flu wrote:mike92104 wrote:I
- flu wrote:mike92104 wrote:I
- flu wrote:mike92104 wrote:I
- flu wrote:mike92104 wrote:I
- flu wrote:mike92104 wrote:I
- What I find interesting about
- What I find interesting about
- What I find interesting about
- What I find interesting about
- What I find interesting about
- I don’t think it matters what
- I don’t think it matters what
- I don’t think it matters what
- I don’t think it matters what
- I don’t think it matters what
- You can get under 5%, 30-year
- You can get under 5%, 30-year
- You can get under 5%, 30-year
- You can get under 5%, 30-year
- You can get under 5%, 30-year
- ryphoenix wrote:Long time
- ryphoenix wrote:Long time
- ryphoenix wrote:Long time
- ryphoenix wrote:Long time
- ryphoenix wrote:Long time
- briansd1 wrote:I wanna
- briansd1 wrote:I wanna
- briansd1 wrote:I wanna
- briansd1 wrote:I wanna
- briansd1 wrote:I wanna
- Try American Heritage
- Try American Heritage
- Try American Heritage
- Try American Heritage
- Try American Heritage
- Here is the BofA press
- Here is the BofA press
- Here is the BofA press
- Here is the BofA press
- Here is the BofA press
- bearishgurl wrote:Ready411
- bearishgurl wrote:Ready411
- bearishgurl wrote:Ready411
- bearishgurl wrote:Ready411
- bearishgurl wrote:Ready411
- Russell wrote:Is there any
- Russell wrote:Is there any
- Russell wrote:Is there any
- Russell wrote:Is there any
- Russell wrote:Is there any
- sdduuuude wrote:There is
- sdduuuude wrote:There is
- sdduuuude wrote:There is
- sdduuuude wrote:There is
- sdduuuude wrote:There is
- sdduuuude wrote:
One thing
- sdduuuude wrote:
One thing
- sdduuuude wrote:
One thing
- sdduuuude wrote:
One thing
- sdduuuude wrote:
One thing
- teaboy – It seams that their
- teaboy – It seams that their
- teaboy – It seams that their
- teaboy – It seams that their
- teaboy – It seams that their
- “TIC” – what a funny name.
- “TIC” – what a funny name.
- “TIC” – what a funny name.
- “TIC” – what a funny name.
- “TIC” – what a funny name.
- flu wrote:
Yup… Side
- flu wrote:
Yup… Side
- flu wrote:
Yup… Side
- flu wrote:
Yup… Side
- flu wrote:
Yup… Side
- Some lenders have had
- Some lenders have had
- Some lenders have had
- Some lenders have had
- Some lenders have had
- I own a rental house in Bay
- I own a rental house in Bay
- I own a rental house in Bay
- I own a rental house in Bay
- I own a rental house in Bay
- jpinpb wrote:At the same
- jpinpb wrote:At the same
- jpinpb wrote:At the same
- jpinpb wrote:At the same
- jpinpb wrote:At the same
- I think someone accidentally
- I think someone accidentally
- I think someone accidentally
- I think someone accidentally
- I think someone accidentally
- The landlord has to refund
- The landlord has to refund
- The landlord has to refund
- The landlord has to refund
- The landlord has to refund
- What is your monthly PITI
- What is your monthly PITI
- What is your monthly PITI
- What is your monthly PITI
- What is your monthly PITI
- Fletch wrote:HLS
- Fletch wrote:HLS
- Fletch wrote:HLS
- Fletch wrote:HLS
- Fletch wrote:HLS
- kcal09 –
Google “Home Loan
- kcal09 –
Google “Home Loan
- kcal09 –
Google “Home Loan
- kcal09 –
Google “Home Loan
- kcal09 –
Google “Home Loan
- HLS – We are about half way
- HLS – We are about half way
- HLS – We are about half way
- HLS – We are about half way
- HLS – We are about half way
- AN wrote:Ouch. It’s now at
- AN wrote:Ouch. It’s now at
- AN wrote:Ouch. It’s now at
- AN wrote:Ouch. It’s now at
- AN wrote:Ouch. It’s now at
- From your Wikipedia link,
- From your Wikipedia link,
- From your Wikipedia link,
- From your Wikipedia link,
- From your Wikipedia link,
- briansd1 wrote:A flat tax is
- briansd1 wrote:A flat tax is
- briansd1 wrote:A flat tax is
- briansd1 wrote:A flat tax is
- briansd1 wrote:A flat tax is
- SD Attorney wrote:Great
- SD Attorney wrote:Great
- SD Attorney wrote:Great
- SD Attorney wrote:Great
- SD Attorney wrote:Great
- I tried to enter the Poll for
- I tried to enter the Poll for
- I tried to enter the Poll for
- I tried to enter the Poll for
- I tried to enter the Poll for
- What was Fannie Mae saying in
- What was Fannie Mae saying in
- What was Fannie Mae saying in
- What was Fannie Mae saying in
- What was Fannie Mae saying in
- CA renter wrote:
This is my
- CA renter wrote:
This is my
- CA renter wrote:
This is my
- CA renter wrote:
This is my
- CA renter wrote:
This is my
- Huckleberry – The notices
- Huckleberry – The notices
- Huckleberry – The notices
- Huckleberry – The notices
- Huckleberry – The notices
- The most interesting part of
- The most interesting part of
- The most interesting part of
- The most interesting part of
- The most interesting part of
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- jpinpb wrote:CA renter
- SD Transplant wrote:
- SD Transplant wrote:
- SD Transplant wrote:
- SD Transplant wrote:
- SD Transplant wrote:
- It is clearly a torture rack
- It is clearly a torture rack
- It is clearly a torture rack
- It is clearly a torture rack
- It is clearly a torture rack
- HLS wrote:OP,
Former.. OP was
- HLS wrote:OP,
Former.. OP was
- HLS wrote:OP,
Former.. OP was
- HLS wrote:OP,
Former.. OP was
- HLS wrote:OP,
Former.. OP was
- go to
- go to
- go to
- go to
- go to
- I don;t know if you got a
- I don;t know if you got a
- I don;t know if you got a
- I don;t know if you got a
- I don;t know if you got a
- I am sure your family will do
- I am sure your family will do
- I am sure your family will do
- I am sure your family will do
- I am sure your family will do
- UCGal wrote:POZ wrote:Thanks
- UCGal wrote:POZ wrote:Thanks
- UCGal wrote:POZ wrote:Thanks
- UCGal wrote:POZ wrote:Thanks
- UCGal wrote:POZ wrote:Thanks
- svelte wrote:This law does
- svelte wrote:This law does
- svelte wrote:This law does
- svelte wrote:This law does
- svelte wrote:This law does
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:If I
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:If I
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:If I
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:If I
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:If I
- desmond wrote:FormerSD, From
- desmond wrote:FormerSD, From
- desmond wrote:FormerSD, From
- desmond wrote:FormerSD, From
- desmond wrote:FormerSD, From
- This is probably a waste of
- This is probably a waste of
- This is probably a waste of
- This is probably a waste of
- This is probably a waste of
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All I can
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All I can
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All I can
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All I can
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All I can
- EconProf wrote:Not sure this
- EconProf wrote:Not sure this
- EconProf wrote:Not sure this
- EconProf wrote:Not sure this
- EconProf wrote:Not sure this
- desmond wrote:
Ok, 30,000 or
- desmond wrote:
Ok, 30,000 or
- desmond wrote:
Ok, 30,000 or
- desmond wrote:
Ok, 30,000 or
- desmond wrote:
Ok, 30,000 or
- San Diego #11 in 2009 top UHaul Destinations
- Rich Toscano wrote:For
- Rich Toscano wrote:For
- Rich Toscano wrote:For
- Rich Toscano wrote:For
- Rich Toscano wrote:For
- pemeliza wrote:
Also, At 3%
- pemeliza wrote:
Also, At 3%
- pemeliza wrote:
Also, At 3%
- pemeliza wrote:
Also, At 3%
- pemeliza wrote:
Also, At 3%
- AN wrote:I like charts Rich
- AN wrote:I like charts Rich
- AN wrote:I like charts Rich
- AN wrote:I like charts Rich
- AN wrote:I like charts Rich
- I give my housekeeper half of
- I give my housekeeper half of
- I give my housekeeper half of
- I give my housekeeper half of
- I give my housekeeper half of
- This guy is mixing inflaiton
- This guy is mixing inflaiton
- This guy is mixing inflaiton
- This guy is mixing inflaiton
- This guy is mixing inflaiton
- On another note, I do not
- On another note, I do not
- On another note, I do not
- On another note, I do not
- On another note, I do not
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- SD Realtor wrote:Brian you
- SD Realtor wrote:Brian you
- SD Realtor wrote:Brian you
- SD Realtor wrote:Brian you
- SD Realtor wrote:Brian you
- briansd1 wrote:
You make an
- briansd1 wrote:
You make an
- briansd1 wrote:
You make an
- briansd1 wrote:
You make an
- briansd1 wrote:
You make an
- If you can afford a place at
- If you can afford a place at
- If you can afford a place at
- If you can afford a place at
- If you can afford a place at
- My advice depends on the
- My advice depends on the
- My advice depends on the
- My advice depends on the
- My advice depends on the
- itsj0nathan wrote:itsj0nathan
- itsj0nathan wrote:itsj0nathan
- itsj0nathan wrote:itsj0nathan
- itsj0nathan wrote:itsj0nathan
- itsj0nathan wrote:itsj0nathan
- It appears that you qualify
- It appears that you qualify
- It appears that you qualify
- It appears that you qualify
- It appears that you qualify
- We’ve always favored smaller
- We’ve always favored smaller
- We’ve always favored smaller
- We’ve always favored smaller
- We’ve always favored smaller
- Great ! (sigh) now you let
- Great ! (sigh) now you let
- Great ! (sigh) now you let
- Great ! (sigh) now you let
- Great ! (sigh) now you let
- I would lock now. I think
- I would lock now. I think
- I would lock now. I think
- I would lock now. I think
- I would lock now. I think
- SK in CV wrote:There have
- SK in CV wrote:There have
- SK in CV wrote:There have
- SK in CV wrote:There have
- SK in CV wrote:There have
- socrattt wrote:
I had a
- socrattt wrote:
I had a
- socrattt wrote:
I had a
- socrattt wrote:
I had a
- socrattt wrote:
I had a
- You are on a month-to-month
- You are on a month-to-month
- You are on a month-to-month
- You are on a month-to-month
- You are on a month-to-month
- socratt, there are some cases
- socratt, there are some cases
- socratt, there are some cases
- socratt, there are some cases
- socratt, there are some cases
- scaredycat wrote:i certainly
- scaredycat wrote:i certainly
- scaredycat wrote:i certainly
- scaredycat wrote:i certainly
- scaredycat wrote:i certainly
- mastergutah wrote:<>>
I have
- mastergutah wrote:<>>
I have
- mastergutah wrote:<>>
I have
- mastergutah wrote:<>>
I have
- mastergutah wrote:<>>
I have
- captcha wrote:scaredycat
- captcha wrote:scaredycat
- captcha wrote:scaredycat
- captcha wrote:scaredycat
- captcha wrote:scaredycat
- scaredycat wrote:what if i
- scaredycat wrote:what if i
- scaredycat wrote:what if i
- scaredycat wrote:what if i
- scaredycat wrote:what if i
This is a
This is a
This is a
This is a
This is a
- From a financial perspective
- From a financial perspective
- From a financial perspective
- From a financial perspective
- From a financial perspective
- I’d put the FMV of this place
- I’d put the FMV of this place
- I’d put the FMV of this place
- I’d put the FMV of this place
- I’d put the FMV of this place
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Well at
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Well at
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Well at
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Well at
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:Well at
- “There is a fairly widely
- “There is a fairly widely
- “There is a fairly widely
- “There is a fairly widely
- “There is a fairly widely
- [quote=CDMA ENG
- [quote=CDMA ENG
- [quote=CDMA ENG
- [quote=CDMA ENG
- [quote=CDMA ENG
- TexasLine wrote:sdrealtor
- TexasLine wrote:sdrealtor
- TexasLine wrote:sdrealtor
- TexasLine wrote:sdrealtor
- TexasLine wrote:sdrealtor
- Thanks TG!
I have had TV in
- Thanks TG!
I have had TV in
- Thanks TG!
I have had TV in
- Thanks TG!
I have had TV in
- Thanks TG!
I have had TV in
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- This never would have
- This never would have
- This never would have
- This never would have
- This never would have
- pemeliza wrote:$1500 is a TON
- pemeliza wrote:$1500 is a TON
- pemeliza wrote:$1500 is a TON
- pemeliza wrote:$1500 is a TON
- pemeliza wrote:$1500 is a TON
- Mortgage calculators are too
- Mortgage calculators are too
- Mortgage calculators are too
- Mortgage calculators are too
- Mortgage calculators are too
- This has to be the first
- This has to be the first
- This has to be the first
- This has to be the first
- This has to be the first
- temeculaguy wrote:
I got a
- temeculaguy wrote:
I got a
- temeculaguy wrote:
I got a
- temeculaguy wrote:
I got a
- temeculaguy wrote:
I got a
- Your lender is large
- Your lender is large
- Your lender is large
- Your lender is large
- Your lender is large
- No.
I applied to refinance my
- No.
I applied to refinance my
- No.
I applied to refinance my
- No.
I applied to refinance my
- No.
I applied to refinance my
- outtamojo wrote:You should
- outtamojo wrote:You should
- outtamojo wrote:You should
- outtamojo wrote:You should
- outtamojo wrote:You should
- briansd1 wrote:Many teaser
- briansd1 wrote:Many teaser
- briansd1 wrote:Many teaser
- briansd1 wrote:Many teaser
- briansd1 wrote:Many teaser
- I stopped updating this
- I stopped updating this
- I stopped updating this
- I stopped updating this
- I stopped updating this
- One risk is that the whole
- One risk is that the whole
- One risk is that the whole
- One risk is that the whole
- One risk is that the whole
- SK in CV wrote:They don’t
- SK in CV wrote:They don’t
- SK in CV wrote:They don’t
- SK in CV wrote:They don’t
- SK in CV wrote:They don’t
- briansd1 wrote:Residential or
- briansd1 wrote:Residential or
- briansd1 wrote:Residential or
- briansd1 wrote:Residential or
- briansd1 wrote:Residential or
- We refinanced our SFR rental
- We refinanced our SFR rental
- We refinanced our SFR rental
- We refinanced our SFR rental
- We refinanced our SFR rental
- sdduuuude wrote:You hit the
- sdduuuude wrote:You hit the
- sdduuuude wrote:You hit the
- sdduuuude wrote:You hit the
- sdduuuude wrote:You hit the
- Since the rand has seen a
- Since the rand has seen a
- Since the rand has seen a
- Since the rand has seen a
- Since the rand has seen a
- Is it too early for me to
- Is it too early for me to
- Is it too early for me to
- Is it too early for me to
- Is it too early for me to
- This is a good example of
- This is a good example of
- This is a good example of
- This is a good example of
- This is a good example of
- briansd1 wrote:I disagree
- briansd1 wrote:I disagree
- briansd1 wrote:I disagree
- briansd1 wrote:I disagree
- briansd1 wrote:I disagree
- Aecetia wrote:
I also found
- Aecetia wrote:
I also found
- Aecetia wrote:
I also found
- Aecetia wrote:
I also found
- Aecetia wrote:
I also found
- … until just recently (I
- … until just recently (I
- … until just recently (I
- … until just recently (I
- … until just recently (I
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:OK I just
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:OK I just
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:OK I just
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:OK I just
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:OK I just
- We’re becoming European. It
- We’re becoming European. It
- We’re becoming European. It
- We’re becoming European. It
- We’re becoming European. It
- I agree 100% with your point
- I agree 100% with your point
- I agree 100% with your point
- I agree 100% with your point
- I agree 100% with your point
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:3% is
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:3% is
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:3% is
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:3% is
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:3% is
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:PMI can be
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:PMI can be
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:PMI can be
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:PMI can be
- LAAFTERHOURS wrote:PMI can be
- Look closely at your loan
- Look closely at your loan
- Look closely at your loan
- Look closely at your loan
- Look closely at your loan
- I don’t know why it’s
- I don’t know why it’s
- I don’t know why it’s
- I don’t know why it’s
- I don’t know why it’s
- Scarlett wrote:How can I
- Scarlett wrote:How can I
- Scarlett wrote:How can I
- Scarlett wrote:How can I
- Scarlett wrote:How can I
- cyphire – long time no post.
- cyphire – long time no post.
- cyphire – long time no post.
- cyphire – long time no post.
- cyphire – long time no post.
- Im with UCGal, the 900k to
- Im with UCGal, the 900k to
- Im with UCGal, the 900k to
- Im with UCGal, the 900k to
- Im with UCGal, the 900k to
- sdrealtor wrote:The lowered
- sdrealtor wrote:The lowered
- sdrealtor wrote:The lowered
- sdrealtor wrote:The lowered
- sdrealtor wrote:The lowered
- Arraya – Intersting array of
- Arraya – Intersting array of
- Arraya – Intersting array of
- Arraya – Intersting array of
- Arraya – Intersting array of
- My prediction:
Prices (as
- My prediction:
Prices (as
- My prediction:
Prices (as
- My prediction:
Prices (as
- My prediction:
Prices (as
- Regarding residential real
- Regarding residential real
- Regarding residential real
- Regarding residential real
- Regarding residential real
- cv2 wrote:I just wonder what
- cv2 wrote:I just wonder what
- cv2 wrote:I just wonder what
- cv2 wrote:I just wonder what
- cv2 wrote:I just wonder what
- I hope this isn’t a clever
- I hope this isn’t a clever
- I hope this isn’t a clever
- I hope this isn’t a clever
- I hope this isn’t a clever
- Here’s a house for sale
- Here’s a house for sale
- Here’s a house for sale
- Here’s a house for sale
- Here’s a house for sale
- What kind of fees for an IRA
- What kind of fees for an IRA
- What kind of fees for an IRA
- What kind of fees for an IRA
- What kind of fees for an IRA
- There can be circumstances
- There can be circumstances
- There can be circumstances
- There can be circumstances
- There can be circumstances
- welcome back, PS …
now if
- welcome back, PS …
now if
- welcome back, PS …
now if
- welcome back, PS …
now if
- welcome back, PS …
now if
- In related news, Tiger Woods
- In related news, Tiger Woods
- In related news, Tiger Woods
- In related news, Tiger Woods
- In related news, Tiger Woods
- cv2 wrote: Since it is a
- cv2 wrote: Since it is a
- cv2 wrote: Since it is a
- cv2 wrote: Since it is a
- cv2 wrote: Since it is a
- flu wrote:
This has got to be
- flu wrote:
This has got to be
- flu wrote:
This has got to be
- flu wrote:
This has got to be
- flu wrote:
This has got to be
- “Like matter, money is
- “Like matter, money is
- “Like matter, money is
- “Like matter, money is
- “Like matter, money is
- jameswenn wrote:beanmaestro
- jameswenn wrote:beanmaestro
- jameswenn wrote:beanmaestro
- jameswenn wrote:beanmaestro
- jameswenn wrote:beanmaestro
- The list price is what’s left
- The list price is what’s left
- The list price is what’s left
- The list price is what’s left
- The list price is what’s left
- jpinpb wrote:Here’s what I
- jpinpb wrote:Here’s what I
- jpinpb wrote:Here’s what I
- jpinpb wrote:Here’s what I
- jpinpb wrote:Here’s what I
- This is the wrong place to
- This is the wrong place to
- This is the wrong place to
- This is the wrong place to
- This is the wrong place to
- deadzone wrote:Are you
- deadzone wrote:Are you
- deadzone wrote:Are you
- deadzone wrote:Are you
- deadzone wrote:Are you
- HLS wrote:sd_t2 wrote: a
- HLS wrote:sd_t2 wrote: a
- HLS wrote:sd_t2 wrote: a
- HLS wrote:sd_t2 wrote: a
- HLS wrote:sd_t2 wrote: a
- On black Friday we splurged
- On black Friday we splurged
- On black Friday we splurged
- On black Friday we splurged
- On black Friday we splurged
- I agree 100% with sdduuuude.
- I agree 100% with sdduuuude.
- I agree 100% with sdduuuude.
- I agree 100% with sdduuuude.
- I agree 100% with sdduuuude.
- Ford Fusion Hybrid
- Ford Fusion Hybrid
- Ford Fusion Hybrid
- Ford Fusion Hybrid
- Ford Fusion Hybrid
- Personally, I see no
- Personally, I see no
- Personally, I see no
- Personally, I see no
- Personally, I see no
- sdduuuude wrote:meant to say
- sdduuuude wrote:meant to say
- sdduuuude wrote:meant to say
- sdduuuude wrote:meant to say
- sdduuuude wrote:meant to say
- I expect retail sales this
- I expect retail sales this
- I expect retail sales this
- I expect retail sales this
- I expect retail sales this
- deadzone wrote:
If any of you
- deadzone wrote:
If any of you
- deadzone wrote:
If any of you
- deadzone wrote:
If any of you
- deadzone wrote:
If any of you
- Adebisi wrote:AN wrote:
- Adebisi wrote:AN wrote:
- Adebisi wrote:AN wrote:
- Adebisi wrote:AN wrote:
- Adebisi wrote:AN wrote:
- Yes, we had many spirited
- Yes, we had many spirited
- Yes, we had many spirited
- Yes, we had many spirited
- Yes, we had many spirited
- The only real way to figure
- The only real way to figure
- The only real way to figure
- The only real way to figure
- The only real way to figure
- I think this thread has been
- I think this thread has been
- I think this thread has been
- I think this thread has been
- I think this thread has been
- I guess someone pissed in
- I guess someone pissed in
- I guess someone pissed in
- I guess someone pissed in
- I guess someone pissed in
- Rt.66 –
Thank you for the
- Rt.66 –
Thank you for the
- Rt.66 –
Thank you for the
- Rt.66 –
Thank you for the
- Rt.66 –
Thank you for the
- The response below is left
- The response below is left
- The response below is left
- The response below is left
- The response below is left
- 23109VC –
I think you and
- 23109VC –
I think you and
- 23109VC –
I think you and
- 23109VC –
I think you and
- 23109VC –
I think you and
- Based on the numbers you
- Based on the numbers you
- Based on the numbers you
- Based on the numbers you
- Based on the numbers you
- doublewise – What would you
- doublewise – What would you
- doublewise – What would you
- doublewise – What would you
- doublewise – What would you
- sdrealtor wrote:I think we
- sdrealtor wrote:I think we
- sdrealtor wrote:I think we
- sdrealtor wrote:I think we
- sdrealtor wrote:I think we
- scaredycat wrote:all the
- scaredycat wrote:all the
- scaredycat wrote:all the
- scaredycat wrote:all the
- scaredycat wrote:all the
- Excellent points
- Excellent points
- Excellent points
- Excellent points
- Excellent points
- Rockemsock wrote:
Is it just
- Rockemsock wrote:
Is it just
- Rockemsock wrote:
Is it just
- Rockemsock wrote:
Is it just
- Rockemsock wrote:
Is it just
- ucodegen – good point on tax
- ucodegen – good point on tax
- ucodegen – good point on tax
- ucodegen – good point on tax
- ucodegen – good point on tax
- Is this assumption correct?
- Is this assumption correct?
- Is this assumption correct?
- Is this assumption correct?
- Is this assumption correct?
- KSMountain wrote:
- KSMountain wrote:
- KSMountain wrote:
- KSMountain wrote:
- KSMountain wrote:
- barnaby33 wrote:jimmeyle, I’d
- barnaby33 wrote:jimmeyle, I’d
- barnaby33 wrote:jimmeyle, I’d
- barnaby33 wrote:jimmeyle, I’d
- barnaby33 wrote:jimmeyle, I’d
- I looked back at old CNN
- I looked back at old CNN
- I looked back at old CNN
- I looked back at old CNN
- I looked back at old CNN
- temeculaguy wrote: …
- temeculaguy wrote: …
- temeculaguy wrote: …
- temeculaguy wrote: …
- temeculaguy wrote: …
- Actually, the link shows a
- Actually, the link shows a
- Actually, the link shows a
- Actually, the link shows a
- Actually, the link shows a
- CA renter wrote:
An example
- CA renter wrote:
An example
- CA renter wrote:
An example
- CA renter wrote:
An example
- CA renter wrote:
An example
- Arraya wrote:
Sometimes you
- Arraya wrote:
Sometimes you
- Arraya wrote:
Sometimes you
- Arraya wrote:
Sometimes you
- Arraya wrote:
Sometimes you
- Arraya wrote:
Should we not
- Arraya wrote:
Should we not
- Arraya wrote:
Should we not
- Arraya wrote:
Should we not
- Arraya wrote:
Should we not
- DWCAP wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- DWCAP wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- DWCAP wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- DWCAP wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- DWCAP wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- analyst wrote:The phrase
- analyst wrote:The phrase
- analyst wrote:The phrase
- analyst wrote:The phrase
- analyst wrote:The phrase
- Some people will die next
- Some people will die next
- Some people will die next
- Some people will die next
- Some people will die next
- What do you mean by “Kansan”
- What do you mean by “Kansan”
- What do you mean by “Kansan”
- What do you mean by “Kansan”
- What do you mean by “Kansan”
- It all boils down to this
- It all boils down to this
- It all boils down to this
- It all boils down to this
- It all boils down to this
- ctr70 wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- ctr70 wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- ctr70 wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- ctr70 wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- ctr70 wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- bread-and-butter Central San
- bread-and-butter Central San
- bread-and-butter Central San
- bread-and-butter Central San
- bread-and-butter Central San
- Bill is your FHA guru. Why
- Bill is your FHA guru. Why
- Bill is your FHA guru. Why
- Bill is your FHA guru. Why
- Bill is your FHA guru. Why
- Update for Sept 30, 2009
- Update for Sept 30, 2009
- Update for Sept 30, 2009
- Update for Sept 30, 2009
- Update for Sept 30, 2009
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- desmond wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- temeculaguy wrote:
If I
- temeculaguy wrote:
If I
- temeculaguy wrote:
If I
- temeculaguy wrote:
If I
- temeculaguy wrote:
If I
- waiting for bottom wrote:Not
- waiting for bottom wrote:Not
- waiting for bottom wrote:Not
- waiting for bottom wrote:Not
- waiting for bottom wrote:Not
- waiting for bottom
- waiting for bottom
- waiting for bottom
- waiting for bottom
- waiting for bottom
- I think Michael Moore’s
- I think Michael Moore’s
- I think Michael Moore’s
- I think Michael Moore’s
- I think Michael Moore’s
- An – please stop those darn
- An – please stop those darn
- An – please stop those darn
- An – please stop those darn
- An – please stop those darn
- Eugene wrote:flu
- Eugene wrote:flu
- Eugene wrote:flu
- Eugene wrote:flu
- Eugene wrote:flu
- I looked at the two-step
- I looked at the two-step
- I looked at the two-step
- I looked at the two-step
- I looked at the two-step
- You have not given enough
- You have not given enough
- You have not given enough
- You have not given enough
- You have not given enough
- I don’t know what’s worse on
- I don’t know what’s worse on
- I don’t know what’s worse on
- I don’t know what’s worse on
- I don’t know what’s worse on
- CA renter, can you clarify
- CA renter, can you clarify
- CA renter, can you clarify
- CA renter, can you clarify
- CA renter, can you clarify
- DataAgent wrote:temeculaguy
- DataAgent wrote:temeculaguy
- DataAgent wrote:temeculaguy
- DataAgent wrote:temeculaguy
- DataAgent wrote:temeculaguy
- Libor + 2.25%
Aug 31 12-month
- Libor + 2.25%
Aug 31 12-month
- Libor + 2.25%
Aug 31 12-month
- Libor + 2.25%
Aug 31 12-month
- Libor + 2.25%
Aug 31 12-month
- ARM reset rate … drumroll please
- Rather than a coherent
- Rather than a coherent
- Rather than a coherent
- Rather than a coherent
- Rather than a coherent
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:SK in CV
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:SK in CV
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:SK in CV
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:SK in CV
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:SK in CV
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All this
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All this
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All this
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All this
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:All this
- smshorttimer wrote:
- smshorttimer wrote:
- smshorttimer wrote:
- smshorttimer wrote:
- smshorttimer wrote:
- Fidelity says 19.7% on the
- Fidelity says 19.7% on the
- Fidelity says 19.7% on the
- Fidelity says 19.7% on the
- Fidelity says 19.7% on the
- Notice the not-so subtle
- Notice the not-so subtle
- Notice the not-so subtle
- Notice the not-so subtle
- Notice the not-so subtle
- Usually best investments and
- Usually best investments and
- Usually best investments and
- Usually best investments and
- Usually best investments and
- I guess this is what happens
- I guess this is what happens
- I guess this is what happens
- I guess this is what happens
- I guess this is what happens
- Please point us to where it
- Please point us to where it
- Please point us to where it
- Please point us to where it
- Please point us to where it
- This reminds me of what I
- This reminds me of what I
- This reminds me of what I
- This reminds me of what I
- This reminds me of what I
- I am just glad that I already
- I am just glad that I already
- I am just glad that I already
- I am just glad that I already
- I am just glad that I already
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- briansd1 wrote:I can still
- outtamojo wrote:If the PMI
- outtamojo wrote:If the PMI
- outtamojo wrote:If the PMI
- outtamojo wrote:If the PMI
- outtamojo wrote:If the PMI
- This company has been
- This company has been
- This company has been
- This company has been
- This company has been
- briansd1 wrote:
If I can
- briansd1 wrote:
If I can
- briansd1 wrote:
If I can
- briansd1 wrote:
If I can
- briansd1 wrote:
If I can
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- briansd1 wrote:AN wrote:
- bsrsharma wrote:I don’t
- bsrsharma wrote:I don’t
- bsrsharma wrote:I don’t
- bsrsharma wrote:I don’t
- bsrsharma wrote:I don’t
- deadzone wrote:SDR, did you
- deadzone wrote:SDR, did you
- deadzone wrote:SDR, did you
- deadzone wrote:SDR, did you
- deadzone wrote:SDR, did you
- 4plexowner wrote:1. what
- 4plexowner wrote:1. what
- 4plexowner wrote:1. what
- 4plexowner wrote:1. what
- 4plexowner wrote:1. what
- What did people say on this
- What did people say on this
- What did people say on this
- What did people say on this
- What did people say on this
- I don;t know the answer, but
- I don;t know the answer, but
- I don;t know the answer, but
- I don;t know the answer, but
- I don;t know the answer, but
- Is your broker trying to get
- Is your broker trying to get
- Is your broker trying to get
- Is your broker trying to get
- Is your broker trying to get
- The exemption, if it was
- The exemption, if it was
- The exemption, if it was
- The exemption, if it was
- The exemption, if it was
- sobmaz wrote:I agree 100%.
- sobmaz wrote:I agree 100%.
- sobmaz wrote:I agree 100%.
- sobmaz wrote:I agree 100%.
- sobmaz wrote:I agree 100%.
- Prior to this, how often were
- Prior to this, how often were
- Prior to this, how often were
- Prior to this, how often were
- Prior to this, how often were
- To some extent it depends how
- To some extent it depends how
- To some extent it depends how
- To some extent it depends how
- To some extent it depends how
- peterb wrote:The 10 year just
- peterb wrote:The 10 year just
- peterb wrote:The 10 year just
- peterb wrote:The 10 year just
- peterb wrote:The 10 year just
- sd_matt wrote:Here here
- sd_matt wrote:Here here
- sd_matt wrote:Here here
- sd_matt wrote:Here here
- sd_matt wrote:Here here
- Why not institute a guest
- Why not institute a guest
- Why not institute a guest
- Why not institute a guest
- Why not institute a guest
- A prepayment penalty
- A prepayment penalty
- A prepayment penalty
- A prepayment penalty
- A prepayment penalty
- But to tape a posted sign to
- But to tape a posted sign to
- But to tape a posted sign to
- But to tape a posted sign to
- But to tape a posted sign to
- While long term rates have
- While long term rates have
- While long term rates have
- While long term rates have
- While long term rates have
- ocrenter wrote:Bob wrote:As
- ocrenter wrote:Bob wrote:As
- ocrenter wrote:Bob wrote:As
- ocrenter wrote:Bob wrote:As
- ocrenter wrote:Bob wrote:As
- WOW !
Crazy times.
Is there
- WOW !
Crazy times.
Is there
- WOW !
Crazy times.
Is there
- WOW !
Crazy times.
Is there
- WOW !
Crazy times.
Is there
- paranoid wrote:4 years ago,
- paranoid wrote:4 years ago,
- paranoid wrote:4 years ago,
- paranoid wrote:4 years ago,
- paranoid wrote:4 years ago,
- sdduuuude wrote:
- sdduuuude wrote:
- sdduuuude wrote:
- sdduuuude wrote:
- sdduuuude wrote:
- CONCHO wrote: Life
- CONCHO wrote: Life
- CONCHO wrote: Life
- CONCHO wrote: Life
- CONCHO wrote: Life
- I agree with 4plex, except
- I agree with 4plex, except
- I agree with 4plex, except
- I agree with 4plex, except
- I agree with 4plex, except
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- UCGal wrote:Are you calling
- UCGal wrote:Are you calling
- UCGal wrote:Are you calling
- UCGal wrote:Are you calling
- UCGal wrote:Are you calling
- Thank You Tracy Jarman for
- Thank You Tracy Jarman for
- Thank You Tracy Jarman for
- Thank You Tracy Jarman for
- Thank You Tracy Jarman for
- Welcome to the Bottom
- danthedart wrote:Inherently
- danthedart wrote:Inherently
- danthedart wrote:Inherently
- danthedart wrote:Inherently
- danthedart wrote:Inherently
- temeculaguy wrote:
- temeculaguy wrote:
- temeculaguy wrote:
- temeculaguy wrote:
- temeculaguy wrote:
- It has to be a Government
- It has to be a Government
- It has to be a Government
- It has to be a Government
- It has to be a Government
- scaredycat wrote:seems
- scaredycat wrote:seems
- scaredycat wrote:seems
- scaredycat wrote:seems
- scaredycat wrote:seems
- I would recommend Rudy
- I would recommend Rudy
- I would recommend Rudy
- I would recommend Rudy
- I would recommend Rudy
This is a very short
This is a very short
This is a very short
This is a very short
This is a very short
- Sometimes a smallish, e.g.
- Sometimes a smallish, e.g.
- Sometimes a smallish, e.g.
- Sometimes a smallish, e.g.
- Sometimes a smallish, e.g.
- PadreBrian wrote:I love these
- PadreBrian wrote:I love these
- PadreBrian wrote:I love these
- PadreBrian wrote:I love these
- PadreBrian wrote:I love these
- peterb wrote:
There’s no
- peterb wrote:
There’s no
- peterb wrote:
There’s no
- peterb wrote:
There’s no
- peterb wrote:
There’s no
- I would look at it this
- I would look at it this
- I would look at it this
- I would look at it this
- I would look at it this
- briansd1 wrote:So?
I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:So?
I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:So?
I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:So?
I don’t
- briansd1 wrote:So?
I don’t
- That is what’s printed
- That is what’s printed
- That is what’s printed
- That is what’s printed
- That is what’s printed
- peterb wrote:Takes a job to
- peterb wrote:Takes a job to
- peterb wrote:Takes a job to
- peterb wrote:Takes a job to
- peterb wrote:Takes a job to
- Never heard of this.
I live
- Never heard of this.
I live
- Never heard of this.
I live
- Never heard of this.
I live
- Never heard of this.
I live
- davelj wrote:meadandale
- davelj wrote:meadandale
- davelj wrote:meadandale
- davelj wrote:meadandale
- davelj wrote:meadandale
- Independent of interest
- Independent of interest
- Independent of interest
- Independent of interest
- Independent of interest
- AN – good point. Flat in the
- AN – good point. Flat in the
- AN – good point. Flat in the
- AN – good point. Flat in the
- AN – good point. Flat in the
- CA renter wrote:
Anyway, we
- CA renter wrote:
Anyway, we
- CA renter wrote:
Anyway, we
- CA renter wrote:
Anyway, we
- CA renter wrote:
Anyway, we
- nostra – please tell us where
- nostra – please tell us where
- nostra – please tell us where
- nostra – please tell us where
- nostra – please tell us where
- We had AHS when we bought our
- We had AHS when we bought our
- We had AHS when we bought our
- We had AHS when we bought our
- We had AHS when we bought our
- Bob, thanks for the inside
- Bob, thanks for the inside
- Bob, thanks for the inside
- Bob, thanks for the inside
- Bob, thanks for the inside
- sdrealtor wrote:Low rates for
- sdrealtor wrote:Low rates for
- sdrealtor wrote:Low rates for
- sdrealtor wrote:Low rates for
- sdrealtor wrote:Low rates for
- PadreBrian wrote:I think
- PadreBrian wrote:I think
- PadreBrian wrote:I think
- PadreBrian wrote:I think
- PadreBrian wrote:I think
- scaredycat wrote:it’s not
- scaredycat wrote:it’s not
- scaredycat wrote:it’s not
- scaredycat wrote:it’s not
- scaredycat wrote:it’s not
- carlsbadworker wrote:I think
- carlsbadworker wrote:I think
- carlsbadworker wrote:I think
- carlsbadworker wrote:I think
- carlsbadworker wrote:I think
- davelj wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- davelj wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- davelj wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- davelj wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- davelj wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- Definitely I do not believe
- Definitely I do not believe
- Definitely I do not believe
- Definitely I do not believe
- Definitely I do not believe
- peterb wrote:As sticky as
- peterb wrote:As sticky as
- peterb wrote:As sticky as
- peterb wrote:As sticky as
- peterb wrote:As sticky as
- SDEngineer wrote:
I think the
- SDEngineer wrote:
I think the
- SDEngineer wrote:
I think the
- SDEngineer wrote:
I think the
- SDEngineer wrote:
I think the
- P.S. – I assumed you would
- P.S. – I assumed you would
- P.S. – I assumed you would
- P.S. – I assumed you would
- P.S. – I assumed you would
- Generally a good strategy.
- Generally a good strategy.
- Generally a good strategy.
- Generally a good strategy.
- Generally a good strategy.
- george wrote:Is it worth
- george wrote:Is it worth
- george wrote:Is it worth
- george wrote:Is it worth
- george wrote:Is it worth
- Started posting in July
- Started posting in July
- Started posting in July
- Started posting in July
- Started posting in July
- I moved.
- I moved.
- I moved.
- I moved.
- I moved.
- ibjames wrote:if you have to
- ibjames wrote:if you have to
- ibjames wrote:if you have to
- ibjames wrote:if you have to
- ibjames wrote:if you have to
- 1. Data
2. Insight
- 1. Data
2. Insight
- 1. Data
2. Insight
- 1. Data
2. Insight
- 1. Data
2. Insight
- I think some others jumped
- I think some others jumped
- I think some others jumped
- I think some others jumped
- I think some others jumped
- Hey, you asked for examples.
- Hey, you asked for examples.
- Hey, you asked for examples.
- Hey, you asked for examples.
- Hey, you asked for examples.
- scaredycat wrote: In wha
- scaredycat wrote: In wha
- scaredycat wrote: In wha
- scaredycat wrote: In wha
- scaredycat wrote: In wha
- I would only offer reduced
- I would only offer reduced
- I would only offer reduced
- I would only offer reduced
- I would only offer reduced
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:I
- I generally give breaks to my
- I generally give breaks to my
- I generally give breaks to my
- I generally give breaks to my
- I generally give breaks to my
- nostradamus wrote:No, you
- nostradamus wrote:No, you
- nostradamus wrote:No, you
- nostradamus wrote:No, you
- nostradamus wrote:No, you
- davelj wrote:Russell wrote:I
- davelj wrote:Russell wrote:I
- davelj wrote:Russell wrote:I
- davelj wrote:Russell wrote:I
- davelj wrote:Russell wrote:I
- Chris Scoreboard Johnston
- Chris Scoreboard Johnston
- Chris Scoreboard Johnston
- Chris Scoreboard Johnston
- Chris Scoreboard Johnston
- zk wrote:You need our opinion
- zk wrote:You need our opinion
- zk wrote:You need our opinion
- zk wrote:You need our opinion
- zk wrote:You need our opinion
- flu – Good advice. One that
- flu – Good advice. One that
- flu – Good advice. One that
- flu – Good advice. One that
- flu – Good advice. One that
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- tom wrote:
now, comes the
- tom wrote:
now, comes the
- tom wrote:
now, comes the
- tom wrote:
now, comes the
- tom wrote:
now, comes the
- davelj wrote: But as we have
- davelj wrote: But as we have
- davelj wrote: But as we have
- davelj wrote: But as we have
- davelj wrote: But as we have
- Russell wrote:There is a
- Russell wrote:There is a
- Russell wrote:There is a
- Russell wrote:There is a
- Russell wrote:There is a
- Opinions : Stay greedy or take my gains ?
- flu wrote:bump….
Are we
- flu wrote:bump….
Are we
- flu wrote:bump….
Are we
- flu wrote:bump….
Are we
- flu wrote:bump….
Are we
- Mish’s article is consistent
- Mish’s article is consistent
- Mish’s article is consistent
- Mish’s article is consistent
- Mish’s article is consistent
- danthedart wrote:jimg111
- danthedart wrote:jimg111
- danthedart wrote:jimg111
- danthedart wrote:jimg111
- danthedart wrote:jimg111
- Also, Chrysler filed for
- Also, Chrysler filed for
- Also, Chrysler filed for
- Also, Chrysler filed for
- Also, Chrysler filed for
- jpinpb wrote:I think the
- jpinpb wrote:I think the
- jpinpb wrote:I think the
- jpinpb wrote:I think the
- jpinpb wrote:I think the
- scaredycat wrote:on the other
- scaredycat wrote:on the other
- scaredycat wrote:on the other
- scaredycat wrote:on the other
- scaredycat wrote:on the other
- I usually am ridiculed on
- I usually am ridiculed on
- I usually am ridiculed on
- I usually am ridiculed on
- I usually am ridiculed on
- If you have avoided the whole
- If you have avoided the whole
- If you have avoided the whole
- If you have avoided the whole
- If you have avoided the whole
- Oxford wrote:
My agent says
- Oxford wrote:
My agent says
- Oxford wrote:
My agent says
- Oxford wrote:
My agent says
- Oxford wrote:
My agent says
- CA renter wrote:
We are not
- CA renter wrote:
We are not
- CA renter wrote:
We are not
- CA renter wrote:
We are not
- CA renter wrote:
We are not
- The suicide rate in the US is
- The suicide rate in the US is
- The suicide rate in the US is
- The suicide rate in the US is
- The suicide rate in the US is
- paramount
- paramount
- paramount
- paramount
- paramount
- CONCHO wrote:A lot of people
- CONCHO wrote:A lot of people
- CONCHO wrote:A lot of people
- CONCHO wrote:A lot of people
- CONCHO wrote:A lot of people
- Reading this thread makes me
- Reading this thread makes me
- Reading this thread makes me
- Reading this thread makes me
- Reading this thread makes me
- socrattt wrote:
SDR, it’s
- socrattt wrote:
SDR, it’s
- socrattt wrote:
SDR, it’s
- socrattt wrote:
SDR, it’s
- socrattt wrote:
SDR, it’s
- Rt.66 wrote:
I’ll beat your
- Rt.66 wrote:
I’ll beat your
- Rt.66 wrote:
I’ll beat your
- Rt.66 wrote:
I’ll beat your
- Rt.66 wrote:
I’ll beat your
- SDEngineer wrote:Rt.66
- SDEngineer wrote:Rt.66
- SDEngineer wrote:Rt.66
- SDEngineer wrote:Rt.66
- SDEngineer wrote:Rt.66
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- flu wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- The #1 legal tax break is
- The #1 legal tax break is
- The #1 legal tax break is
- The #1 legal tax break is
- The #1 legal tax break is
- DWCAP wrote:Please excuse my
- DWCAP wrote:Please excuse my
- DWCAP wrote:Please excuse my
- DWCAP wrote:Please excuse my
- DWCAP wrote:Please excuse my
- If I were you I would simply
- If I were you I would simply
- If I were you I would simply
- If I were you I would simply
- If I were you I would simply
- You need to change your
- You need to change your
- You need to change your
- You need to change your
- You need to change your
- I don;t think davelj is
- I don;t think davelj is
- I don;t think davelj is
- I don;t think davelj is
- I don;t think davelj is
- If you are speculating on
- If you are speculating on
- If you are speculating on
- If you are speculating on
- If you are speculating on
- About the organizaiot, from
- About the organizaiot, from
- About the organizaiot, from
- About the organizaiot, from
- About the organizaiot, from
- cahunter wrote:If we buy
- cahunter wrote:If we buy
- cahunter wrote:If we buy
- cahunter wrote:If we buy
- cahunter wrote:If we buy
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Forgot to mention. The
- Forgot to mention. The
- Forgot to mention. The
- Forgot to mention. The
- Forgot to mention. The
- I used to sell my hardware
- I used to sell my hardware
- I used to sell my hardware
- I used to sell my hardware
- I used to sell my hardware
- scaredycat wrote:gold is
- scaredycat wrote:gold is
- scaredycat wrote:gold is
- scaredycat wrote:gold is
- scaredycat wrote:gold is
- IONEGARM wrote:Does anyone
- IONEGARM wrote:Does anyone
- IONEGARM wrote:Does anyone
- IONEGARM wrote:Does anyone
- IONEGARM wrote:Does anyone
- So, based on what I have read
- So, based on what I have read
- So, based on what I have read
- So, based on what I have read
- So, based on what I have read
- 24% down implies that you
- 24% down implies that you
- 24% down implies that you
- 24% down implies that you
- 24% down implies that you
- I fully expect that some
- I fully expect that some
- I fully expect that some
- I fully expect that some
- I fully expect that some
- kev374 wrote:my guess is that
- kev374 wrote:my guess is that
- kev374 wrote:my guess is that
- kev374 wrote:my guess is that
- kev374 wrote:my guess is that
- Huckleberry wrote:This is NOT
- Huckleberry wrote:This is NOT
- Huckleberry wrote:This is NOT
- Huckleberry wrote:This is NOT
- Huckleberry wrote:This is NOT
- That rate sounds like
- That rate sounds like
- That rate sounds like
- That rate sounds like
- That rate sounds like
- Regarding the AIG bailout
- Regarding the AIG bailout
- Regarding the AIG bailout
- Regarding the AIG bailout
- Regarding the AIG bailout
- drboom wrote:
we can’t afford
- drboom wrote:
we can’t afford
- drboom wrote:
we can’t afford
- drboom wrote:
we can’t afford
- drboom wrote:
we can’t afford
- Russell wrote:
- Russell wrote:
- Russell wrote:
- Russell wrote:
- Russell wrote:
- The stocks of the four
- The stocks of the four
- The stocks of the four
- The stocks of the four
- The stocks of the four
- Submitted by FormerSanDiegan
- Submitted by FormerSanDiegan
- Submitted by FormerSanDiegan
- Submitted by FormerSanDiegan
- Submitted by FormerSanDiegan
- Russell wrote:Maybe FSD is
- Russell wrote:Maybe FSD is
- Russell wrote:Maybe FSD is
- Russell wrote:Maybe FSD is
- Russell wrote:Maybe FSD is
- scary stuff by the OP.
- scary stuff by the OP.
- scary stuff by the OP.
- scary stuff by the OP.
- scary stuff by the OP.
- precix wrote:Strictly from a
- precix wrote:Strictly from a
- precix wrote:Strictly from a
- precix wrote:Strictly from a
- precix wrote:Strictly from a
- SmellsFeeshy
- SmellsFeeshy
- SmellsFeeshy
- SmellsFeeshy
- SmellsFeeshy
- Consider buying new, if SD
- Consider buying new, if SD
- Consider buying new, if SD
- Consider buying new, if SD
- Consider buying new, if SD
- I believe that we are close
- I believe that we are close
- I believe that we are close
- I believe that we are close
- I believe that we are close
- RB132 wrote:Here is the
- RB132 wrote:Here is the
- RB132 wrote:Here is the
- RB132 wrote:Here is the
- RB132 wrote:Here is the
- burnsr77 wrote:
i’m sure
- burnsr77 wrote:
i’m sure
- burnsr77 wrote:
i’m sure
- burnsr77 wrote:
i’m sure
- burnsr77 wrote:
i’m sure
- Suppose at 2pm today esmith
- Suppose at 2pm today esmith
- Suppose at 2pm today esmith
- Suppose at 2pm today esmith
- Suppose at 2pm today esmith
- Nice smoker analogy. It
- Nice smoker analogy. It
- Nice smoker analogy. It
- Nice smoker analogy. It
- Nice smoker analogy. It
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- carlsbadworker
- 92126_guy
- 92126_guy
- 92126_guy
- 92126_guy
- 92126_guy
- carlsbadworker wrote:ibjames
- carlsbadworker wrote:ibjames
- carlsbadworker wrote:ibjames
- carlsbadworker wrote:ibjames
- carlsbadworker wrote:ibjames
- lostkitty wrote:Which of
- lostkitty wrote:Which of
- lostkitty wrote:Which of
- lostkitty wrote:Which of
- lostkitty wrote:Which of
- lostkitty wrote:Two more
- lostkitty wrote:Two more
- lostkitty wrote:Two more
- lostkitty wrote:Two more
- lostkitty wrote:Two more
- lostkitty – I remember you
- lostkitty – I remember you
- lostkitty – I remember you
- lostkitty – I remember you
- lostkitty – I remember you
- Why not also get rid of all
- Why not also get rid of all
- Why not also get rid of all
- Why not also get rid of all
- Why not also get rid of all
- socrattt wrote:IONEGARM
- socrattt wrote:IONEGARM
- socrattt wrote:IONEGARM
- socrattt wrote:IONEGARM
- socrattt wrote:IONEGARM
- The general strategy you are
- The general strategy you are
- The general strategy you are
- The general strategy you are
- The general strategy you are
- sc_alum wrote:
- sc_alum wrote:
- sc_alum wrote:
- sc_alum wrote:
- sc_alum wrote:
- peterb wrote:Unemployment
- peterb wrote:Unemployment
- peterb wrote:Unemployment
- peterb wrote:Unemployment
- peterb wrote:Unemployment
- Scarlett wrote:what year’s
- Scarlett wrote:what year’s
- Scarlett wrote:what year’s
- Scarlett wrote:what year’s
- Scarlett wrote:what year’s
- SDEngineer wrote:.
I will
- SDEngineer wrote:.
I will
- SDEngineer wrote:.
I will
- SDEngineer wrote:.
I will
- SDEngineer wrote:.
I will
- Using the search command I
- Using the search command I
- Using the search command I
- Using the search command I
- Using the search command I
- 4plexowner wrote:
in the
- 4plexowner wrote:
in the
- 4plexowner wrote:
in the
- 4plexowner wrote:
in the
- 4plexowner wrote:
in the
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- Finally, if you extend your
- Finally, if you extend your
- Finally, if you extend your
- Finally, if you extend your
- Finally, if you extend your
- Second, your chart nicely
- Second, your chart nicely
- Second, your chart nicely
- Second, your chart nicely
- Second, your chart nicely
- First things first. Your
- First things first. Your
- First things first. Your
- First things first. Your
- First things first. Your
- 4plexowner wrote:
I’m not
- 4plexowner wrote:
I’m not
- 4plexowner wrote:
I’m not
- 4plexowner wrote:
I’m not
- 4plexowner wrote:
I’m not
- capeman wrote:They’re still
- capeman wrote:They’re still
- capeman wrote:They’re still
- capeman wrote:They’re still
- capeman wrote:They’re still
- 4plexowner wrote:
how’s that
- 4plexowner wrote:
how’s that
- 4plexowner wrote:
how’s that
- 4plexowner wrote:
how’s that
- 4plexowner wrote:
how’s that
- I see my mistake.
I used a
- I see my mistake.
I used a
- I see my mistake.
I used a
- I see my mistake.
I used a
- I see my mistake.
I used a
- 4plexowner wrote:”In fact,
- 4plexowner wrote:”In fact,
- 4plexowner wrote:”In fact,
- 4plexowner wrote:”In fact,
- 4plexowner wrote:”In fact,
- If you want to sell, you need
- If you want to sell, you need
- If you want to sell, you need
- If you want to sell, you need
- If you want to sell, you need
- stockstradr
- stockstradr
- stockstradr
- stockstradr
- stockstradr
- I like the example that HLS
- I like the example that HLS
- I like the example that HLS
- I like the example that HLS
- I like the example that HLS
- 4plexowner wrote:”period from
- 4plexowner wrote:”period from
- 4plexowner wrote:”period from
- 4plexowner wrote:”period from
- 4plexowner wrote:”period from
- 4plexowner wrote:”15 months
- 4plexowner wrote:”15 months
- 4plexowner wrote:”15 months
- 4plexowner wrote:”15 months
- 4plexowner wrote:”15 months
- 4plexowner wrote:”for those
- 4plexowner wrote:”for those
- 4plexowner wrote:”for those
- 4plexowner wrote:”for those
- 4plexowner wrote:”for those
- ibjames wrote:sdduuuude
- ibjames wrote:sdduuuude
- ibjames wrote:sdduuuude
- ibjames wrote:sdduuuude
- ibjames wrote:sdduuuude
- Aside from any possible moral
- Aside from any possible moral
- Aside from any possible moral
- Aside from any possible moral
- Aside from any possible moral
- peterb wrote:The best we’ve
- peterb wrote:The best we’ve
- peterb wrote:The best we’ve
- peterb wrote:The best we’ve
- peterb wrote:The best we’ve
- Sorry I diverged a bit from
- Sorry I diverged a bit from
- Sorry I diverged a bit from
- Sorry I diverged a bit from
- Sorry I diverged a bit from
- Part 2 – Rental property tax
- Part 2 – Rental property tax
- Part 2 – Rental property tax
- Part 2 – Rental property tax
- Part 2 – Rental property tax
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- patientrenter
- CalFord wrote:
And to the
- CalFord wrote:
And to the
- CalFord wrote:
And to the
- CalFord wrote:
And to the
- CalFord wrote:
And to the
- In an ideal world, removing
- In an ideal world, removing
- In an ideal world, removing
- In an ideal world, removing
- In an ideal world, removing
- TheBreeze wrote:And not only
- TheBreeze wrote:And not only
- TheBreeze wrote:And not only
- TheBreeze wrote:And not only
- TheBreeze wrote:And not only
- TheBreeze wrote:
Oh joy! So
- TheBreeze wrote:
Oh joy! So
- TheBreeze wrote:
Oh joy! So
- TheBreeze wrote:
Oh joy! So
- TheBreeze wrote:
Oh joy! So
- Forget Ohio. I’ve heard that
- Forget Ohio. I’ve heard that
- Forget Ohio. I’ve heard that
- Forget Ohio. I’ve heard that
- Forget Ohio. I’ve heard that
- What public policy is served
- What public policy is served
- What public policy is served
- What public policy is served
- What public policy is served
- The title Mr. Mortgage uses:
- The title Mr. Mortgage uses:
- The title Mr. Mortgage uses:
- The title Mr. Mortgage uses:
- The title Mr. Mortgage uses:
- sdnerd wrote:Also noticed the
- sdnerd wrote:Also noticed the
- sdnerd wrote:Also noticed the
- sdnerd wrote:Also noticed the
- sdnerd wrote:Also noticed the
- Well, this seems unusual, but
- Well, this seems unusual, but
- Well, this seems unusual, but
- Well, this seems unusual, but
- Well, this seems unusual, but
- leucadiarenter wrote:then why
- leucadiarenter wrote:then why
- leucadiarenter wrote:then why
- leucadiarenter wrote:then why
- leucadiarenter wrote:then why
- $123 per year seems
- $123 per year seems
- $123 per year seems
- $123 per year seems
- $123 per year seems
- poway_seller wrote:I went
- poway_seller wrote:I went
- poway_seller wrote:I went
- poway_seller wrote:I went
- poway_seller wrote:I went
- leucadiarenter wrote:don’t
- leucadiarenter wrote:don’t
- leucadiarenter wrote:don’t
- leucadiarenter wrote:don’t
- leucadiarenter wrote:don’t
- Thank you Calford for
- Thank you Calford for
- Thank you Calford for
- Thank you Calford for
- Thank you Calford for
- Now is a great time to be
- Now is a great time to be
- Now is a great time to be
- Now is a great time to be
- Now is a great time to be
- Have you considered downtown.
- Have you considered downtown.
- Have you considered downtown.
- Have you considered downtown.
- Have you considered downtown.
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, I heard
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, I heard
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, I heard
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, I heard
- sdrealtor wrote:FWIW, I heard
- clairemontian
- clairemontian
- clairemontian
- clairemontian
- clairemontian
- … But here’s a stab:
- … But here’s a stab:
- … But here’s a stab:
- … But here’s a stab:
- … But here’s a stab:
- I don’t think we can offer a
- I don’t think we can offer a
- I don’t think we can offer a
- I don’t think we can offer a
- I don’t think we can offer a
- pepsi wrote:
I think it is
- pepsi wrote:
I think it is
- pepsi wrote:
I think it is
- pepsi wrote:
I think it is
- pepsi wrote:
I think it is
- I believe that the original
- I believe that the original
- I believe that the original
- I believe that the original
- I believe that the original
- cv2 wrote:How long does it
- cv2 wrote:How long does it
- cv2 wrote:How long does it
- cv2 wrote:How long does it
- cv2 wrote:How long does it
- temeculaguy wrote:
Of course
- temeculaguy wrote:
Of course
- temeculaguy wrote:
Of course
- temeculaguy wrote:
Of course
- temeculaguy wrote:
Of course
- In this case I think it makes
- In this case I think it makes
- In this case I think it makes
- In this case I think it makes
- In this case I think it makes
- If you make 79K you can buy a
- If you make 79K you can buy a
- If you make 79K you can buy a
- If you make 79K you can buy a
- If you make 79K you can buy a
- “How do mortgage lenders look
- “How do mortgage lenders look
- “How do mortgage lenders look
- “How do mortgage lenders look
- “How do mortgage lenders look
- Thanks joestool for also
- Thanks joestool for also
- Thanks joestool for also
- Thanks joestool for also
- Thanks joestool for also
- I think you mean
- I think you mean
- I think you mean
- I think you mean
- I think you mean
- I could be wrong, but I
- I could be wrong, but I
- I could be wrong, but I
- I could be wrong, but I
- I could be wrong, but I
- It’s the price.
The only
- It’s the price.
The only
- It’s the price.
The only
- It’s the price.
The only
- It’s the price.
The only
- asianautica wrote:
San Diego,
- asianautica wrote:
San Diego,
- asianautica wrote:
San Diego,
- asianautica wrote:
San Diego,
- asianautica wrote:
San Diego,
- poorsaver wrote:It’s peculiar
- poorsaver wrote:It’s peculiar
- poorsaver wrote:It’s peculiar
- poorsaver wrote:It’s peculiar
- poorsaver wrote:It’s peculiar
- DWCAP wrote:’He recently used
- DWCAP wrote:’He recently used
- DWCAP wrote:’He recently used
- DWCAP wrote:’He recently used
- DWCAP wrote:’He recently used
- I am bullish in the
- I am bullish in the
- I am bullish in the
- I am bullish in the
- I am bullish in the
- 4plexowner wrote:”By any
- 4plexowner wrote:”By any
- 4plexowner wrote:”By any
- 4plexowner wrote:”By any
- 4plexowner wrote:”By any
- DWCAP wrote:FSD, just because
- DWCAP wrote:FSD, just because
- DWCAP wrote:FSD, just because
- DWCAP wrote:FSD, just because
- DWCAP wrote:FSD, just because
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- 4plexowner wrote:
- The San Diego real estate
- The San Diego real estate
- The San Diego real estate
- The San Diego real estate
- The San Diego real estate
- SD Realtor wrote:FSD I guess
- SD Realtor wrote:FSD I guess
- SD Realtor wrote:FSD I guess
- SD Realtor wrote:FSD I guess
- SD Realtor wrote:FSD I guess
- Interesting part about this
- Interesting part about this
- Interesting part about this
- Interesting part about this
- Interesting part about this
- Check out the data provided
- Check out the data provided
- Check out the data provided
- Check out the data provided
- Check out the data provided
- gn wrote:SD Realtor
- gn wrote:SD Realtor
- gn wrote:SD Realtor
- gn wrote:SD Realtor
- gn wrote:SD Realtor
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- ocrenter wrote:formerSD,
- ocrenter wrote:formerSD,
- ocrenter wrote:formerSD,
- ocrenter wrote:formerSD,
- ocrenter wrote:formerSD,
- SD Realtor wrote:
I am not
- SD Realtor wrote:
I am not
- SD Realtor wrote:
I am not
- SD Realtor wrote:
I am not
- SD Realtor wrote:
I am not
- capeman wrote:
5) You know
- capeman wrote:
5) You know
- capeman wrote:
5) You know
- capeman wrote:
5) You know
- capeman wrote:
5) You know
- Ex-SD wrote:
… Primarily in
- Ex-SD wrote:
… Primarily in
- Ex-SD wrote:
… Primarily in
- Ex-SD wrote:
… Primarily in
- Ex-SD wrote:
… Primarily in
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- FormerSanDiegan
- ocrenter wrote:Anyone know
- ocrenter wrote:Anyone know
- ocrenter wrote:Anyone know
- ocrenter wrote:Anyone know
- ocrenter wrote:Anyone know
- Weird thing just
- Weird thing just
- Weird thing just
- Weird thing just
- Weird thing just
- Interesting find.
Plenty of
- Interesting find.
Plenty of
- Interesting find.
Plenty of
- Interesting find.
Plenty of
- Interesting find.
Plenty of
- sdnerd wrote: Even Forbes is
- sdnerd wrote: Even Forbes is
- sdnerd wrote: Even Forbes is
- sdnerd wrote: Even Forbes is
- sdnerd wrote: Even Forbes is
- Getting a car loan
- Getting a car loan
- Getting a car loan
- Getting a car loan
- Getting a car loan
- asianautica wrote:Ren
- asianautica wrote:Ren
- asianautica wrote:Ren
- asianautica wrote:Ren
- asianautica wrote:Ren
- Whatever you do, I would not
- Whatever you do, I would not
- Whatever you do, I would not
- Whatever you do, I would not
- Whatever you do, I would not
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- Nor-LA-SD-guy wrote:
- KIBU wrote:My question to all
- KIBU wrote:My question to all
- KIBU wrote:My question to all
- KIBU wrote:My question to all
- KIBU wrote:My question to all
- jpinpb wrote:I made this
- jpinpb wrote:I made this
- jpinpb wrote:I made this
- jpinpb wrote:I made this
- jpinpb wrote:I made this
- esmith wrote:How about we
- esmith wrote:How about we
- esmith wrote:How about we
- esmith wrote:How about we
- esmith wrote:How about we
- 4plexowner wrote:
People who
- 4plexowner wrote:
People who
- 4plexowner wrote:
People who
- 4plexowner wrote:
People who
- 4plexowner wrote:
People who
- jpinpb – You are on the
- jpinpb – You are on the
- jpinpb – You are on the
- jpinpb – You are on the
- jpinpb – You are on the
- JordanT wrote:Your typical
- JordanT wrote:Your typical
- JordanT wrote:Your typical
- JordanT wrote:Your typical
- JordanT wrote:Your typical
- stockstradr wrote:Here’s your
- stockstradr wrote:Here’s your
- stockstradr wrote:Here’s your
- stockstradr wrote:Here’s your
- stockstradr wrote:Here’s your
- Fearful wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- Fearful wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- Fearful wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- Fearful wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- Fearful wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- patb wrote:
All the non
- patb wrote:
All the non
- patb wrote:
All the non
- patb wrote:
All the non
- patb wrote:
All the non
- DWCAP is on the right
- DWCAP is on the right
- DWCAP is on the right
- DWCAP is on the right
- DWCAP is on the right
- esmith wrote:peterb
- esmith wrote:peterb
- esmith wrote:peterb
- esmith wrote:peterb
- esmith wrote:peterb
- AT age 26, you should not
- AT age 26, you should not
- AT age 26, you should not
- AT age 26, you should not
- AT age 26, you should not
- The focus here has been on
- The focus here has been on
- The focus here has been on
- The focus here has been on
- The focus here has been on
- For all of you who think
- For all of you who think
- For all of you who think
- For all of you who think
- For all of you who think
- asianautica
- asianautica
- asianautica
- asianautica
- asianautica
- Is there any way to actually
- Is there any way to actually
- Is there any way to actually
- Is there any way to actually
- Is there any way to actually
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- DWCAP wrote:
I guess the real
- DWCAP wrote:
I guess the real
- DWCAP wrote:
I guess the real
- DWCAP wrote:
I guess the real
- DWCAP wrote:
I guess the real
- “I am not online then how can
- “I am not online then how can
- “I am not online then how can
- “I am not online then how can
- “I am not online then how can
- sdduuuude wrote: Employment
- sdduuuude wrote: Employment
- sdduuuude wrote: Employment
- sdduuuude wrote: Employment
- sdduuuude wrote: Employment
- Thanks.
Do you expect the
- Thanks.
Do you expect the
- Thanks.
Do you expect the
- Thanks.
Do you expect the
- Thanks.
Do you expect the
- kewp wrote:
Why the
- kewp wrote:
Why the
- kewp wrote:
Why the
- kewp wrote:
Why the
- kewp wrote:
Why the
- OK Bryan, we give up. Tell
- OK Bryan, we give up. Tell
- OK Bryan, we give up. Tell
- OK Bryan, we give up. Tell
- OK Bryan, we give up. Tell
- Buy a house, take out a
- Buy a house, take out a
- Buy a house, take out a
- Buy a house, take out a
- Buy a house, take out a
- cooprider wrote:This has to
- cooprider wrote:This has to
- cooprider wrote:This has to
- cooprider wrote:This has to
- cooprider wrote:This has to
- Interestingly enough, the DOW
- Interestingly enough, the DOW
- Interestingly enough, the DOW
- Interestingly enough, the DOW
- Interestingly enough, the DOW
- A headline that correlates
- A headline that correlates
- A headline that correlates
- A headline that correlates
- A headline that correlates
- Market soars like an eagle on heels of epic Chargers’ Defeat
- I like sduuuuude’s
- I like sduuuuude’s
- I like sduuuuude’s
- I like sduuuuude’s
- I like sduuuuude’s
- From a real estate
- From a real estate
- From a real estate
- From a real estate
- From a real estate
- sdduuuude wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:sdduuuude
- sdduuuude wrote:sdduuuude
- A better method would be to
- A better method would be to
- A better method would be to
- A better method would be to
- A better method would be to
- So, PS called for S&P 500 to
- So, PS called for S&P 500 to
- So, PS called for S&P 500 to
- So, PS called for S&P 500 to
- So, PS called for S&P 500 to
- The real question is whether
- The real question is whether
- The real question is whether
- The real question is whether
- The real question is whether
- peterb wrote:Isnt this an OT
- peterb wrote:Isnt this an OT
- peterb wrote:Isnt this an OT
- peterb wrote:Isnt this an OT
- peterb wrote:Isnt this an OT
- cooprider wrote:Great insight
- cooprider wrote:Great insight
- cooprider wrote:Great insight
- cooprider wrote:Great insight
- cooprider wrote:Great insight
- Anyone know of any other
- Anyone know of any other
- Anyone know of any other
- Anyone know of any other
- Anyone know of any other
- threadkiller wrote:I “feel”
- threadkiller wrote:I “feel”
- threadkiller wrote:I “feel”
- threadkiller wrote:I “feel”
- threadkiller wrote:I “feel”
- Enorah wrote:Such a slippery
- Enorah wrote:Such a slippery
- Enorah wrote:Such a slippery
- Enorah wrote:Such a slippery
- Enorah wrote:Such a slippery
- The abortion issue is
- The abortion issue is
- The abortion issue is
- The abortion issue is
- The abortion issue is
- Enorah. I agree with you
- Enorah. I agree with you
- Enorah. I agree with you
- Enorah. I agree with you
- Enorah. I agree with you
- But apparently the fact I
- But apparently the fact I
- But apparently the fact I
- But apparently the fact I
- But apparently the fact I
- Enorah wrote:This law
- Enorah wrote:This law
- Enorah wrote:This law
- Enorah wrote:This law
- Enorah wrote:This law
- Not to belabor the point, but
- Not to belabor the point, but
- Not to belabor the point, but
- Not to belabor the point, but
- Not to belabor the point, but
- DWCAP wrote:
uhhhh, ask? “So
- DWCAP wrote:
uhhhh, ask? “So
- DWCAP wrote:
uhhhh, ask? “So
- DWCAP wrote:
uhhhh, ask? “So
- DWCAP wrote:
uhhhh, ask? “So
- Seriously, I think that the
- Seriously, I think that the
- Seriously, I think that the
- Seriously, I think that the
- Seriously, I think that the
- I believe that you would do
- I believe that you would do
- I believe that you would do
- I believe that you would do
- I believe that you would do
- cooprider wrote:
At the top
- cooprider wrote:
At the top
- cooprider wrote:
At the top
- cooprider wrote:
At the top
- cooprider wrote:
At the top
- sdr –
Thanks for giving us a
- sdr –
Thanks for giving us a
- sdr –
Thanks for giving us a
- sdr –
Thanks for giving us a
- sdr –
Thanks for giving us a
- arraya wrote:Butleroftwo
- arraya wrote:Butleroftwo
- arraya wrote:Butleroftwo
- arraya wrote:Butleroftwo
- arraya wrote:Butleroftwo
- So, you would net
- So, you would net
- So, you would net
- So, you would net
- So, you would net
- 3. Eliminate mortgage
- 3. Eliminate mortgage
- 3. Eliminate mortgage
- 3. Eliminate mortgage
- 3. Eliminate mortgage
- Ren wrote:There are so many
- Ren wrote:There are so many
- Ren wrote:There are so many
- Ren wrote:There are so many
- Ren wrote:There are so many
- stockstradr wrote:
I predict
- stockstradr wrote:
I predict
- stockstradr wrote:
I predict
- stockstradr wrote:
I predict
- stockstradr wrote:
I predict
- I don’t disagree completely
- I don’t disagree completely
- I don’t disagree completely
- I don’t disagree completely
- I don’t disagree completely
- peterb, you seem to be
- peterb, you seem to be
- peterb, you seem to be
- peterb, you seem to be
- peterb, you seem to be
- cooprider wrote:Assuming of
- cooprider wrote:Assuming of
- cooprider wrote:Assuming of
- cooprider wrote:Assuming of
- cooprider wrote:Assuming of
- Here is the article where I
- Here is the article where I
- Here is the article where I
- Here is the article where I
- Here is the article where I
- Shiller a long-term semi bull ?
- cashflow wrote:Anyone have
- cashflow wrote:Anyone have
- cashflow wrote:Anyone have
- cashflow wrote:Anyone have
- cashflow wrote:Anyone have
- so prices haven’t droped
- so prices haven’t droped
- so prices haven’t droped
- so prices haven’t droped
- so prices haven’t droped
- I agree with sduuuude.
- I agree with sduuuude.
- I agree with sduuuude.
- I agree with sduuuude.
- I agree with sduuuude.
- I believe that folks with
- I believe that folks with
- I believe that folks with
- I believe that folks with
- I believe that folks with
- This is an option ARM chart.
- This is an option ARM chart.
- This is an option ARM chart.
- This is an option ARM chart.
- This is an option ARM chart.
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- The number was based on sales
- The number was based on sales
- The number was based on sales
- The number was based on sales
- The number was based on sales
- BGinRB wrote:I just tried to
- BGinRB wrote:I just tried to
- BGinRB wrote:I just tried to
- BGinRB wrote:I just tried to
- BGinRB wrote:I just tried to
- lonestar2000 wrote:Enorah
- lonestar2000 wrote:Enorah
- lonestar2000 wrote:Enorah
- lonestar2000 wrote:Enorah
- lonestar2000 wrote:Enorah
- arraya wrote:THIS JUST IN:
- arraya wrote:THIS JUST IN:
- arraya wrote:THIS JUST IN:
- arraya wrote:THIS JUST IN:
- arraya wrote:THIS JUST IN:
- esmith wrote:What’d you spill
- esmith wrote:What’d you spill
- esmith wrote:What’d you spill
- esmith wrote:What’d you spill
- esmith wrote:What’d you spill
- I see typical signs of
- I see typical signs of
- I see typical signs of
- I see typical signs of
- I see typical signs of
- When interest rates were in
- When interest rates were in
- When interest rates were in
- When interest rates were in
- When interest rates were in
- The flippers like Bruce
- The flippers like Bruce
- The flippers like Bruce
- The flippers like Bruce
- The flippers like Bruce
- $500 per month is 4.3% of
- $500 per month is 4.3% of
- $500 per month is 4.3% of
- $500 per month is 4.3% of
- $500 per month is 4.3% of
- TheBreeze
- TheBreeze
- TheBreeze
- TheBreeze
- TheBreeze
- az4ronpaul wrote:Based on
- az4ronpaul wrote:Based on
- az4ronpaul wrote:Based on
- az4ronpaul wrote:Based on
- az4ronpaul wrote:Based on
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- DWCAP wrote:
Maybe I am way
- DWCAP wrote:
Maybe I am way
- DWCAP wrote:
Maybe I am way
- DWCAP wrote:
Maybe I am way
- DWCAP wrote:
Maybe I am way
- Dunerookie wrote:Isn’t there
- Dunerookie wrote:Isn’t there
- Dunerookie wrote:Isn’t there
- Dunerookie wrote:Isn’t there
- Dunerookie wrote:Isn’t there
- Hey, I almost forgot about my
- Hey, I almost forgot about my
- Hey, I almost forgot about my
- Hey, I almost forgot about my
- Hey, I almost forgot about my
- Interesting thread.
- Interesting thread.
- Interesting thread.
- Interesting thread.
- Interesting thread.
- So, the unit in question
- So, the unit in question
- So, the unit in question
- So, the unit in question
- So, the unit in question
- I started a 529 plan for my
- I started a 529 plan for my
- I started a 529 plan for my
- I started a 529 plan for my
- I started a 529 plan for my
- I’m dollar cost averaging
- I’m dollar cost averaging
- I’m dollar cost averaging
- I’m dollar cost averaging
- I’m dollar cost averaging
- Business cycle phasing (US
- Business cycle phasing (US
- Business cycle phasing (US
- Business cycle phasing (US
- Business cycle phasing (US
- peterb wrote:Basic economics
- peterb wrote:Basic economics
- peterb wrote:Basic economics
- peterb wrote:Basic economics
- peterb wrote:Basic economics
- 5yearwaiter
- 5yearwaiter
- 5yearwaiter
- 5yearwaiter
- 5yearwaiter
- Buying at a time of excessive
- Buying at a time of excessive
- Buying at a time of excessive
- Buying at a time of excessive
- Buying at a time of excessive
- “…few expects this is the
- “…few expects this is the
- “…few expects this is the
- “…few expects this is the
- “…few expects this is the
- The Padres started mailing it
- The Padres started mailing it
- The Padres started mailing it
- The Padres started mailing it
- The Padres started mailing it
- . Can any one predict the
- . Can any one predict the
- . Can any one predict the
- . Can any one predict the
- . Can any one predict the
- I don’t believe that a loan
- I don’t believe that a loan
- I don’t believe that a loan
- I don’t believe that a loan
- I don’t believe that a loan
- Here’s what I think the ideal
- Here’s what I think the ideal
- Here’s what I think the ideal
- Here’s what I think the ideal
- Here’s what I think the ideal
- The dollar will be funny
- The dollar will be funny
- The dollar will be funny
- The dollar will be funny
- The dollar will be funny
- Mayer wrote:Lehman’s CFO says
- Mayer wrote:Lehman’s CFO says
- Mayer wrote:Lehman’s CFO says
- Mayer wrote:Lehman’s CFO says
- Mayer wrote:Lehman’s CFO says
- insiders with huge amounts
- insiders with huge amounts
- insiders with huge amounts
- insiders with huge amounts
- insiders with huge amounts
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- BGinRB wrote:FormerSanDiegan
- I don’t really believe we are
- I don’t really believe we are
- I don’t really believe we are
- I don’t really believe we are
- I don’t really believe we are
- I’m also sort of calling a
- I’m also sort of calling a
- I’m also sort of calling a
- I’m also sort of calling a
- I’m also sort of calling a
- Thanks Stan.
So I’m
- Thanks Stan.
So I’m
- Thanks Stan.
So I’m
- Thanks Stan.
So I’m
- Thanks Stan.
So I’m
- Every one of these markets
- Every one of these markets
- Every one of these markets
- Every one of these markets
- Every one of these markets
- I guess I type slow and
- I guess I type slow and
- I guess I type slow and
- I guess I type slow and
- I guess I type slow and
- The US economy is starting to
- The US economy is starting to
- The US economy is starting to
- The US economy is starting to
- The US economy is starting to
- To have your loan reduced
- To have your loan reduced
- To have your loan reduced
- To have your loan reduced
- To have your loan reduced
- I have no clue. Too many
- I have no clue. Too many
- I have no clue. Too many
- I have no clue. Too many
- I have no clue. Too many
- Not a bad trade on a
- Not a bad trade on a
- Not a bad trade on a
- Not a bad trade on a
- Not a bad trade on a
- cooprider wrote:Sharks >
- cooprider wrote:Sharks >
- cooprider wrote:Sharks >
- cooprider wrote:Sharks >
- cooprider wrote:Sharks >
- Sorry I didn’t respond
- Sorry I didn’t respond
- Sorry I didn’t respond
- Sorry I didn’t respond
- Sorry I didn’t respond
- I wonder if Bobcats are
- I wonder if Bobcats are
- I wonder if Bobcats are
- I wonder if Bobcats are
- I wonder if Bobcats are
- socrattt wrote:Nutjob
- socrattt wrote:Nutjob
- socrattt wrote:Nutjob
- socrattt wrote:Nutjob
- socrattt wrote:Nutjob
- Seems like the number of
- Seems like the number of
- Seems like the number of
- Seems like the number of
- Seems like the number of
- I’m out of FNM. It was a
- I’m out of FNM. It was a
- I’m out of FNM. It was a
- I’m out of FNM. It was a
- I’m out of FNM. It was a
- It sure looks like the
- It sure looks like the
- It sure looks like the
- It sure looks like the
- It sure looks like the
- But they may be countered by
- But they may be countered by
- But they may be countered by
- But they may be countered by
- But they may be countered by
- I agree with peterb on this
- I agree with peterb on this
- I agree with peterb on this
- I agree with peterb on this
- I agree with peterb on this
- When you are ready to sell
- When you are ready to sell
- When you are ready to sell
- When you are ready to sell
- When you are ready to sell
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- What would rent be for
- What would rent be for
- What would rent be for
- What would rent be for
- What would rent be for
- Commodity prices reflect the
- Commodity prices reflect the
- Commodity prices reflect the
- Commodity prices reflect the
- Commodity prices reflect the
- Stocks did outpace inflation
- Stocks did outpace inflation
- Stocks did outpace inflation
- Stocks did outpace inflation
- Stocks did outpace inflation
- I don’t disagree with your
- I don’t disagree with your
- I don’t disagree with your
- I don’t disagree with your
- I don’t disagree with your
- Yes, monetary inflation
- Yes, monetary inflation
- Yes, monetary inflation
- Yes, monetary inflation
- Yes, monetary inflation
- If the gains were less than
- If the gains were less than
- If the gains were less than
- If the gains were less than
- If the gains were less than
- I did not claim that anyone
- I did not claim that anyone
- I did not claim that anyone
- I did not claim that anyone
- I did not claim that anyone
- Why vacation rentals ?
- Why vacation rentals ?
- Why vacation rentals ?
- Why vacation rentals ?
- Why vacation rentals ?
- What hurts the average San
- What hurts the average San
- What hurts the average San
- What hurts the average San
- What hurts the average San
- Who cares if my index funds
- Who cares if my index funds
- Who cares if my index funds
- Who cares if my index funds
- Who cares if my index funds
- gdcox wrote:Request. Please
- gdcox wrote:Request. Please
- gdcox wrote:Request. Please
- gdcox wrote:Request. Please
- gdcox wrote:Request. Please
- OK, now I think I get
- OK, now I think I get
- OK, now I think I get
- OK, now I think I get
- OK, now I think I get
- I guess by the strict
- I guess by the strict
- I guess by the strict
- I guess by the strict
- I guess by the strict
- there was inflation that
- there was inflation that
- there was inflation that
- there was inflation that
- there was inflation that
- P.S. – Today the median-price
- P.S. – Today the median-price
- P.S. – Today the median-price
- P.S. – Today the median-price
- P.S. – Today the median-price
- OK kewp you are right. Let’s
- OK kewp you are right. Let’s
- OK kewp you are right. Let’s
- OK kewp you are right. Let’s
- OK kewp you are right. Let’s
- Yes, I am completely
- Yes, I am completely
- Yes, I am completely
- Yes, I am completely
- Yes, I am completely
- In your example I would say
- In your example I would say
- In your example I would say
- In your example I would say
- In your example I would say
- And unless you sold in SD at
- And unless you sold in SD at
- And unless you sold in SD at
- And unless you sold in SD at
- And unless you sold in SD at
- Kewp, your point is simply a
- Kewp, your point is simply a
- Kewp, your point is simply a
- Kewp, your point is simply a
- Kewp, your point is simply a
- some of you are blaming
- some of you are blaming
- some of you are blaming
- some of you are blaming
- some of you are blaming
- kev374 wrote:yes, I
- kev374 wrote:yes, I
- kev374 wrote:yes, I
- kev374 wrote:yes, I
- kev374 wrote:yes, I
- One dude from this show was
- One dude from this show was
- One dude from this show was
- One dude from this show was
- One dude from this show was
- Yeah, instead of buying
- Yeah, instead of buying
- Yeah, instead of buying
- Yeah, instead of buying
- Yeah, instead of buying
- AN – My experience was
- AN – My experience was
- AN – My experience was
- AN – My experience was
- AN – My experience was
- jimmyle wrote:Since taking my
- jimmyle wrote:Since taking my
- jimmyle wrote:Since taking my
- jimmyle wrote:Since taking my
- jimmyle wrote:Since taking my
- patientlywaiting
- patientlywaiting
- patientlywaiting
- patientlywaiting
- patientlywaiting
- CA renter – You certainly
- CA renter – You certainly
- CA renter – You certainly
- CA renter – You certainly
- CA renter – You certainly
- Rus, hope your buddy has
- Rus, hope your buddy has
- Rus, hope your buddy has
- Rus, hope your buddy has
- Rus, hope your buddy has
- FWIW, I sold our first house
- FWIW, I sold our first house
- FWIW, I sold our first house
- FWIW, I sold our first house
- FWIW, I sold our first house
- kewp wrote:Again (and I
- kewp wrote:Again (and I
- kewp wrote:Again (and I
- kewp wrote:Again (and I
- kewp wrote:Again (and I
- Just watch the NODs and REOs
- Just watch the NODs and REOs
- Just watch the NODs and REOs
- Just watch the NODs and REOs
- Just watch the NODs and REOs
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:FNM is
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:FNM is
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:FNM is
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:FNM is
- FormerSanDiegan wrote:FNM is
- FNM is down about 17% today.
- FNM is down about 17% today.
- FNM is down about 17% today.
- FNM is down about 17% today.
- FNM is down about 17% today.
- Since I’m married, I’d lose
- Since I’m married, I’d lose
- Since I’m married, I’d lose
- Since I’m married, I’d lose
- Since I’m married, I’d lose
- Today’s Wall Street Journal
- Today’s Wall Street Journal
- Today’s Wall Street Journal
- Today’s Wall Street Journal
- Today’s Wall Street Journal
- And here is my prophecy,
- And here is my prophecy,
- And here is my prophecy,
- And here is my prophecy,
- And here is my prophecy,
- I completely disagree with
- I completely disagree with
- I completely disagree with
- I completely disagree with
- I completely disagree with
- “I suspect that we are
- “I suspect that we are
- “I suspect that we are
- “I suspect that we are
- “I suspect that we are
- For example, instead of
- For example, instead of
- For example, instead of
- For example, instead of
- For example, instead of
- Greenspan has to be right
- Too risky for my blood.
- Too risky for my blood.
- Too risky for my blood.
- Too risky for my blood.
- Too risky for my blood.
- mixxalot wrote:I see a lot of
- mixxalot wrote:I see a lot of
- mixxalot wrote:I see a lot of
- mixxalot wrote:I see a lot of
- mixxalot wrote:I see a lot of
- In defense of the bears from
- In defense of the bears from
- In defense of the bears from
- In defense of the bears from
- In defense of the bears from
- The equation of rent vs. buy
- The equation of rent vs. buy
- The equation of rent vs. buy
- The equation of rent vs. buy
- The equation of rent vs. buy
- fat_lazy_union_worker wrote:I
- fat_lazy_union_worker wrote:I
- fat_lazy_union_worker wrote:I
- fat_lazy_union_worker wrote:I
- fat_lazy_union_worker wrote:I
- This buyer just caught a
- This buyer just caught a
- This buyer just caught a
- This buyer just caught a
- This buyer just caught a
- FLU,
I think he left out some
- FLU,
I think he left out some
- FLU,
I think he left out some
- FLU,
I think he left out some
- FLU,
I think he left out some
- NicMM – Surely these aren’t
- NicMM – Surely these aren’t
- NicMM – Surely these aren’t
- NicMM – Surely these aren’t
- NicMM – Surely these aren’t
- He may be a troll, but I
- He may be a troll, but I
- He may be a troll, but I
- He may be a troll, but I
- He may be a troll, but I
- I guess I missed this rally
- I guess I missed this rally
- I guess I missed this rally
- I guess I missed this rally
- I guess I missed this rally
- Critter wrote:What about the
- Critter wrote:What about the
- Critter wrote:What about the
- Critter wrote:What about the
- Critter wrote:What about the
- SO, what your saying is that
- SO, what your saying is that
- SO, what your saying is that
- SO, what your saying is that
- SO, what your saying is that
- Nice point Rus.
- Nice point Rus.
- Nice point Rus.
- Nice point Rus.
- Nice point Rus.
- I suggest even some current
- I suggest even some current
- I suggest even some current
- I suggest even some current
- I suggest even some current
- My feeling is that there’s a
- My feeling is that there’s a
- My feeling is that there’s a
- My feeling is that there’s a
- My feeling is that there’s a
- I was not mocking him. I was
- I was not mocking him. I was
- I was not mocking him. I was
- I was not mocking him. I was
- I was not mocking him. I was
- Plenty of other professions
- Plenty of other professions
- Plenty of other professions
- Plenty of other professions
- Plenty of other professions
- If you look at fundamentals
- If you look at fundamentals
- If you look at fundamentals
- If you look at fundamentals
- If you look at fundamentals
- This article cites all the
- This article cites all the
- This article cites all the
- This article cites all the
- This article cites all the
- For that short a time frame,
- For that short a time frame,
- For that short a time frame,
- For that short a time frame,
- For that short a time frame,
- sdduuuude makes a great
- sdduuuude makes a great
- sdduuuude makes a great
- sdduuuude makes a great
- sdduuuude makes a great
- I don’t know if it’s a good
- I don’t know if it’s a good
- I don’t know if it’s a good
- I don’t know if it’s a good
- I don’t know if it’s a good
- Oh, and as to the original
- Oh, and as to the original
- Oh, and as to the original
- Oh, and as to the original
- Oh, and as to the original
- So, the idea of a typical
- So, the idea of a typical
- So, the idea of a typical
- So, the idea of a typical
- So, the idea of a typical
- Alt-A is really out there
- Alt-A is really out there
- Alt-A is really out there
- Alt-A is really out there
- Alt-A is really out there
- pepsi is correct.
a) Count
- pepsi is correct.
a) Count
- pepsi is correct.
a) Count
- pepsi is correct.
a) Count
- pepsi is correct.
a) Count
- It applies to houses
- It applies to houses
- It applies to houses
- It applies to houses
- It applies to houses
- Drunkle. I guess that means
- Drunkle. I guess that means
- Drunkle. I guess that means
- Drunkle. I guess that means
- Drunkle. I guess that means
- Rents are in their own
- Rents are in their own
- Rents are in their own
- Rents are in their own
- Rents are in their own
- The down payment is typically
- The down payment is typically
- The down payment is typically
- The down payment is typically
- The down payment is typically
- Isn’t part of the new
- Isn’t part of the new
- Isn’t part of the new
- Isn’t part of the new
- Isn’t part of the new
- sddreaming wrote:This is for
- sddreaming wrote:This is for
- sddreaming wrote:This is for
- sddreaming wrote:This is for
- sddreaming wrote:This is for
- 100K down on properties in
- 100K down on properties in
- 100K down on properties in
- 100K down on properties in
- 100K down on properties in
- 92117 97 50
Whoa, active to
- 92117 97 50
Whoa, active to
- 92117 97 50
Whoa, active to
- 92117 97 50
Whoa, active to
- 92117 97 50
Whoa, active to
- SHort term rates are low
- SHort term rates are low
- SHort term rates are low
- SHort term rates are low
- SHort term rates are low
- Depending on short-term
- Depending on short-term
- Depending on short-term
- Depending on short-term
- Depending on short-term
- temeculaguy wrote: Curiously,
- temeculaguy wrote: Curiously,
- temeculaguy wrote: Curiously,
- temeculaguy wrote: Curiously,
- temeculaguy wrote: Curiously,
- Here’s my advice …
- Here’s my advice …
- Here’s my advice …
- Here’s my advice …
- Here’s my advice …
- something besides Football
- something besides Football
- something besides Football
- something besides Football
- something besides Football
- Typically 75% of the rental
- Typically 75% of the rental
- Typically 75% of the rental
- Typically 75% of the rental
- Typically 75% of the rental
- The original powayseller can
- The original powayseller can
- The original powayseller can
- The original powayseller can
- The original powayseller can
- This flippy house looks to
- This flippy house looks to
- This flippy house looks to
- This flippy house looks to
- This flippy house looks to
- I agree with FLU
- I agree with FLU
- I agree with FLU
- I agree with FLU
- I agree with FLU
- Yes it is close to downtown
- Yes it is close to downtown
- Yes it is close to downtown
- Yes it is close to downtown
- Yes it is close to downtown
- When houses in Temecula
- When houses in Temecula
- When houses in Temecula
- When houses in Temecula
- When houses in Temecula
- The term comes from an ages
- The term comes from an ages
- The term comes from an ages
- The term comes from an ages
- The term comes from an ages
- I would worry that this
- I would worry that this
- I would worry that this
- I would worry that this
- I would worry that this
- This looks a lot like a
- This looks a lot like a
- This looks a lot like a
- This looks a lot like a
- This looks a lot like a
- I’m no expert, but …
- I’m no expert, but …
- I’m no expert, but …
- I’m no expert, but …
- I’m no expert, but …
- Yeah 4 years ain’t bad. But
- Yeah 4 years ain’t bad. But
- Yeah 4 years ain’t bad. But
- Yeah 4 years ain’t bad. But
- Yeah 4 years ain’t bad. But
- peterb – I believe the
- peterb – I believe the
- peterb – I believe the
- peterb – I believe the
- peterb – I believe the
- To use the FHA bailout his
- To use the FHA bailout his
- To use the FHA bailout his
- To use the FHA bailout his
- To use the FHA bailout his
- Your best bet is the new
- Your best bet is the new
- Your best bet is the new
- Your best bet is the new
- Your best bet is the new
- The guy seems too reasonable
- The guy seems too reasonable
- The guy seems too reasonable
- The guy seems too reasonable
- The guy seems too reasonable
- Cool. 292K for a 2500 sf
- Cool. 292K for a 2500 sf
- Cool. 292K for a 2500 sf
- Cool. 292K for a 2500 sf
- Cool. 292K for a 2500 sf
- On Topic : GDP
- Nice work jpinpb
- Nice work jpinpb
- Nice work jpinpb
- Nice work jpinpb
- Nice work jpinpb
- Assuming that the following
- Assuming that the following
- Assuming that the following
- Assuming that the following
- Assuming that the following
- What about their chance to
- What about their chance to
- What about their chance to
- What about their chance to
- What about their chance to
- I thought this sounded
- I thought this sounded
- I thought this sounded
- I thought this sounded
- I thought this sounded
- BKinLA wrote:Looks like it’s
- BKinLA wrote:Looks like it’s
- BKinLA wrote:Looks like it’s
- BKinLA wrote:Looks like it’s
- BKinLA wrote:Looks like it’s
- jpinpb – cool chart. It
- jpinpb – cool chart. It
- jpinpb – cool chart. It
- jpinpb – cool chart. It
- jpinpb – cool chart. It
- …and the point is …
- …and the point is …
- …and the point is …
- …and the point is …
- …and the point is …
- A pet peeve of mine: Monthly
- A pet peeve of mine: Monthly
- A pet peeve of mine: Monthly
- A pet peeve of mine: Monthly
- A pet peeve of mine: Monthly
- So I’m seriously thinking of
- So I’m seriously thinking of
- So I’m seriously thinking of
- So I’m seriously thinking of
- So I’m seriously thinking of
- sdnativeson wrote:47%
- sdnativeson wrote:47%
- sdnativeson wrote:47%
- sdnativeson wrote:47%
- sdnativeson wrote:47%
- More like West Clairemont,
- More like West Clairemont,
- More like West Clairemont,
- More like West Clairemont,
- More like West Clairemont,
- The 7500 interest-free loan
- The 7500 interest-free loan
- The 7500 interest-free loan
- The 7500 interest-free loan
- The 7500 interest-free loan
- ibjames –
The rent*12*20 was
- ibjames –
The rent*12*20 was
- ibjames –
The rent*12*20 was
- ibjames –
The rent*12*20 was
- ibjames –
The rent*12*20 was
- Don’t know about 4S, but PB
- Don’t know about 4S, but PB
- Don’t know about 4S, but PB
- Don’t know about 4S, but PB
- Don’t know about 4S, but PB
- I just realized I am writing
- I just realized I am writing
- I just realized I am writing
- I just realized I am writing
- I just realized I am writing
- I don’t think there is
- I don’t think there is
- I don’t think there is
- I don’t think there is
- I don’t think there is
- FSD, this one
- FSD, this one
- FSD, this one
- FSD, this one
- FSD, this one
- … I buy the point about
- … I buy the point about
- … I buy the point about
- … I buy the point about
- … I buy the point about
- I wonder what the Fitch folks
- I wonder what the Fitch folks
- I wonder what the Fitch folks
- I wonder what the Fitch folks
- I wonder what the Fitch folks
- sdrealtor, What would be the
- sdrealtor, What would be the
- sdrealtor, What would be the
- sdrealtor, What would be the
- sdrealtor, What would be the
- f you assume a monthly rent
- f you assume a monthly rent
- f you assume a monthly rent
- f you assume a monthly rent
- f you assume a monthly rent
- In a bubbly or declining
- In a bubbly or declining
- In a bubbly or declining
- In a bubbly or declining
- In a bubbly or declining
- I guess “Late Summer 2008”
- I guess “Late Summer 2008”
- I guess “Late Summer 2008”
- I guess “Late Summer 2008”
- I guess “Late Summer 2008”
- If you look at Southern
- If you look at Southern
- If you look at Southern
- If you look at Southern
- If you look at Southern
- There are loads of laws
- There are loads of laws
- There are loads of laws
- There are loads of laws
- There are loads of laws
- nutjob
- nutjob
- nutjob
- nutjob
- nutjob
- The index you list (3.5%) was
- The index you list (3.5%) was
- The index you list (3.5%) was
- The index you list (3.5%) was
- The index you list (3.5%) was
- I know if I were a bank and
- I know if I were a bank and
- I know if I were a bank and
- I know if I were a bank and
- I know if I were a bank and
- I guess maybe Mr. Aguirre
- I guess maybe Mr. Aguirre
- I guess maybe Mr. Aguirre
- I guess maybe Mr. Aguirre
- I guess maybe Mr. Aguirre
- at these prices they are
- at these prices they are
- at these prices they are
- at these prices they are
- at these prices they are
- 92126_guy …
Your 1st is
- 92126_guy …
Your 1st is
- 92126_guy …
Your 1st is
- 92126_guy …
Your 1st is
- 92126_guy …
Your 1st is
- At $100 psf aren’t housing
- At $100 psf aren’t housing
- At $100 psf aren’t housing
- At $100 psf aren’t housing
- At $100 psf aren’t housing
- Comparison to Fed funds rate,
- Comparison to Fed funds rate,
- Comparison to Fed funds rate,
- Comparison to Fed funds rate,
- Comparison to Fed funds rate,
- … our combined salaries
- … our combined salaries
- … our combined salaries
- … our combined salaries
- … our combined salaries
- Well guess what, I was
- Well guess what, I was
- Well guess what, I was
- Well guess what, I was
- Well guess what, I was
- When a bull market brings
- When a bull market brings
- When a bull market brings
- When a bull market brings
- When a bull market brings
- I thought historians studied
- I thought historians studied
- I thought historians studied
- I thought historians studied
- I thought historians studied
- As for the 42% increase in
- As for the 42% increase in
- As for the 42% increase in
- As for the 42% increase in
- As for the 42% increase in
- This means that inventory is
- This means that inventory is
- This means that inventory is
- This means that inventory is
- This means that inventory is
- Without knowing the balance
- Without knowing the balance
- Without knowing the balance
- Without knowing the balance
- Without knowing the balance
- I agree with ucodegen on the
- I agree with ucodegen on the
- I agree with ucodegen on the
- I agree with ucodegen on the
- I agree with ucodegen on the
- I would not voluntarily sell
- I would not voluntarily sell
- I would not voluntarily sell
- I would not voluntarily sell
- I would not voluntarily sell
- I’m not really an Obama
- I’m not really an Obama
- I’m not really an Obama
- I’m not really an Obama
- I’m not really an Obama
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Allan from Fallbrook
- Barron’s may be lucky and
- Barron’s may be lucky and
- Barron’s may be lucky and
- Barron’s may be lucky and
- Barron’s may be lucky and
- Big difference between 150x
- Big difference between 150x
- Big difference between 150x
- Big difference between 150x
- Big difference between 150x
- At least 50 % of the price
- At least 50 % of the price
- At least 50 % of the price
- At least 50 % of the price
- At least 50 % of the price
- I second sdrealtor’s
- I second sdrealtor’s
- I second sdrealtor’s
- I second sdrealtor’s
- I second sdrealtor’s
- El Banco de Colchon
- El Banco de Colchon
- El Banco de Colchon
- El Banco de Colchon
- El Banco de Colchon
- I wonder what the line will
- I wonder what the line will
- I wonder what the line will
- I wonder what the line will
- I wonder what the line will
- OK, for liquid cash I think
- OK, for liquid cash I think
- OK, for liquid cash I think
- OK, for liquid cash I think
- OK, for liquid cash I think
- I’d like to ask Where would
- I’d like to ask Where would
- I’d like to ask Where would
- I’d like to ask Where would
- I’d like to ask Where would
- Here are the DataQuick
- Here are the DataQuick
- Here are the DataQuick
- Here are the DataQuick
- Here are the DataQuick
- Need to be out of there
- Need to be out of there
- Need to be out of there
- Need to be out of there
- Need to be out of there
- CEO of Indymac saying that
- CEO of Indymac saying that
- CEO of Indymac saying that
- CEO of Indymac saying that
- CEO of Indymac saying that
- Any bets on which way the
- Any bets on which way the
- Any bets on which way the
- Any bets on which way the
- Any bets on which way the
- My favorite “value” location
- My favorite “value” location
- My favorite “value” location
- My favorite “value” location
- My favorite “value” location
- EconProf –
Excellent point
- EconProf –
Excellent point
- EconProf –
Excellent point
- EconProf –
Excellent point
- EconProf –
Excellent point
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- fat_lazy_union_worker
- Besides that, most lenders
- Besides that, most lenders
- Besides that, most lenders
- Besides that, most lenders
- Besides that, most lenders
- For me, spending money on a
- For me, spending money on a
- For me, spending money on a
- For me, spending money on a
- For me, spending money on a
- In San Diego, and perhaps
- In San Diego, and perhaps
- In San Diego, and perhaps
- In San Diego, and perhaps
- In San Diego, and perhaps
- My all-time
- My all-time
- My all-time
- My all-time
- My all-time
- This seemed to happen last
- This seemed to happen last
- This seemed to happen last
- This seemed to happen last
- This seemed to happen last
- RE: Rental income and loans
- RE: Rental income and loans
- RE: Rental income and loans
- RE: Rental income and loans
- RE: Rental income and loans
- noone wrote:asianautica
- noone wrote:asianautica
- noone wrote:asianautica
- noone wrote:asianautica
- noone wrote:asianautica
- OK everyone IT’s MY FAULT !
- OK everyone IT’s MY FAULT !
- OK everyone IT’s MY FAULT !
- OK everyone IT’s MY FAULT !
- OK everyone IT’s MY FAULT !
- Who is “jcfuquette”
- Who is “jcfuquette”
- Who is “jcfuquette”
- Who is “jcfuquette”
- Who is “jcfuquette”
- ALso, since it is a REO you
- ALso, since it is a REO you
- ALso, since it is a REO you
- ALso, since it is a REO you
- ALso, since it is a REO you
- Income Tax
- Income Tax
- Income Tax
- Income Tax
- Income Tax
- U-T has a decade of the
- U-T has a decade of the
- U-T has a decade of the
- U-T has a decade of the
- U-T has a decade of the
- Yes, the agent is
- Yes, the agent is
- Yes, the agent is
- Yes, the agent is
- Yes, the agent is
- I think you don’t fully
- I think you don’t fully
- I think you don’t fully
- I think you don’t fully
- I think you don’t fully
- Suppose you were a yacht
- Suppose you were a yacht
- Suppose you were a yacht
- Suppose you were a yacht
- Suppose you were a yacht
- On our first house it was the
- On our first house it was the
- On our first house it was the
- On our first house it was the
- On our first house it was the
- Do they come with baby seats
- Do they come with baby seats
- Do they come with baby seats
- Do they come with baby seats
- Do they come with baby seats
- I’m thinking of buying some
- I’m thinking of buying some
- I’m thinking of buying some
- I’m thinking of buying some
- I’m thinking of buying some
- Things I liked when living
- Things I liked when living
- Things I liked when living
- Things I liked when living
- Things I liked when living
- jpinpb wrote:0 down:
- jpinpb wrote:0 down:
- jpinpb wrote:0 down:
- jpinpb wrote:0 down:
- jpinpb wrote:0 down:
- Smiar changin’ his tune ?
- I think the answer is
- I think the answer is
- I think the answer is
- I think the answer is
- I think the answer is
- AT $53 on the surface it
- AT $53 on the surface it
- AT $53 on the surface it
- AT $53 on the surface it
- AT $53 on the surface it
- If the houses are otherwise
- If the houses are otherwise
- If the houses are otherwise
- If the houses are otherwise
- If the houses are otherwise
- Testing the Edit function
- Testing the Edit function
- Testing the Edit function
- Testing the Edit function
- Testing the Edit function
- Did we just jump the shark or
- Did we just jump the shark or
- Did we just jump the shark or
- Did we just jump the shark or
- Did we just jump the shark or
- For reference from Feb 28,
- For reference from Feb 28,
- For reference from Feb 28,
- For reference from Feb 28,
- For reference from Feb 28,
- So a real estate agent says
- So a real estate agent says
- So a real estate agent says
- So a real estate agent says
- So a real estate agent says
- The best scenario is that
- The best scenario is that
- The best scenario is that
- The best scenario is that
- The best scenario is that
- I will be more interested
- I will be more interested
- I will be more interested
- I will be more interested
- I will be more interested
- I found a cool site that
- I found a cool site that
- I found a cool site that
- I found a cool site that
- I found a cool site that
- I dunno. I think he is kind
- I dunno. I think he is kind
- I dunno. I think he is kind
- I dunno. I think he is kind
- I dunno. I think he is kind
- Reduced inventory is not
- Reduced inventory is not
- Reduced inventory is not
- Reduced inventory is not
- Reduced inventory is not
- UT Article: Uptick in
- UT Article: Uptick in
- UT Article: Uptick in
- UT Article: Uptick in
- UT Article: Uptick in
- Here’s my issue with
- Here’s my issue with
- Here’s my issue with
- Here’s my issue with
- Here’s my issue with
- Unless you’re black, you
- Unless you’re black, you
- Unless you’re black, you
- Unless you’re black, you
- Unless you’re black, you
- Population demographics are
- Population demographics are
- Population demographics are
- Population demographics are
- Population demographics are
- I am a fiscally
- I am a fiscally
- I am a fiscally
- I am a fiscally
- I am a fiscally
- Hmm, as we all experienced
- Hmm, as we all experienced
- Hmm, as we all experienced
- Hmm, as we all experienced
- Hmm, as we all experienced
- Recent population
- Recent population
- Recent population
- Recent population
- Recent population
- less demand: There are more
- less demand: There are more
- less demand: There are more
- less demand: There are more
- less demand: There are more
- It is not for a real estate
- It is not for a real estate
- It is not for a real estate
- It is not for a real estate
- It is not for a real estate
- Regarding Reparations.
- Regarding Reparations.
- Regarding Reparations.
- Regarding Reparations.
- Regarding Reparations.
- Here’s a strategy that we
- Here’s a strategy that we
- Here’s a strategy that we
- Here’s a strategy that we
- Here’s a strategy that we
- “Should we include shadow
- “Should we include shadow
- “Should we include shadow
- “Should we include shadow
- “Should we include shadow
- This Mortgage guy is
- This Mortgage guy is
- This Mortgage guy is
- This Mortgage guy is
- This Mortgage guy is
- P.S. – An updated rent
- P.S. – An updated rent
- P.S. – An updated rent
- P.S. – An updated rent
- P.S. – An updated rent
- As for what rate to use when
- As for what rate to use when
- As for what rate to use when
- As for what rate to use when
- As for what rate to use when
- FormerSanDiegan, you mean
- FormerSanDiegan, you mean
- FormerSanDiegan, you mean
- FormerSanDiegan, you mean
- FormerSanDiegan, you mean
- How much of the Euro-zone
- How much of the Euro-zone
- How much of the Euro-zone
- How much of the Euro-zone
- How much of the Euro-zone
- This is not always in the
- This is not always in the
- This is not always in the
- This is not always in the
- This is not always in the
- It is not just to have it
- It is not just to have it
- It is not just to have it
- It is not just to have it
- It is not just to have it
- Shopping at Whole Foods?
- Shopping at Whole Foods?
- Shopping at Whole Foods?
- Shopping at Whole Foods?
- Shopping at Whole Foods?
- jpinpb – I agree that
- jpinpb – I agree that
- jpinpb – I agree that
- jpinpb – I agree that
- jpinpb – I agree that
- For those who don;t know
- For those who don;t know
- For those who don;t know
- For those who don;t know
- For those who don;t know
- Thanks surveyor and CA
- Thanks surveyor and CA
- Thanks surveyor and CA
- Thanks surveyor and CA
- Thanks surveyor and CA
- What could cause a rental
- What could cause a rental
- What could cause a rental
- What could cause a rental
- What could cause a rental
- The date for my SSN came and
- The date for my SSN came and
- The date for my SSN came and
- The date for my SSN came and
- The date for my SSN came and
- The coming Alt A implosion
- The coming Alt A implosion
- The coming Alt A implosion
- The coming Alt A implosion
- The coming Alt A implosion
- Fully furnished 3 bedroom
- Fully furnished 3 bedroom
- Fully furnished 3 bedroom
- Fully furnished 3 bedroom
- Fully furnished 3 bedroom
- All I see is two
- All I see is two
- All I see is two
- All I see is two
- All I see is two
- why would anyone buy today
- why would anyone buy today
- why would anyone buy today
- why would anyone buy today
- why would anyone buy today
- I have been one of the
- I have been one of the
- I have been one of the
- I have been one of the
- I have been one of the
- I don’t think we are at a
- I don’t think we are at a
- I don’t think we are at a
- I don’t think we are at a
- I don’t think we are at a
- Marion, you are not really
- Marion, you are not really
- Marion, you are not really
- Marion, you are not really
- Marion, you are not really
- I won’t be putting 20% down
- I won’t be putting 20% down
- I won’t be putting 20% down
- I won’t be putting 20% down
- I won’t be putting 20% down
- After buying would you have
- After buying would you have
- After buying would you have
- After buying would you have
- After buying would you have
- I don’t think this is the
- I don’t think this is the
- I don’t think this is the
- I don’t think this is the
- I don’t think this is the
- Inventory is flattening on
- Inventory is flattening on
- Inventory is flattening on
- Inventory is flattening on
- Inventory is flattening on
- No problem.
They are
- No problem.
They are
- No problem.
They are
- No problem.
They are
- No problem.
They are
- surveyor is correct. You
- surveyor is correct. You
- surveyor is correct. You
- surveyor is correct. You
- surveyor is correct. You
- How many of those reported
- How many of those reported
- How many of those reported
- How many of those reported
- How many of those reported
- I’ve always preferred used.
- I’ve always preferred used.
- I’ve always preferred used.
- I’ve always preferred used.
- I’ve always preferred used.
- The obvious point is made in
- The obvious point is made in
- The obvious point is made in
- The obvious point is made in
- The obvious point is made in
- Noone’s analysis
- Noone’s analysis
- Noone’s analysis
- Noone’s analysis
- Noone’s analysis
- What are incentive monies
- What are incentive monies
- What are incentive monies
- What are incentive monies
- What are incentive monies
- NicMM – I did not mean to
- NicMM – I did not mean to
- NicMM – I did not mean to
- NicMM – I did not mean to
- NicMM – I did not mean to
- Sorry, the post in a couple
- Sorry, the post in a couple
- Sorry, the post in a couple
- Sorry, the post in a couple
- Sorry, the post in a couple
- There is only pent-up
- There is only pent-up
- There is only pent-up
- There is only pent-up
- There is only pent-up
- I know this confess will
- I know this confess will
- I know this confess will
- I know this confess will
- I know this confess will
- We bought in Feb 1.5 blocks
- We bought in Feb 1.5 blocks
- We bought in Feb 1.5 blocks
- We bought in Feb 1.5 blocks
- We bought in Feb 1.5 blocks
- I didn’t have a good
- I didn’t have a good
- I didn’t have a good
- I didn’t have a good
- I didn’t have a good
- … in fact, as highly
- … in fact, as highly
- … in fact, as highly
- … in fact, as highly
- … in fact, as highly
- This guy could not have been
- This guy could not have been
- This guy could not have been
- This guy could not have been
- This guy could not have been
- I think Rustico nailed it.
- I think Rustico nailed it.
- I think Rustico nailed it.
- I think Rustico nailed it.
- I think Rustico nailed it.
- Three, inflation is killing
- Three, inflation is killing
- Three, inflation is killing
- Three, inflation is killing
- Three, inflation is killing
- Why is there no spike in
- Why is there no spike in
- Why is there no spike in
- Why is there no spike in
- Why is there no spike in
- Q. What percentage of the
- Q. What percentage of the
- Q. What percentage of the
- Q. What percentage of the
- Q. What percentage of the
- I think the agent is
- I think the agent is
- I think the agent is
- I think the agent is
- I think the agent is
- If you look at Esmith’s blog
- If you look at Esmith’s blog
- If you look at Esmith’s blog
- If you look at Esmith’s blog
- If you look at Esmith’s blog
- I believe that American
- I believe that American
- I believe that American
- I believe that American
- I believe that American
- esmith –
Love the charts on
- esmith –
Love the charts on
- esmith –
Love the charts on
- esmith –
Love the charts on
- esmith –
Love the charts on
- Svelte – A couple of us
- Svelte – A couple of us
- Svelte – A couple of us
- Svelte – A couple of us
- Svelte – A couple of us
- As for current rental rate
- As for current rental rate
- As for current rental rate
- As for current rental rate
- As for current rental rate
- Sure …
If rents fall, then
- Sure …
If rents fall, then
- Sure …
If rents fall, then
- Sure …
If rents fall, then
- Sure …
If rents fall, then
- Assuming interest rates in
- Assuming interest rates in
- Assuming interest rates in
- Assuming interest rates in
- Assuming interest rates in
- First shorting oil, now
- First shorting oil, now
- First shorting oil, now
- First shorting oil, now
- First shorting oil, now
- JWM – Thanks, MIsh’s blog
- JWM – Thanks, MIsh’s blog
- JWM – Thanks, MIsh’s blog
- JWM – Thanks, MIsh’s blog
- JWM – Thanks, MIsh’s blog
- How does the contraction of
- How does the contraction of
- How does the contraction of
- How does the contraction of
- How does the contraction of
- stockstradr, you’re going
- stockstradr, you’re going
- stockstradr, you’re going
- stockstradr, you’re going
- stockstradr, you’re going
- Generally higher level of
- Generally higher level of
- Generally higher level of
- Generally higher level of
- Generally higher level of
- a flipper expecting to do a
- a flipper expecting to do a
- a flipper expecting to do a
- a flipper expecting to do a
- a flipper expecting to do a
- All I know is that Zillow
- All I know is that Zillow
- All I know is that Zillow
- All I know is that Zillow
- All I know is that Zillow
- Zillow is great.
- Zillow is great.
- Zillow is great.
- Zillow is great.
- Zillow is great.
- OK. In all seriousness,
- OK. In all seriousness,
- OK. In all seriousness,
- OK. In all seriousness,
- OK. In all seriousness,
- Consider this as an
- Consider this as an
- Consider this as an
- Consider this as an
- Consider this as an
- I feel like I have been
- I feel like I have been
- I feel like I have been
- I feel like I have been
- I feel like I have been
- For Central San Diego the
- For Central San Diego the
- For Central San Diego the
- For Central San Diego the
- For Central San Diego the
- If you continue to conflate
- If you continue to conflate
- If you continue to conflate
- If you continue to conflate
- If you continue to conflate
- Look at the terms of your
- Look at the terms of your
- Look at the terms of your
- Look at the terms of your
- Look at the terms of your
- FormerSanDiegan, if one buy
- FormerSanDiegan, if one buy
- FormerSanDiegan, if one buy
- FormerSanDiegan, if one buy
- FormerSanDiegan, if one buy
- *An engineer will be
- *An engineer will be
- *An engineer will be
- *An engineer will be
- *An engineer will be
- My point was that prices
- My point was that prices
- My point was that prices
- My point was that prices
- My point was that prices
- we may be looking at 1998
- we may be looking at 1998
- we may be looking at 1998
- we may be looking at 1998
- we may be looking at 1998
- Submitted by asianautica on
- Submitted by asianautica on
- Submitted by asianautica on
- Submitted by asianautica on
- Submitted by asianautica on
- Since you took out the loan
- Since you took out the loan
- Since you took out the loan
- Since you took out the loan
- Since you took out the loan
- For me the key point is its
- For me the key point is its
- For me the key point is its
- For me the key point is its
- For me the key point is its
- 1. For traditional
- 1. For traditional
- 1. For traditional
- 1. For traditional
- 1. For traditional
- 0% raise.
SD house prices
- 0% raise.
SD house prices
- 0% raise.
SD house prices
- 0% raise.
SD house prices
- 0% raise.
SD house prices
- FormerSD – Good point about
- FormerSD – Good point about
- FormerSD – Good point about
- FormerSD – Good point about
- FormerSD – Good point about
- First of all, I don’t think
- First of all, I don’t think
- First of all, I don’t think
- First of all, I don’t think
- First of all, I don’t think
- JWM in SD –
I don’t
- JWM in SD –
I don’t
- JWM in SD –
I don’t
- JWM in SD –
I don’t
- JWM in SD –
I don’t
- So let me get this
- So let me get this
- So let me get this
- So let me get this
- So let me get this
- According to the census
- According to the census
- According to the census
- According to the census
- According to the census
- It seems to me that people
- It seems to me that people
- It seems to me that people
- It seems to me that people
- It seems to me that people
- It will be interesting to
- It will be interesting to
- It will be interesting to
- It will be interesting to
- It will be interesting to
- Sorry, but I prefer not to
- Sorry, but I prefer not to
- Sorry, but I prefer not to
- Sorry, but I prefer not to
- Sorry, but I prefer not to
- Why do some people think
- Why do some people think
- Why do some people think
- Why do some people think
- The National Debt has
- The National Debt has
- The National Debt has
- The National Debt has
- The original article can be
- The original article can be
- The original article can be
- The original article can be
- The original article can be
- I also heard that the
- I also heard that the
- I also heard that the
- I also heard that the
- I also heard that the
- The only sensible thing I
- The only sensible thing I
- The only sensible thing I
- The only sensible thing I
- The only sensible thing I
- Contraman –
Thanks for the
- Contraman –
Thanks for the
- Contraman –
Thanks for the
- Contraman –
Thanks for the
- Contraman –
Thanks for the
- Contraman –
What are the
- Contraman –
What are the
- Contraman –
What are the
- Contraman –
What are the
- Contraman –
What are the
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- I can speak for the loans I
- I can speak for the loans I
- I can speak for the loans I
- I can speak for the loans I
- I can speak for the loans I
- What some of you guys are
- What some of you guys are
- What some of you guys are
- What some of you guys are
- What some of you guys are
- Bottom line: The impact of
- Bottom line: The impact of
- Bottom line: The impact of
- Bottom line: The impact of
- Bottom line: The impact of
- Mortgage Resets
- Assuming that interest rates
- Assuming that interest rates
- Assuming that interest rates
- Assuming that interest rates
- Assuming that interest rates
- So you already have a rental
- So you already have a rental
- So you already have a rental
- So you already have a rental
- So you already have a rental
- I would not be looking to
- I would not be looking to
- I would not be looking to
- I would not be looking to
- I would not be looking to
- … you must make about
- … you must make about
- … you must make about
- … you must make about
- … you must make about
- YAWN …
Hello, Rip Van
- YAWN …
Hello, Rip Van
- YAWN …
Hello, Rip Van
- YAWN …
Hello, Rip Van
- YAWN …
Hello, Rip Van
- Who, as an investor, would
- Who, as an investor, would
- Who, as an investor, would
- Who, as an investor, would
- Who, as an investor, would
- hipmatt – It’s not the
- hipmatt – It’s not the
- hipmatt – It’s not the
- hipmatt – It’s not the
- hipmatt – It’s not the
- and still
yesterday’s info
- and still
yesterday’s info
- and still
yesterday’s info
- and still
yesterday’s info
- and still
yesterday’s info
- Huh ?
WHat ?
Sorry I fell
- Huh ?
WHat ?
Sorry I fell
- Huh ?
WHat ?
Sorry I fell
- Huh ?
WHat ?
Sorry I fell
- Huh ?
WHat ?
Sorry I fell
- Also, don’t forget there are
- Also, don’t forget there are
- Also, don’t forget there are
- Also, don’t forget there are
- Also, don’t forget there are
- From the buyer standpoint
- From the buyer standpoint
- From the buyer standpoint
- From the buyer standpoint
- From the buyer standpoint
- Let me be the first to try
- Let me be the first to try
- Let me be the first to try
- Let me be the first to try
- Let me be the first to try
- Naw… I was just a poor
- Naw… I was just a poor
- Naw… I was just a poor
- Naw… I was just a poor
- Naw… I was just a poor
- The problem with price per
- The problem with price per
- The problem with price per
- The problem with price per
- The problem with price per
- Greed? No I just want a
- Greed? No I just want a
- Greed? No I just want a
- Greed? No I just want a
- Greed? No I just want a
- Maybe it’s just me, but I
- Maybe it’s just me, but I
- Maybe it’s just me, but I
- Maybe it’s just me, but I
- Maybe it’s just me, but I
- Second, someone made a
- Second, someone made a
- Second, someone made a
- Second, someone made a
- Second, someone made a
- A more contemporary S&P 500
- A more contemporary S&P 500
- A more contemporary S&P 500
- A more contemporary S&P 500
- A more contemporary S&P 500
- I’m confused as to where the
- I’m confused as to where the
- I’m confused as to where the
- I’m confused as to where the
- I’m confused as to where the
- DWCAP – To some extent the
- DWCAP – To some extent the
- DWCAP – To some extent the
- DWCAP – To some extent the
- DWCAP – To some extent the
- Have fun catching that
- Have fun catching that
- Have fun catching that
- Have fun catching that
- Have fun catching that
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
I agree with you.
- Another interesting point
- Another interesting point
- Another interesting point
- Another interesting point
- Another interesting point
- LIBOR Index Watch …
- LIBOR Index Watch …
- LIBOR Index Watch …
- LIBOR Index Watch …
- LIBOR Index Watch …
- If you get out of the
- If you get out of the
- If you get out of the
- If you get out of the
- If you get out of the
- Look at it this way. You
- Look at it this way. You
- Look at it this way. You
- Look at it this way. You
- Look at it this way. You
- For decades now more Light
- For decades now more Light
- For decades now more Light
- For decades now more Light
- For decades now more Light
- My idea of an ideal Bottom
- My idea of an ideal Bottom
- My idea of an ideal Bottom
- My idea of an ideal Bottom
- My idea of an ideal Bottom
- Certainly, but as someone
- Certainly, but as someone
- Certainly, but as someone
- Certainly, but as someone
- Certainly, but as someone
- People are wise there, they
- People are wise there, they
- People are wise there, they
- People are wise there, they
- People are wise there, they
- LOL. I don’t see why they
- LOL. I don’t see why they
- LOL. I don’t see why they
- LOL. I don’t see why they
- LOL. I don’t see why they
- … and they won’t show you
- … and they won’t show you
- … and they won’t show you
- … and they won’t show you
- … and they won’t show you
- In terms of pricing it
- In terms of pricing it
- In terms of pricing it
- In terms of pricing it
- In terms of pricing it
- I agree 3x your income may
- I agree 3x your income may
- I agree 3x your income may
- I agree 3x your income may
- I agree 3x your income may
- It’s so affordable now.
- It’s so affordable now.
- It’s so affordable now.
- It’s so affordable now.
- It’s so affordable now.
- I saw the headline and
- I saw the headline and
- I saw the headline and
- I saw the headline and
- I saw the headline and
- I’m sure it’s legit. Look
- I’m sure it’s legit. Look
- I’m sure it’s legit. Look
- I’m sure it’s legit. Look
- I’m sure it’s legit. Look
- It’s still a little too
- It’s still a little too
- It’s still a little too
- It’s still a little too
- It’s still a little too
- gdcox wrote : As a
- gdcox wrote : As a
- gdcox wrote : As a
- gdcox wrote : As a
- gdcox wrote : As a
- What excellent timing for
- What excellent timing for
- What excellent timing for
- What excellent timing for
- What excellent timing for
- Even in a broadly declining
- Even in a broadly declining
- Even in a broadly declining
- Even in a broadly declining
- Even in a broadly declining
- It was 14 and a half
- It was 14 and a half
- It was 14 and a half
- It was 14 and a half
- It was 14 and a half
- As foreclosures are
- As foreclosures are
- As foreclosures are
- As foreclosures are
- As foreclosures are
- $15-17 per hour.
- $15-17 per hour.
- $15-17 per hour.
- $15-17 per hour.
- $15-17 per hour.
- I wonder how good the data
- I wonder how good the data
- I wonder how good the data
- I wonder how good the data
- I wonder how good the data
- I bought here in November
- I bought here in November
- I bought here in November
- I bought here in November
- I bought here in November
- jg has not posted here in
- jg has not posted here in
- jg has not posted here in
- jg has not posted here in
- jg has not posted here in
- I believe that now is the
- I believe that now is the
- I believe that now is the
- I believe that now is the
- I believe that now is the
- Loved the column.
Like many
- Loved the column.
Like many
- Loved the column.
Like many
- Loved the column.
Like many
- Loved the column.
Like many
- If you transport yourself
- If you transport yourself
- If you transport yourself
- If you transport yourself
- If you transport yourself
- No doubt inventory will rise
- No doubt inventory will rise
- No doubt inventory will rise
- No doubt inventory will rise
- No doubt inventory will rise
- AT $1700 per month for
- AT $1700 per month for
- AT $1700 per month for
- AT $1700 per month for
- AT $1700 per month for
- Countrywide’s shareholders
- Countrywide’s shareholders
- Countrywide’s shareholders
- Countrywide’s shareholders
- Countrywide’s shareholders
- Alex – Your cute example
- Alex – Your cute example
- Alex – Your cute example
- Alex – Your cute example
- Alex – Your cute example
- 3. Frequently, she keeps
- 3. Frequently, she keeps
- 3. Frequently, she keeps
- 3. Frequently, she keeps
- 3. Frequently, she keeps
- Great link Rustico. Brings
- Great link Rustico. Brings
- Great link Rustico. Brings
- Great link Rustico. Brings
- Great link Rustico. Brings
- This bill has passed the
- This bill has passed the
- This bill has passed the
- This bill has passed the
- This bill has passed the
- The train has already left
- The train has already left
- The train has already left
- The train has already left
- The train has already left
- Yes, we are screwed.
- Yes, we are screwed.
- Yes, we are screwed.
- Yes, we are screwed.
- Yes, we are screwed.
- As a recent transplant out
- As a recent transplant out
- As a recent transplant out
- As a recent transplant out
- As a recent transplant out
- For the record, I think we
- For the record, I think we
- For the record, I think we
- For the record, I think we
- For the record, I think we
- I prefer Avonite to
- I prefer Avonite to
- I prefer Avonite to
- I prefer Avonite to
- I prefer Avonite to
- I’d like to see the data for
- I’d like to see the data for
- I’d like to see the data for
- I’d like to see the data for
- I’d like to see the data for
- woohoo $1500.
I think my
- woohoo $1500.
I think my
- woohoo $1500.
I think my
- woohoo $1500.
I think my
- woohoo $1500.
I think my
- Thanks for bringing this up
- Thanks for bringing this up
- Thanks for bringing this up
- Thanks for bringing this up
- Thanks for bringing this up
Here is a link to
Here is a link to
Here is a link to
Here is a link to
Here is a link to
- This is a great thread
- This is a great thread
- This is a great thread
- This is a great thread
- This is a great thread
- For hyperinflation, the best
- For hyperinflation, the best
- For hyperinflation, the best
- For hyperinflation, the best
- For hyperinflation, the best
- 80% adjustable! 47%
- 80% adjustable! 47%
- 80% adjustable! 47%
- 80% adjustable! 47%
- 80% adjustable! 47%
- Assuming one has stable
- Assuming one has stable
- Assuming one has stable
- Assuming one has stable
- Assuming one has stable
- back in line with the
- back in line with the
- back in line with the
- back in line with the
- back in line with the
- Excellent stuff! IMO, this
- Excellent stuff! IMO, this
- Excellent stuff! IMO, this
- Excellent stuff! IMO, this
- Excellent stuff! IMO, this
- Why is that the highest
- Why is that the highest
- Why is that the highest
- Why is that the highest
- Why is that the highest
- (imagine this in Arnold’s
- (imagine this in Arnold’s
- (imagine this in Arnold’s
- (imagine this in Arnold’s
- (imagine this in Arnold’s
- I’m for whoever will stop
- I’m for whoever will stop
- I’m for whoever will stop
- I’m for whoever will stop
- I’m for whoever will stop
- My kid goes to college in
- My kid goes to college in
- My kid goes to college in
- My kid goes to college in
- My kid goes to college in
- What if we have a repeat of
- What if we have a repeat of
- What if we have a repeat of
- What if we have a repeat of
- What if we have a repeat of
- I have a small student loan
- I have a small student loan
- I have a small student loan
- I have a small student loan
- I have a small student loan
- The real losers are anyone
- The real losers are anyone
- The real losers are anyone
- The real losers are anyone
- The real losers are anyone
- What did you expect from
- What did you expect from
- What did you expect from
- What did you expect from
- What did you expect from
- Neural nets are only good at
- Neural nets are only good at
- Neural nets are only good at
- Neural nets are only good at
- Neural nets are only good at
- I’ve never heard of buying
- I’ve never heard of buying
- I’ve never heard of buying
- I’ve never heard of buying
- I’ve never heard of buying
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Stocks Fluctuate.
- Here’s a site with some good
- Here’s a site with some good
- Here’s a site with some good
- Here’s a site with some good
- Here’s a site with some good
- Found an interesting tidbit
- Found an interesting tidbit
- Found an interesting tidbit
- Found an interesting tidbit
- Found an interesting tidbit
- Fannie Mae is supposed to
- Fannie Mae is supposed to
- Fannie Mae is supposed to
- Fannie Mae is supposed to
- Fannie Mae is supposed to
- I think you are combining
- I think you are combining
- I think you are combining
- I think you are combining
- I think you are combining
- I’m a 3 on the bitterness
- I’m a 3 on the bitterness
- I’m a 3 on the bitterness
- I’m a 3 on the bitterness
- I’m a 3 on the bitterness
- My predictions …
San Diego
- My predictions …
San Diego
- My predictions …
San Diego
- My predictions …
San Diego
- My predictions …
San Diego
- For Bay/Ocean views, easy
- For Bay/Ocean views, easy
- For Bay/Ocean views, easy
- For Bay/Ocean views, easy
- For Bay/Ocean views, easy
- From their web
- From their web
- From their web
- From their web
- From their web
- This reminds me of the
- This reminds me of the
- This reminds me of the
- This reminds me of the
- This reminds me of the
- Hmmm… If I were a builder
- Hmmm… If I were a builder
- Hmmm… If I were a builder
- Hmmm… If I were a builder
- Hmmm… If I were a builder
- I’d say commercial REITs
- I’d say commercial REITs
- I’d say commercial REITs
- I’d say commercial REITs
- I’d say commercial REITs
- Housing prices may or may
- Housing prices may or may
- Housing prices may or may
- Housing prices may or may
- Housing prices may or may
- Medium Price ? Pepsi ?
- Medium Price ? Pepsi ?
- Medium Price ? Pepsi ?
- Medium Price ? Pepsi ?
- Medium Price ? Pepsi ?
- It has worked well. We
- It has worked well. We
- It has worked well. We
- It has worked well. We
- It has worked well. We
- Front end ratio is the
- Front end ratio is the
- Front end ratio is the
- Front end ratio is the
- Front end ratio is the
- This always happens this
- This always happens this
- This always happens this
- This always happens this
- This always happens this
- lindismith, who is Rich? I
- lindismith, who is Rich? I
- lindismith, who is Rich? I
- lindismith, who is Rich? I
- lindismith, who is Rich? I
- I predict that those who
- I predict that those who
- I predict that those who
- I predict that those who
- I predict that those who
- I took a crap this morning
- I took a crap this morning
- I took a crap this morning
- I took a crap this morning
- I took a crap this morning
- No buyers at $749,000, it’s
- No buyers at $749,000, it’s
- No buyers at $749,000, it’s
- No buyers at $749,000, it’s
- No buyers at $749,000, it’s
- I’ve had tenants break
- I’ve had tenants break
- I’ve had tenants break
- I’ve had tenants break
- I’ve had tenants break
- You CAN deduct interest for
- You CAN deduct interest for
- You CAN deduct interest for
- You CAN deduct interest for
- You CAN deduct interest for
- Surv, let me know if I’m
- Surv, let me know if I’m
- Surv, let me know if I’m
- Surv, let me know if I’m
- Surv, let me know if I’m
- kev374 – Orange County for
- kev374 – Orange County for
- kev374 – Orange County for
- kev374 – Orange County for
- kev374 – Orange County for
- BTW, it’s not too early for
- BTW, it’s not too early for
- BTW, it’s not too early for
- BTW, it’s not too early for
- BTW, it’s not too early for
- The toothpaste was
- The toothpaste was
- The toothpaste was
- The toothpaste was
- The toothpaste was
- Ok, that’s what I asked in
- Ok, that’s what I asked in
- Ok, that’s what I asked in
- Ok, that’s what I asked in
- Ok, that’s what I asked in
- I’d rather have the a tenant
- I’d rather have the a tenant
- I’d rather have the a tenant
- I’d rather have the a tenant
- I’d rather have the a tenant
- Excellent topic. It is
- Excellent topic. It is
- Excellent topic. It is
- Excellent topic. It is
- Excellent topic. It is
- Can you blame them for
- Can you blame them for
- Can you blame them for
- Can you blame them for
- Can you blame them for
- I’m guessing it’s massive
- I’m guessing it’s massive
- I’m guessing it’s massive
- I’m guessing it’s massive
- I’m guessing it’s massive
- Tossing another biscuit
- Tossing another biscuit
- Tossing another biscuit
- Tossing another biscuit
- Tossing another biscuit
- RO –
Are you referring to me
- RO –
Are you referring to me
- RO –
Are you referring to me
- RO –
Are you referring to me
- RO –
Are you referring to me
- Yes, this will probably
- Yes, this will probably
- Yes, this will probably
- Yes, this will probably
- Yes, this will probably
- Hey FSD are stockpiling
- Hey FSD are stockpiling
- Hey FSD are stockpiling
- Hey FSD are stockpiling
- Hey FSD are stockpiling
- SD R – But you don;t
- SD R – But you don;t
- SD R – But you don;t
- SD R – But you don;t
- SD R – But you don;t
- Good idea.
But, I haven’t
- Good idea.
But, I haven’t
- Good idea.
But, I haven’t
- Good idea.
But, I haven’t
- Good idea.
But, I haven’t
- This front page article is a
- This front page article is a
- This front page article is a
- This front page article is a
- This front page article is a
- Alex_angel – I beg to
- Alex_angel – I beg to
- Alex_angel – I beg to
- Alex_angel – I beg to
- Alex_angel – I beg to
- If by “sold” you mean having
- If by “sold” you mean having
- If by “sold” you mean having
- If by “sold” you mean having
- If by “sold” you mean having
- asragov –
Looking at the
- asragov –
Looking at the
- asragov –
Looking at the
- asragov –
Looking at the
- asragov –
Looking at the
- I know nothing about this
- I know nothing about this
- I know nothing about this
- I know nothing about this
- I know nothing about this
- The only thing that will
- The only thing that will
- The only thing that will
- The only thing that will
- The only thing that will
- Well, recently I told by a
- Well, recently I told by a
- Well, recently I told by a
- Well, recently I told by a
- Well, recently I told by a
- First time buyers and
- First time buyers and
- First time buyers and
- First time buyers and
- First time buyers and
- It’s a conspiracy… Yeah,
- It’s a conspiracy… Yeah,
- It’s a conspiracy… Yeah,
- It’s a conspiracy… Yeah,
- It’s a conspiracy… Yeah,
- You should rent! It would
- You should rent! It would
- You should rent! It would
- You should rent! It would
- You should rent! It would
- Forget Chinese or Spanish.
- Forget Chinese or Spanish.
- Forget Chinese or Spanish.
- Forget Chinese or Spanish.
- Forget Chinese or Spanish.
- Loony Buyers
- I guess #2 eliminates most
- I guess #2 eliminates most
- I guess #2 eliminates most
- I guess #2 eliminates most
- I guess #2 eliminates most
- Other random polls :
- Other random polls :
- Other random polls :
- Other random polls :
- Other random polls :
- it’s complety random
- it’s complety random
- it’s complety random
- it’s complety random
- it’s complety random
- Why couldn’t they have gone
- Why couldn’t they have gone
- Why couldn’t they have gone
- Why couldn’t they have gone
- Why couldn’t they have gone
- I don’t view this poll
- I don’t view this poll
- I don’t view this poll
- I don’t view this poll
- I don’t view this poll
- like flu and others that
- like flu and others that
- like flu and others that
- like flu and others that
- like flu and others that
- Point Loma, Mission Hills,
- Point Loma, Mission Hills,
- Point Loma, Mission Hills,
- Point Loma, Mission Hills,
- Point Loma, Mission Hills,
- There are sometimes other
- There are sometimes other
- There are sometimes other
- There are sometimes other
- There are sometimes other
- P.S.S. –
What do well-to-do
- P.S.S. –
What do well-to-do
- P.S.S. –
What do well-to-do
- P.S.S. –
What do well-to-do
- P.S.S. –
What do well-to-do
- P.S. –
If you have no
- P.S. –
If you have no
- P.S. –
If you have no
- P.S. –
If you have no
- P.S. –
If you have no
- suze orman. she’s not my
- suze orman. she’s not my
- suze orman. she’s not my
- suze orman. she’s not my
- suze orman. she’s not my
- I like the front of it but
- I like the front of it but
- I like the front of it but
- I like the front of it but
- I like the front of it but
- Meanwhile I am stuck
- Meanwhile I am stuck
- Meanwhile I am stuck
- Meanwhile I am stuck
- Meanwhile I am stuck
- It’s spelled Mehran Aram…
- It’s spelled Mehran Aram…
- It’s spelled Mehran Aram…
- It’s spelled Mehran Aram…
- It’s spelled Mehran Aram…
- I thought everyone wanted to
- I thought everyone wanted to
- I thought everyone wanted to
- I thought everyone wanted to
- I thought everyone wanted to
- Next, contribute into your
- Next, contribute into your
- Next, contribute into your
- Next, contribute into your
- Next, contribute into your
- Well … at least it’s a
- Well … at least it’s a
- Well … at least it’s a
- Well … at least it’s a
- Well … at least it’s a
- ignore all the horrible,
- ignore all the horrible,
- ignore all the horrible,
- ignore all the horrible,
- ignore all the horrible,
- I had roughly $10,000 in my
- I had roughly $10,000 in my
- I had roughly $10,000 in my
- I had roughly $10,000 in my
- I had roughly $10,000 in my
- It would be useful to know
- It would be useful to know
- It would be useful to know
- It would be useful to know
- It would be useful to know
- bigmoneysalsa –
I also like
- bigmoneysalsa –
I also like
- bigmoneysalsa –
I also like
- bigmoneysalsa –
I also like
- bigmoneysalsa –
I also like
- “If you think the dollar is
- “If you think the dollar is
- “If you think the dollar is
- “If you think the dollar is
- “If you think the dollar is
- 92024 –
I also don’t
- 92024 –
I also don’t
- 92024 –
I also don’t
- 92024 –
I also don’t
- 92024 –
I also don’t
- WhyBuy –
Thanks for bringing
- WhyBuy –
Thanks for bringing
- WhyBuy –
Thanks for bringing
- WhyBuy –
Thanks for bringing
- WhyBuy –
Thanks for bringing
- I don’t see how the median
- I don’t see how the median
- I don’t see how the median
- I don’t see how the median
- I don’t see how the median
- Let’s consider median
- Let’s consider median
- Let’s consider median
- Let’s consider median
- Let’s consider median
- Thanks sdr. I asked the
- Thanks sdr. I asked the
- Thanks sdr. I asked the
- Thanks sdr. I asked the
- Thanks sdr. I asked the
- NeetaT –
Your implicit
- NeetaT –
Your implicit
- NeetaT –
Your implicit
- NeetaT –
Your implicit
- NeetaT –
Your implicit
- DaCounselor – Thanks for the
- DaCounselor – Thanks for the
- DaCounselor – Thanks for the
- DaCounselor – Thanks for the
- DaCounselor – Thanks for the
- Do you mean a further 43%
- Do you mean a further 43%
- Do you mean a further 43%
- Do you mean a further 43%
- Do you mean a further 43%
- Not all loan rates have
- Not all loan rates have
- Not all loan rates have
- Not all loan rates have
- Not all loan rates have
- my investing / speculating
- my investing / speculating
- my investing / speculating
- my investing / speculating
- my investing / speculating
- Remember how slowly the top,
- Remember how slowly the top,
- Remember how slowly the top,
- Remember how slowly the top,
- Remember how slowly the top,
- For the most part the ship
- For the most part the ship
- For the most part the ship
- For the most part the ship
- For the most part the ship
- One indicator arguing that
- One indicator arguing that
- One indicator arguing that
- One indicator arguing that
- One indicator arguing that
- The fact that the T-bond is
- The fact that the T-bond is
- The fact that the T-bond is
- The fact that the T-bond is
- The fact that the T-bond is
- Seems like a case of “sell
- Seems like a case of “sell
- Seems like a case of “sell
- Seems like a case of “sell
- Seems like a case of “sell
- Great stuff
- Great stuff
- Great stuff
- Great stuff
- Great stuff
- What are the usual “Average
- What are the usual “Average
- What are the usual “Average
- What are the usual “Average
- What are the usual “Average
- The NOD/NOT is always noisy.
- The NOD/NOT is always noisy.
- The NOD/NOT is always noisy.
- The NOD/NOT is always noisy.
- The NOD/NOT is always noisy.
- Yes, I would interpret
- Yes, I would interpret
- Yes, I would interpret
- Yes, I would interpret
- Yes, I would interpret
- Oh, and he didn’t have a
- Oh, and he didn’t have a
- Oh, and he didn’t have a
- Oh, and he didn’t have a
- Oh, and he didn’t have a
- Cool – The sale end in
- Cool – The sale end in
- Cool – The sale end in
- Cool – The sale end in
- Cool – The sale end in
- How the hell have mortgage
- How the hell have mortgage
- How the hell have mortgage
- How the hell have mortgage
- How the hell have mortgage
- So I guess that means that
- So I guess that means that
- So I guess that means that
- So I guess that means that
- So I guess that means that
- Thanks, just Lurking. That
- Thanks, just Lurking. That
- Thanks, just Lurking. That
- Thanks, just Lurking. That
- Thanks, just Lurking. That
- Just as I suspected – not
- Just as I suspected – not
- Just as I suspected – not
- Just as I suspected – not
- Just as I suspected – not
- All real estate is local,
- All real estate is local,
- All real estate is local,
- All real estate is local,
- All real estate is local,
- What was the NAR prediction
- What was the NAR prediction
- What was the NAR prediction
- What was the NAR prediction
- What was the NAR prediction
- My Top 10 list:
- My Top 10 list:
- My Top 10 list:
- My Top 10 list:
- My Top 10 list:
- I’m sure there are many
- I’m sure there are many
- I’m sure there are many
- I’m sure there are many
- I’m sure there are many
- hmmm, link works for me.
- hmmm, link works for me.
- hmmm, link works for me.
- hmmm, link works for me.
- hmmm, link works for me.
- The typical homeowner’s or
- The typical homeowner’s or
- The typical homeowner’s or
- The typical homeowner’s or
- The typical homeowner’s or
- Zillow Mash-up
- This has been a trend
- This has been a trend
- This has been a trend
- This has been a trend
- This has been a trend
- Rates have dropped
- Rates have dropped
- Rates have dropped
- Rates have dropped
- Rates have dropped
- Sorry, I am stumped on this
- Sorry, I am stumped on this
- Sorry, I am stumped on this
- Sorry, I am stumped on this
- Sorry, I am stumped on this
- 4plexowner nailed it on both
- 4plexowner nailed it on both
- 4plexowner nailed it on both
- 4plexowner nailed it on both
- 4plexowner nailed it on both
- My favorite method for
- My favorite method for
- My favorite method for
- My favorite method for
- My favorite method for
- Raybyrnes.
Contribute up to
- Raybyrnes.
Contribute up to
- Raybyrnes.
Contribute up to
- Raybyrnes.
Contribute up to
- Raybyrnes.
Contribute up to
- we’re closer to a bottom in
- we’re closer to a bottom in
- we’re closer to a bottom in
- we’re closer to a bottom in
- we’re closer to a bottom in
- You can withdraw $10,000
- You can withdraw $10,000
- You can withdraw $10,000
- You can withdraw $10,000
- You can withdraw $10,000
- I believe that you can
- I believe that you can
- I believe that you can
- I believe that you can
- I believe that you can
- Nice cycle chart.
I think we
- Nice cycle chart.
I think we
- Nice cycle chart.
I think we
- Nice cycle chart.
I think we
- Nice cycle chart.
I think we
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- RatherOpinionated –
- One other thing:
- One other thing:
- One other thing:
- One other thing:
- One other thing:
- Would it be better to buy
- Would it be better to buy
- Would it be better to buy
- Would it be better to buy
- Would it be better to buy
- As I posted yesterday,
- As I posted yesterday,
- As I posted yesterday,
- As I posted yesterday,
- As I posted yesterday,
- I really miss that dude from
- I really miss that dude from
- I really miss that dude from
- I really miss that dude from
- I really miss that dude from
- Are you going to pay for the
- Are you going to pay for the
- Are you going to pay for the
- Are you going to pay for the
- Are you going to pay for the
- OK, I’ll play along.
We have
- OK, I’ll play along.
We have
- OK, I’ll play along.
We have
- OK, I’ll play along.
We have
- OK, I’ll play along.
We have
- Counting on a Weaker Dollar
- I think I just scratched USC
- I think I just scratched USC
- I think I just scratched USC
- I think I just scratched USC
- I think I just scratched USC
- Did you already send the
- Did you already send the
- Did you already send the
- Did you already send the
- Did you already send the
- Is there any risk with
- Is there any risk with
- Is there any risk with
- Is there any risk with
- Is there any risk with
- pm kim – Thanks for the
- pm kim – Thanks for the
- pm kim – Thanks for the
- pm kim – Thanks for the
- pm kim – Thanks for the
- The latest
- The latest
- The latest
- The latest
- The latest
- Another article that says
- Another article that says
- Another article that says
- Another article that says
- Another article that says
- Some sites: I’m sure you
- Some sites: I’m sure you
- Some sites: I’m sure you
- Some sites: I’m sure you
- Some sites: I’m sure you
- I would plan on an extended
- I would plan on an extended
- I would plan on an extended
- I would plan on an extended
- I would plan on an extended
- Personally I’d like to hear
- Personally I’d like to hear
- Personally I’d like to hear
- Personally I’d like to hear
- Personally I’d like to hear
- Hey sd_bear, I know this
- Hey sd_bear, I know this
- Hey sd_bear, I know this
- Hey sd_bear, I know this
- Hey sd_bear, I know this
- Sounds like a solution
- Sounds like a solution
- Sounds like a solution
- Sounds like a solution
- Sounds like a solution
- The main driver of
- The main driver of
- The main driver of
- The main driver of
- The main driver of
- If you use Firefox, it
- If you use Firefox, it
- If you use Firefox, it
- If you use Firefox, it
- If you use Firefox, it
- Please also put a freeze on
- Please also put a freeze on
- Please also put a freeze on
- Please also put a freeze on
- Please also put a freeze on
- Commenting about one’s
- Commenting about one’s
- Commenting about one’s
- Commenting about one’s
- Commenting about one’s
- Here is the article from
- Here is the article from
- Here is the article from
- Here is the article from
- Here is the article from
- These surveys tend to be all
- These surveys tend to be all
- These surveys tend to be all
- These surveys tend to be all
- These surveys tend to be all
- Did someone accidentally
- Did someone accidentally
- Did someone accidentally
- Did someone accidentally
- Did someone accidentally
- You guys are funny looking
- You guys are funny looking
- You guys are funny looking
- You guys are funny looking
- You guys are funny looking
- If you account for tax
- If you account for tax
- If you account for tax
- If you account for tax
- If you account for tax
- So they freeze the rates,
- So they freeze the rates,
- So they freeze the rates,
- So they freeze the rates,
- So they freeze the rates,
- What do you mean by
- What do you mean by
- What do you mean by
- What do you mean by
- What do you mean by
- Don’t forget, price
- Don’t forget, price
- Don’t forget, price
- Don’t forget, price
- Don’t forget, price
- Nice example.
Assuming 425K
- Nice example.
Assuming 425K
- Nice example.
Assuming 425K
- Nice example.
Assuming 425K
- Nice example.
Assuming 425K
- Keynesian economics at its
- Keynesian economics at its
- Keynesian economics at its
- Keynesian economics at its
- Keynesian economics at its
- It would behoove those who
- It would behoove those who
- It would behoove those who
- It would behoove those who
- It would behoove those who
- Not that it changes what’s
- Not that it changes what’s
- Not that it changes what’s
- Not that it changes what’s
- Not that it changes what’s
- We have various forums,
- We have various forums,
- We have various forums,
- We have various forums,
- We have various forums,
- According to SANDAG, the
- According to SANDAG, the
- According to SANDAG, the
- According to SANDAG, the
- According to SANDAG, the
- Decision was made and the
- Decision was made and the
- Decision was made and the
- Decision was made and the
- Decision was made and the
- “very private from street”
- “very private from street”
- “very private from street”
- “very private from street”
- “very private from street”
- Does a 5 year old really
- Does a 5 year old really
- Does a 5 year old really
- Does a 5 year old really
- Does a 5 year old really
- In all the threads today,
- In all the threads today,
- In all the threads today,
- In all the threads today,
- In all the threads today,
- 1997 prices in a good
- 1997 prices in a good
- 1997 prices in a good
- 1997 prices in a good
- 1997 prices in a good
- I want to change my response
- I want to change my response
- I want to change my response
- I want to change my response
- I want to change my response
- What would be the rent if
- What would be the rent if
- What would be the rent if
- What would be the rent if
- What would be the rent if
- No I’m not an accountant …
- No I’m not an accountant …
- No I’m not an accountant …
- No I’m not an accountant …
- No I’m not an accountant …
- What is the index and margin
- What is the index and margin
- What is the index and margin
- What is the index and margin
- What is the index and margin
- In these turbulent times,
- In these turbulent times,
- In these turbulent times,
- In these turbulent times,
- In these turbulent times,
- This is a tricky one. Some
- This is a tricky one. Some
- This is a tricky one. Some
- This is a tricky one. Some
- This is a tricky one. Some
- Doesn’t any one find it
- Doesn’t any one find it
- Doesn’t any one find it
- Doesn’t any one find it
- Doesn’t any one find it
- I like 4plexowners’ ideas.
- I like 4plexowners’ ideas.
- I like 4plexowners’ ideas.
- I like 4plexowners’ ideas.
- I like 4plexowners’ ideas.
- But you are ignoring the
- But you are ignoring the
- But you are ignoring the
- But you are ignoring the
- But you are ignoring the
- SD R – got it, thanks.
- SD R – got it, thanks.
- SD R – got it, thanks.
- SD R – got it, thanks.
- SD R – got it, thanks.
- One comment: All historic
- One comment: All historic
- One comment: All historic
- One comment: All historic
- One comment: All historic
- I am by no means a mortgage
- I am by no means a mortgage
- I am by no means a mortgage
- I am by no means a mortgage
- I am by no means a mortgage
- No, because long term rates
- No, because long term rates
- No, because long term rates
- No, because long term rates
- No, because long term rates
- Was that Lex Luther? I
- Was that Lex Luther? I
- Was that Lex Luther? I
- Was that Lex Luther? I
- Was that Lex Luther? I
- I heard of this guy once who
- I heard of this guy once who
- I heard of this guy once who
- I heard of this guy once who
- I heard of this guy once who
- SD R – Thanks.
I didn’t
- SD R – Thanks.
I didn’t
- SD R – Thanks.
I didn’t
- SD R – Thanks.
I didn’t
- SD R – Thanks.
I didn’t
- On the one hand bloggers
- On the one hand bloggers
- On the one hand bloggers
- On the one hand bloggers
- On the one hand bloggers
- a 425k offer on a 460-480k
- a 425k offer on a 460-480k
- a 425k offer on a 460-480k
- a 425k offer on a 460-480k
- a 425k offer on a 460-480k
- ask any realtor. Price
- ask any realtor. Price
- ask any realtor. Price
- ask any realtor. Price
- ask any realtor. Price
- OT: Book Recommendation for Alex
- 18 posts and you guys have
- 18 posts and you guys have
- 18 posts and you guys have
- 18 posts and you guys have
- 18 posts and you guys have
- We must have our daily
- We must have our daily
- We must have our daily
- We must have our daily
- We must have our daily
- She says guys like this
- She says guys like this
- She says guys like this
- She says guys like this
- She says guys like this
- short of a divorce what can
- short of a divorce what can
- short of a divorce what can
- short of a divorce what can
- short of a divorce what can
- When someone buys a house
- When someone buys a house
- When someone buys a house
- When someone buys a house
- When someone buys a house
- I can think of a few reasons
- I can think of a few reasons
- I can think of a few reasons
- I can think of a few reasons
- I can think of a few reasons
- No, it doesn’t, not here in
- No, it doesn’t, not here in
- No, it doesn’t, not here in
- No, it doesn’t, not here in
- No, it doesn’t, not here in
- Also of note, is that the
- Also of note, is that the
- Also of note, is that the
- Also of note, is that the
- Also of note, is that the
- If you figure in the whole
- If you figure in the whole
- If you figure in the whole
- If you figure in the whole
- If you figure in the whole
- Right now I can say that
- Right now I can say that
- Right now I can say that
- Right now I can say that
- Right now I can say that
- According to THIS link from
- According to THIS link from
- According to THIS link from
- According to THIS link from
- According to THIS link from
- Here’s my proxy …
- Here’s my proxy …
- Here’s my proxy …
- Here’s my proxy …
- Here’s my proxy …
- Even though the article was
- Even though the article was
- Even though the article was
- Even though the article was
- Even though the article was
- Now, my last question is
- Now, my last question is
- Now, my last question is
- Now, my last question is
- The 100x monthly rent is a
- The 100x monthly rent is a
- The 100x monthly rent is a
- The 100x monthly rent is a
- I saw the article on-line
- I saw the article on-line
- I saw the article on-line
- I saw the article on-line
- Do you think that owners
- Do you think that owners
- Do you think that owners
- Do you think that owners
- Here’s the link to the U-T
- Here’s the link to the U-T
- Here’s the link to the U-T
- Here’s the link to the U-T
- Turnaround sloganeering sighted
- Alls you gotta do is watch
- Alls you gotta do is watch
- Alls you gotta do is watch
- Alls you gotta do is watch
- Uh oh !
When the mass media
- Uh oh !
When the mass media
- Uh oh !
When the mass media
- Uh oh !
When the mass media
- Great idea. Just make sure
- Great idea. Just make sure
- Great idea. Just make sure
- Great idea. Just make sure
- Chris – Thanks for checking
- Chris – Thanks for checking
- Chris – Thanks for checking
- Chris – Thanks for checking
- I took a quick look. The
- I took a quick look. The
- I took a quick look. The
- I took a quick look. The
- The (Nov 7th) post is an
- The (Nov 7th) post is an
- The (Nov 7th) post is an
- The (Nov 7th) post is an
- Ed –
I wouldn’t paint all of
- Ed –
I wouldn’t paint all of
- Ed –
I wouldn’t paint all of
- Ed –
I wouldn’t paint all of
- If you’re going to spend
- If you’re going to spend
- If you’re going to spend
- If you’re going to spend
- “must drive by property
- “must drive by property
- “must drive by property
- “must drive by property
- I think anyone who finances
- I think anyone who finances
- I think anyone who finances
- I think anyone who finances
- Look for net worth by age.
- Look for net worth by age.
- Look for net worth by age.
- Look for net worth by age.
- I really thought that with
- I really thought that with
- I really thought that with
- I really thought that with
- Am I nuts?
It would be
- Am I nuts?
It would be
- Am I nuts?
It would be
- Am I nuts?
It would be
- Realize that if you live
- Realize that if you live
- Realize that if you live
- Realize that if you live
- “Everyone’s talking about
- “Everyone’s talking about
- “Everyone’s talking about
- “Everyone’s talking about
- Could Texas be the next
- Could Texas be the next
- Could Texas be the next
- Could Texas be the next
- n_s_r basically gave you the
- n_s_r basically gave you the
- n_s_r basically gave you the
- n_s_r basically gave you the
- Yes, and at some point there
- Yes, and at some point there
- Yes, and at some point there
- Yes, and at some point there
- djrosb –
Yes, landscaping is
- djrosb –
Yes, landscaping is
- djrosb –
Yes, landscaping is
- djrosb –
Yes, landscaping is
- Since you already bought at
- Since you already bought at
- Since you already bought at
- Since you already bought at
- Ex-SD –
Your points are
- Ex-SD –
Your points are
- Ex-SD –
Your points are
- Ex-SD –
Your points are
- In my current situation,
- In my current situation,
- In my current situation,
- In my current situation,
- When measured in gold, the
- When measured in gold, the
- When measured in gold, the
- When measured in gold, the
- $300k of damage to the
- $300k of damage to the
- $300k of damage to the
- $300k of damage to the
- Wages are still lagging
- Wages are still lagging
- Wages are still lagging
- And not to jump onto the
- And not to jump onto the
- And not to jump onto the
- Before a reset, my carrying
- Before a reset, my carrying
- Before a reset, my carrying
- Historically, in high
- Historically, in high
- Historically, in high
- Raybyrnes –
With respect to
- Raybyrnes –
With respect to
- Raybyrnes –
With respect to
- I ran a few quick numbers
- I ran a few quick numbers
- I ran a few quick numbers
- Raybyrnes –
I am not a CPA,
- Raybyrnes –
I am not a CPA,
- Raybyrnes –
I am not a CPA,
- Bloat – regarding tax
- Bloat – regarding tax
- Bloat – regarding tax
- Who knows, could be 5 years
- Who knows, could be 5 years
- Who knows, could be 5 years
- The 10% loss is pretty
- The 10% loss is pretty
- The 10% loss is pretty
- I am hoping that somewhere
- I am hoping that somewhere
- I am hoping that somewhere
- assuming that the market
- assuming that the market
- assuming that the market
- I sold a 1BR condo in the
- I sold a 1BR condo in the
- I sold a 1BR condo in the
- 2008 – After 5 years your
- 2008 – After 5 years your
- 2008 – After 5 years your
- That’s a whopping .75 cut
- That’s a whopping .75 cut
- That’s a whopping .75 cut
- It might just be me, but
- It might just be me, but
- It might just be me, but
- 2008 – OK. Since you have
- 2008 – OK. Since you have
- 2008 – OK. Since you have
- Also, what are the
- Also, what are the
- Also, what are the
- What part of town ?
- What part of town ?
- What part of town ?
- The price premium for
- The price premium for
- The price premium for
- 23% of households in LA
- 23% of households in LA
- 23% of households in LA
- Undervalued in 2000? If we
- Undervalued in 2000? If we
- Undervalued in 2000? If we
- cantab –
Here is the CME
- cantab –
Here is the CME
- cantab –
Here is the CME
- Borat – I thought the same
- Borat – I thought the same
- Borat – I thought the same
- Although I’m sure there are
- Although I’m sure there are
- Although I’m sure there are
- The problem is that based on
- The problem is that based on
- The problem is that based on
- Or the other way to look at
- Or the other way to look at
- Or the other way to look at
- I wonder if it they
- I wonder if it they
- I wonder if it they
- Last week some $75 million
- Last week some $75 million
- Last week some $75 million
- Black Friday = The day after
- Black Friday = The day after
- Black Friday = The day after
- Psst (whisper in ear)
- Psst (whisper in ear)
- Psst (whisper in ear)
- No overpriced 4S for me.
- No overpriced 4S for me.
- No overpriced 4S for me.
- This same thing happened in
- This same thing happened in
- This same thing happened in
- If 4S is less likely to burn
- If 4S is less likely to burn
- If 4S is less likely to burn
- I work in the Disaster
- I work in the Disaster
- I work in the Disaster
- Monthly new home sales are
- Monthly new home sales are
- Monthly new home sales are
- … the current frontier of
- … the current frontier of
- … the current frontier of
- “Serious fires are caused by
- “Serious fires are caused by
- “Serious fires are caused by
- Duck is correct. There will
- Duck is correct. There will
- Duck is correct. There will
- In addition to short sale
- In addition to short sale
- In addition to short sale
- Yea those crappy
- Yea those crappy
- Yea those crappy
- The fires have not changed
- The fires have not changed
- The fires have not changed
- You need to speak to a
- You need to speak to a
- You need to speak to a
- Rich – Thanks for providing
- Rich – Thanks for providing
- Rich – Thanks for providing
- I’m with you betting on
- I’m with you betting on
- I’m with you betting on
- “If this is as bad as I
- “If this is as bad as I
- We don’t accept deposits,
- We don’t accept deposits,
- We have seen a huge move in
- We have seen a huge move in
- So, from a Canadian
- So, from a Canadian
- Many in Mira Mesa own
- Many in Mira Mesa own
- “If over-regulation is the
- “If over-regulation is the
- Consider the largest stock
- Consider the largest stock
- the bear market in equities
- the bear market in equities
- when a financial mania
- when a financial mania
- If I were you I would take
- If I were you I would take
- If they optimists are
- If they optimists are
- I mean, is there some other
- I mean, is there some other
- I don’t know about Feng Shui
- I don’t know about Feng Shui
- First, I wouldn’t rely on a
- First, I wouldn’t rely on a
- In a dual income family
- In a dual income family
- Like I said, to each their
- Like I said, to each their
- Interesting point CBad.
- Interesting point CBad.
- Adam and Eve …. There was
- Adam and Eve …. There was
- As always, good info from
- As always, good info from
- Will honest people start
- Will honest people start
- Historically housing
- Historically housing
- I’d also guesstimate in the
- I’d also guesstimate in the
- seattle-relo : There are
- seattle-relo : There are
- Wow – Usually it takes a few
- Wow – Usually it takes a few
- With a full doc loan, they
- With a full doc loan, they
- Or this could be an
- You’re only down about 3%
- Makes me wish I had poor
- A few months ago the S&P 500
- Paranoid or not, the deck
- gn, Rustico –
Last time I
- It will be paid by changing
- Don’t worry, it’s a win-win
- Your standard homeowners’
- Not true at all, I recently
- My problem: I have
- Meanwhile, the dollar lose
- It looks like you share a
- Historically, markets don’t
- Here is the public school
- This is why some of us
- I just answered “B” to all
- “The economy may be more
- It is happening FASTER than
- This ain’t the 90’s. Back
- Moving from the Bay area,
- Those are closed sales, so
- In this area nearly half the
- 10 Minutes from La Jolla
- Thanks for the reminder of
- Math API quiz :
1. If
- It appears that the futures
- Additional thoughts:
At age
- It typically takes a few
- Along the lines of Rustico’s
- Has anyone looked behind the
- Just another rat hole for
- My favorite (NOT) proposal
- Forget Federal Gov Bailouts … beware Local Govt
- They know the front end
- Actually, this happens in La
- He can’t make an $1,800 a
- bsrsharma –
I agree. I
- I thought I heard that
- Is there a simple method to
- As for US companies, I like
- “Just curious. How great
- Holy cr@p! Shiller is
- I have callers who insisted
- Are non-LIBOR ARMs really
- When translated to the
- D’oh !
You may be right in
- Bank of America Corp. has
- It’s pretty clear that Fed
- Flat Profit
- FSD, you said that the
- I think this is a clever
- I remain very agressively
- Who cares what he says.
- Will the interest rate
- Actually schizo is correct
- Is there a possibility that
- Your loan is still intact,
- Home prices are not
- If we were discussing this
- Personally, I prefer looking
- I don’t really buy that,
- “In addition to sales
- Suppose you have a mortgage
- Hypothetically, if you gave
- Here’s how I would interpret
- “there will always be
- FormerSanDiegan…
why not
- This one is probably not the
- I’m thinking a good time to
- I don’t know about RE
- So, let’s see, we’re at a
- But as I am, I think that
- FormerSanDiegan…. Just
- Oh, the humanity… a
- I’m just saying that most
- As I posted previously
- Not really, all the gains
- … of course, Peter Schiff
- Article requires
- If the second was used to
- I gotta make this comment.
- It depends what part of
- Arguing on a blog is like
- Desert to the west, Mexico
- The Living Room on Point
- You asked about things
- The Best of San Diego
- 45% Stocks (including around
- Besides the weather ?
- Months of inventory is more
- You have to buy at the
- Why work hard and save at
- A single data point on the
- Since the mortgage rates
- In a rapidly changing
- I think “what the market
- Nobody cares about your
- Nobody cares about your
- Nobody cares about your
- “Anyone factoring in the
- “Anyone factoring in the
- “Anyone factoring in the
- The next big thing is
- The next big thing is
- The next big thing is
- “You can’t beat the Weather,
- “You can’t beat the Weather,
- “You can’t beat the Weather,
- Have to agree with tmg
- Have to agree with tmg
- Have to agree with tmg
- It doesn’t really matter
- It doesn’t really matter
- It doesn’t really matter
- Is it time to buy???
- Is it time to buy???
- Is it time to buy???
- Are you expecting people to
- Are you expecting people to
- Are you expecting people to
- Timeless Money Rules
- Timeless Money
- Timeless Money
- Timeless Money
- The original post should
- The original post should
- The original post should
- Since everybody wants to
- Since everybody wants to
- Since everybody wants to
- So, if I read this right,
- So, if I read this right,
- So, if I read this right,
- Everybody wants to live here
- After giving this
- After giving this
- After giving this
- We could always fill in the
- We could always fill in the
- We could always fill in the
- You have to recapture
- You have to recapture
- You have to recapture
- I suppose I shouldn’t take
- I suppose I shouldn’t take
- I suppose I shouldn’t take
- “Yes, at least some CC debt
- “Yes, at least some CC debt
- “Yes, at least some CC debt
- More info in this article
- More info in this article
- More info in this article
- I get an average of 1.5
- I get an average of 1.5
- I get an average of 1.5
- BofA Invests in CFC
- I don’t think it affects the
- I don’t think it affects the
- I don’t think it affects the
- I too would like to know.
- I too would like to know.
- I too would like to know.
- Yes, but demand for Real
- Yes, but demand for Real
- Yes, but demand for Real
- I think most here would
- I think most here would
- I think most here would
- “Is this kind of bankruptcy
- “Is this kind of bankruptcy
- “Is this kind of bankruptcy
- one_muggle –
I must
- one_muggle –
I must
- one_muggle –
I must
- I saw a huge line at Ortho
- I saw a huge line at Ortho
- I saw a huge line at Ortho
- Thanks for clarifying
- Thanks for clarifying
- Thanks for clarifying
- One thing that hits you in
- One thing that hits you in
- One thing that hits you in
- The FED will also cut the
- The FED will also cut the
- The FED will also cut the
- “it’s often said on this
- “it’s often said on this
- “it’s often said on this
- Hmmm. Maybe the rest of the
- Hmmm. Maybe the rest of the
- Hmmm. Maybe the rest of the
- You can bet that whatever
- You can bet that whatever
- You can bet that whatever
- “OK, elders and anyone
- “OK, elders and anyone
- “OK, elders and anyone
- Hate to be a party pooper,
- Hate to be a party pooper,
- Hate to be a party pooper,
- The Fed responds to
- The Fed responds to
- The Fed responds to
- Up 20.35
Nice call
- Up 20.35
Nice call
- Up 20.35
Nice call
- It seems like it is “too
- It seems like it is “too
- It seems like it is “too
- Both methods work with
- Both methods work with
- Both methods work with
- Alex, some of us replied to
- Alex, some of us replied to
- Alex, some of us replied to
- Normally when a property is
- Normally when a property is
- Normally when a property is
- The market will rally on
- The market will rally on
- The market will rally on
- I like RE as a long term
- I like RE as a long term
- I like RE as a long term
- “Remember, you get
- “Remember, you get
- “Remember, you get
- What you are missing is that
- What you are missing is that
- What you are missing is that
- Look at those bond yields.
- Look at those bond yields.
- Look at those bond yields.
- The CFC situation is too
- The CFC situation is too
- The CFC situation is too
- Rocket science – I think you
- Rocket science – I think you
- Rocket science – I think you
- So what do you do when you
- So what do you do when you
- So what do you do when you
- A partial explanation: Some
- A partial explanation: Some
- A partial explanation: Some
- Some of us do quantitative
- Some of us do quantitative
- Some of us do quantitative
- That’s pretty funny Josh
- That’s pretty funny Josh
- That’s pretty funny Josh
- 12% bonus
4% raise
- 12% bonus
4% raise
- 12% bonus
4% raise
- hipmatt – He did not
- hipmatt – He did not
- hipmatt – He did not
- If the loan was an original
- If the loan was an original
- If the loan was an original
- 365-day redemption only
- 365-day redemption only
- 365-day redemption only
- My Favorite Peter Schiff
- My Favorite Peter Schiff
- My Favorite Peter Schiff
- it looks like he isn’t
- it looks like he isn’t
- it looks like he isn’t
- investigate
I doubt they
- investigate
I doubt they
- investigate
I doubt they
- Instead of the bottom, I
- Instead of the bottom, I
- Instead of the bottom, I
- “A house worth $450k in 2001
- “A house worth $450k in 2001
- “A house worth $450k in 2001
- Although, I don’t think
- Although, I don’t think
- Although, I don’t think
- they handed the kids candy
- they handed the kids candy
- they handed the kids candy
- Perry –
I agree with you
- Perry –
I agree with you
- Perry –
I agree with you
- Bold is
- Bold is
- Bold is
- Perry, I don’t
- Perry, I don’t
- Perry, I don’t
- I will stick with the same
- I will stick with the same
- I will stick with the same
- I would stay.
I agree with
- I would stay.
I agree with
- I would stay.
I agree with
- Bugs – Why do you think
- Bugs – Why do you think
- Bugs – Why do you think
- Didn’t Paulson recently say
- Didn’t Paulson recently say
- Didn’t Paulson recently say
- Oh, and one more thing. If
- Oh, and one more thing. If
- Oh, and one more thing. If
- I would at least consider
- I would at least consider
- I would at least consider
- One could also simply bet
- One could also simply bet
- One could also simply bet
- Does this person believe
- Does this person believe
- Does this person believe
- bsrsharma hit it pretty
- bsrsharma hit it pretty
- bsrsharma hit it pretty
- Sounds like the only thing
- Sounds like the only thing
- Sounds like the only thing
- OK empty buildings going up
- OK empty buildings going up
- OK empty buildings going up
- Alex_angel –
- Alex_angel –
- Alex_angel –
- I sort of believe that it
- I sort of believe that it
- I sort of believe that it
- The westside bubble blog
- The westside bubble blog
- The westside bubble blog
- Maybe your friend meant he
- Maybe your friend meant he
- Maybe your friend meant he
- Forget all the stuff about
- Forget all the stuff about
- Forget all the stuff about
- Hmmm –
Does he read ? If
- Hmmm –
Does he read ? If
- Hmmm –
Does he read ? If
- This looks like a core dump
- This looks like a core dump
- This looks like a core dump
- I don’t know, this house in
- I don’t know, this house in
- temeculaguy –
One more thing
- temeculaguy –
One more thing
- temeculaguy –
I think you
- temeculaguy –
I think you
- temeculaguy –
I am using
- temeculaguy –
I am using
- beechhunter –
It was just
- beechhunter –
It was just
- We get bashed for being
- We get bashed for being
- I received a solicitation in
- I received a solicitation in
- Some perspective:
A 20%
- Some perspective:
A 20%
- The higher conforming loan
- The higher conforming loan
- Gary – Are you
- Gary – Are you
- kaycee –
The 1-year LIBOR
- kaycee –
The 1-year LIBOR
- HLS –
I respect your
- HLS –
I respect your
- Interest-only mortgages
- Interest-only mortgages
- An historical anecdote on a
- An historical anecdote on a
- Typically rent-to-own deals
- Typically rent-to-own deals
- “I do not think it is
- “I do not think it is
- Kid: “But Mom, everybody’s
- Kid: “But Mom, everybody’s
- All this market volatility
- All this market volatility
- Since the interest deduction
- Since the interest deduction
- Factual correction:
- Factual correction:
- Yes, kaycee could refinance.
- Yes, kaycee could refinance.
- Smells like a flaky seller.
- Smells like a flaky seller.
- Being a housing bear and a
- Being a housing bear and a
- Haven’t we had this
- Haven’t we had this
- IMO, in the next 18 months
- IMO, in the next 18 months
- Perry – I think your point
- Perry – I think your point
- the stock market has done
- the stock market has done
- This isn’t a Heaven’s Gate
- This isn’t a Heaven’s Gate
- Good point n_s_r regarding
- Good point n_s_r regarding
- Quitcat – You are right that
- Quitcat – You are right that
- Back to the facts
- Back to the facts
- Which if I remember
- Which if I remember
- I agree with f_l_u. If you
- I agree with f_l_u. If you
- whether it’s an undisclosed
- whether it’s an undisclosed
- Surveyor is right. From a
- Surveyor is right. From a
- This would be a rare
- This would be a rare
- It’s just a guess, but
- It’s just a guess, but
- “tranche” is correct
- “tranche” is correct
- I actually refinanced my
- I actually refinanced my
- patientrenter – Well said.
- patientrenter – Well said.
- n_s_r nailed it. A complex
- n_s_r nailed it. A complex
- n_s_r – This is an
- n_s_r – This is an
- Similarly, the top 1% of
- Similarly, the top 1% of
- … however, if you receive
- … however, if you receive
- blue_sky –
The link you
- blue_sky –
The link you
- “In about 10 years it will
- “In about 10 years it will
- An introduction …
- An introduction …
- n_s_r – I generally agree
- n_s_r – I generally agree
- L J R – If I Assume the
- L J R – If I Assume the
- If the loans were purchase
- If the loans were purchase
- Jennyo – Thanks for the
- Jennyo – Thanks for the
- kewp – I agree. Don’t see
- kewp – I agree. Don’t see
- “You’re assuming that they
- “You’re assuming that they
- They’ll spend 3-6 months on
- They’ll spend 3-6 months on
- Neeta – I agree that two
- Neeta – I agree that two
- After reviewing the evidence
- After reviewing the evidence
- “if you don’t like a
- “if you don’t like a
- Neighborhoods
- Neighborhoods
- stop_the_bubble_hype –
- stop_the_bubble_hype –
- Scruffy, where did you go?
- Scruffy, where did you go?
- “You don’t see people
- “You don’t see people
- jg – regarding public
- jg – regarding public
- POP Quiz …
Thank you for
- POP Quiz …
Thank you for
- I live on LA’s westside. It
- I live on LA’s westside. It
- So, let me paraphrase. You
- So, let me paraphrase. You
- scruffydog said “I’m
- scruffydog said “I’m
- SO, you told a realtor that
- SO, you told a realtor that
- Surveyor
Your spreadsheet
- Surveyor
Your spreadsheet
- Oh, you forgot one other
- Oh, you forgot one other
- Way to go, scruffydog.
- Way to go, scruffydog.
- When I got my first job as a
- When I got my first job as a
- An appraiser really has the
- An appraiser really has the
- Invite him to bring over the
- Invite him to bring over the
- Rustico, so when we leave
- Rustico, so when we leave
- BOOM Town USA …
- BOOM Town USA …
- The Medical system in the UK
- The Medical system in the UK
- I think the root of this
- I think the root of this
- I think you are right jg. I
- I think you are right jg. I
- It’s really hard to give
- It’s really hard to give
- We have seen plenty of these
- We have seen plenty of these
- jg –
I know, I know … just
- jg –
I know, I know … just
- You forgot the part about
- You forgot the part about
- Based on Case-Shiller index
- Based on Case-Shiller index
- I am not a native. I moved
- I am not a native. I moved
- To beat a dead horse, I
- To beat a dead horse, I
- No responses ?
Maybe this
- No responses ?
Maybe this
- scruffydog –
What is your
- scruffydog –
What is your
- El Jefe -Thanks for
- El Jefe -Thanks for
- I actually sold my house in
- I actually sold my house in
- Considering Option #1
- Considering Option #1
- I disagree with the
- I disagree with the
- I am considering relocating
- I am considering relocating
- … more like 1995. That’s
- … more like 1995. That’s
- myito –
Buying now is better
- myito –
Buying now is better
- I am celebrating by
- I am celebrating by
- Wow, what a jump! I think
- Wow, what a jump! I think
- Ozzie – You need to learn
- Ozzie – You need to learn
- Who is William Buffet ?
- Who is William Buffet ?
- Alex_angel – WHat you need
- Alex_angel – WHat you need
- Under the guidance of His
- Under the guidance of His
- This reminds me of the RE
- This reminds me of the RE
- steveno –
Come on admit it,
- steveno –
Come on admit it,
- I actually think it’s
- I actually think it’s
- “Love many, trust few, do
- “Love many, trust few, do
- “Yes you can share my WSJ Mr
- “Yes you can share my WSJ Mr
- Was her comment in French ?
- Was her comment in French ?
- Do you read the data the
- Do you read the data the
- Good topic jg… just
- Good topic jg… just
- jg – I thought that the
- jg – I thought that the
- Mad Monk/FSD, it looks like
- Mad Monk/FSD, it looks like
- Gee, I sure hope they aren’t
- Gee, I sure hope they aren’t
- If anyone here can predict
- If anyone here can predict
- It took the Union Tribune 5
- It took the Union Tribune 5
- I agree with n_s_r, this
- I agree with n_s_r, this
- I found a source that prices
- I found a source that prices
- Here is a link to the
- Here is a link to the
- SD Transplant –
If your list
- SD Transplant –
If your list
- BTW, a good friend of mine
- BTW, a good friend of mine
- jg – it looks like you put
- jg – it looks like you put
- Found the answer
Incomes are
- Found the answer
Incomes are
- which reminds me, how many
- which reminds me, how many
- HWG –
Below is a link to
- HWG –
Below is a link to
- Actually, some countries
- Actually, some countries
- Thanks PD. I guess that
- Thanks PD. I guess that
- That family and household
- That family and household
- OK, I’ll help you prove your
- OK, I’ll help you prove your
- oops, while I was preparing
- oops, while I was preparing
- Here’s a less-intrusive way
- Here’s a less-intrusive way
- This is too bad.
When the
- This is too bad.
When the
- So, is it cool to move to
- So, is it cool to move to
- jg –
The bummer is that even
- jg –
The bummer is that even
- Hmmm… Bond Guru thinks
- Hmmm… Bond Guru thinks
- Rustico –
The traditional
- Rustico –
The traditional
- Don’t worry renterclint.
- Don’t worry renterclint.
- Bond Yield Blues
- This guy is not going to
- This guy is not going to
- Other ways to get to a
- Other ways to get to a
- Rustico –
Do I under
- Rustico –
Do I under
- The companion article I
- The companion article I
- Who else is left on the
- Who else is left on the
- Oops !
I just thought of
- Oops !
I just thought of
- 5k is 16% difference on a
- 5k is 16% difference on a
- OK, for some more fun, I
- OK, for some more fun, I
- Rustico – Not quite
- Rustico – Not quite
- ibjames – You can find it
- ibjames – You can find it
- FSD– One thing your graph
- FSD– One thing your graph
- “Which Catholic college,
- “Which Catholic college,
- jg – I am poking fun at my
- jg – I am poking fun at my
- “By the way Former I
- “By the way Former I
- I think that Pope Urban
- I think that Pope Urban
- It is perfectly acceptable
- It is perfectly acceptable
- Fun with plots …
Just for
- Fun with plots …
Just for
- Did Bush drop his shoe ?
- Did Bush drop his shoe ?
- It looks like prices have
- It looks like prices have
- seattle-relo
San Diego home
- seattle-relo
San Diego home
- The median may drop as
- The median may drop as
- Perhaps the builders think
- Perhaps the builders think
- Try the following
- Try the following
- I dont think this market
- I dont think this market
- That’s funny. As a 40-year
- That’s funny. As a 40-year
- Perry – Your link to a
- Perry – Your link to a
- When we were first-time
- When we were first-time
- Is it better to be dumb,
- Is it better to be dumb,
- You can apply for a review
- You can apply for a review
- The neighbors below had a
- The neighbors below had a
- Since I am “stupid” and a
- Since I am “stupid” and a
- I found the site relatively
- I found the site relatively
- seattle-relo –
The past
- seattle-relo –
The past
- If the Andrew Cunanan
- If the Andrew Cunanan
- I believe that the seasonal
- I believe that the seasonal
- latesummer2008
I hope that
- latesummer2008
I hope that
- Bugs –
I couldn’t agree with
- Bugs –
I couldn’t agree with
- Cy, you can add jg to the
- Cy, you can add jg to the
- The above post is spam.
- The above post is spam.
- Amazing deal. If someone
- Amazing deal. If someone
- “There’s never been a better
- “There’s never been a better
- “Where are the Condo Prices
- “Where are the Condo Prices
- A less myopic view would
- A less myopic view would
- You still do not understand
- You still do not understand
- More numbers from Dataquick
- More numbers from Dataquick
- Both SD Realtor and
- Both SD Realtor and
- San Diego Numbers could be
- San Diego Numbers could be
- I’m gonna go out on a limb
- I’m gonna go out on a limb
- Regarding 200X pricing
- Regarding 200X pricing
- This ought to bring up the
- This ought to bring up the
- cyphire – I still like the
- cyphire – I still like the
- SD R –
jg’s chart IS the
- SD R –
jg’s chart IS the
- OFHEO may be inaccurate for
- OFHEO may be inaccurate for
- 4plex – I’d agree that 2%
- 4plex – I’d agree that 2%
- Bugs –
The Case-Shiller
- Bugs –
The Case-Shiller
- Once I saw that news, I
- Once I saw that news, I
- Next thing you know he’s
- Next thing you know he’s
- FSD, Obviously Mistaken.
- FSD, Obviously Mistaken.
- I was simply pointing out
- I was simply pointing out
- Any objections ?
- Any objections ?
- jg’s chart is an excellent
- jg’s chart is an excellent
- Perry – The zip code
- Perry – The zip code
- Yes, sometimes the math does
- Yes, sometimes the math does
- Here’s their secret. They
- Here’s their secret. They
- radelow – I agree with your
- radelow – I agree with your
- If he wanted to do some real
- If he wanted to do some real
- “It appears that prices are
- “It appears that prices are
- Monthly zip-code-specific
- Monthly zip-code-specific
- “…why would someone want
- “…why would someone want
- You say prices ‘hit bottom’
- You say prices ‘hit bottom’
- I pick the peak and compare
- I pick the peak and compare
- Monthly median sales in a
- Monthly median sales in a
- Here is another absolutely
- Here is another absolutely
- jg – I know, I know, I
- jg – I know, I know, I
- Speaking of lawyers, have
- Speaking of lawyers, have
- Pizza Face.
- Pizza Face.
- jg – I agree with your point
- jg – I agree with your point
- SDA – Are you working on
- SDA – Are you working on
- Remember that once you do
- Remember that once you do
- Here’s a chart with
- Here’s a chart with
- Do you seriously believe
- Do you seriously believe
- If you do not buy a house
- If you do not buy a house
- It looks to me like you
- It looks to me like you
- I guess they didn’t figure
- I guess they didn’t figure
- Net worth of 1.6 million
- Net worth of 1.6 million
- El Jefe – Do you own that
- El Jefe – Do you own that
- Bummer. Maybe you can buy
- Bummer. Maybe you can buy
- “I expect he could buy back
- “I expect he could buy back
- Sell = speculation,
- Sell = speculation,
- My best guess is that it
- My best guess is that it
- n_s_r – Thanks for hitting
- n_s_r – Thanks for hitting
- If it were me, I would keep
- If it were me, I would keep
- sdr – I agree that it would
- sdr – I agree that it would
- All the attention to North
- All the attention to North
- I re-fied with an I/O loan
- I re-fied with an I/O loan
- In related news there’s a
- Inflation figures are
- Aren’t there alot of
- radelow – Burgerner is a
- Disgruntled in Bay Park
- Rustico –
If I were to talk
- I have no problem with
- People all say wait a year
- Alex, dude. Mellow out. Get
- Don’t worry jg, your
- Mr Angel – With all due
- Areas like clairmont, south
- SHILOH – Not sure which 50%
- JG – You and davelj are both
- SHILOH – Thanks.
I also
- Rents can’t go up if wages
- When I moved a couple of
- I used to live near the top
- I have to admit that I too
- Regarding schools around BP
- If your analysis shows that
- That’s funny. I lived in
- radelow – I think the
- That’s a classic !!
… but
- Based on the current
- These two guys lived
- The poo-poo head post will
- davelj –
I tend to
- f_l_u –
Of course we didn’t.
- Critter –
“Did you say
- I occasionally check her
- davelj –
I did not say that
- FSD, what have you indexed
- jg –
And, liquidating a
- Did any of you foresee the
- FWIW – I partly agree with
- The reports were kind of
- It’s May 2. The S&P 500 is
- So, you have a deal for
- Did RE/MAX merge with the
- Land prices.
- All this genuflection and
- Super, but what about the
- “Basically, your investment
- CDMA ENG – I couldn’t agree
- Andy – This was a good point
- “I really hope that is not
- “We’re averaging 9,000
- The Dow will hit 6,500 by
- cow_tipping –
I agree that
- Not to tip a sleeping cow,
- Cow_tipping –
The inflation
- In God We Trust. Everyone
- Inflation insight FWIW . . .
- “Inflation from 01 is nearly
- forsale_2007 –
I don;t have
- Thanks for the info.
- This is pretty simple, IRS
- “a conservative 10-12%
- SD Realtor -I agree, all
- The numbers are starting
- Call your congress-person
- when I left the house at
- “This isnt rocket science “
- In this instance it would be
- jg –
IMO the actual number
- I’m still betting around 2%
- “I think that when the right
- That’s funny. I didn’t
- csr_sd
Thanks for providing
- I have a new business
- We all question the Federal
- Good Point Concho – For the
- NeetaT – I guess you don;t
- Well, I happen to think the
- Yeah, the guy is obviously
- It seems to me that most
- I am with Rotted Oak on this
- Another “genius call by this
- Yes, Matt he is pure
- I think Chris J’s point is
- Two choices:
A. Protest
- The assumption that median
- “I went to this seminar and
- I find it funny that a
- jg – I’m not gonna predict
- 4plexowner –
It’s possible
- In other news …
- fritzmt –
I think you are
- “I was one of the first to
- I applaud her ability to
- By the way, per the article
- that is amazing! 34%!
- There was a significant
- I am interested in shorting
- No Way.
Three reasons:
- The traffic on 5 continues
- Great business model.
- And some say there are no
- Not sure I understand the
- IT IS spring 07, anyone
- Happy Vernal Equinox !
- Everyone wants to live in
- little lady – I think we are
- Another 10% isn’t even close
- Not to be paranoid, but
- What’s even stranger is that
- Believe 1/2 of what you
- Do it like the pros
- I have to agree with B M
- Yes! It means there will be
- 1997 prices ?
Maybe on a
- bigmoneysalsa –
I agree with
- I don’t know what the
- I don’t know what the
- I was responding to this
- My point is that ultimately
- According to the 2005 Census
- Median household income in
- I never mentioned 20% I am
- How much water can we save
- On Downpayments and
- oops, you mis-typed the
- Nice find. I think the
- latesummer2008 –
GLad to see
- Bay area is on same sales
- touche Cow_tipping, but I
- italics off
- CA has always been more
- just banking the money and
- My wife were recently
- Coronado has gone through a
- CardiffBaseball –
I think
- I would suggest that you
- Chris Johnston
I will take
- What a ridiculous thread…
- I’d be prepared for a 20% or
- Downtown SD is MUCH more
- PD –
I remember the other
- The odds of a two-sigma
- 4plex – I think my primary
- Nice work sdcellar.
- The biggest ‘smoking gun’
- I found the
- I haven’t run the numbers
- Happy renter makes a good
- While I think FutureSDguy is
- Yes, moves inside a 401K
- Is the SD rental discount
- I’d like to bring this back
- One more thing to ponder for
- I really love threads like
- The problem is CharlieG,
- In other news…
- Huh ?
Who bought the other
- ibjames –
I agree: doctors,
- In a Scripps Howard poll in
- PerryChase was right. Rich
- The day of the original
- My personal list of
- S&P dropped 50 points
- davelj –
The fact that we
- I’m an optimist:
Bonds had a
- Yes, let’s have the state
- I think it’s funny how many
- If it’s truly 30% below
- davelj –
Although I agree
- I’ve heard of the “Second
- PC –
What do you mean by
- I think it’s called coyote
- Why would anyone want to
- Arny –
What I meant by
- If the owner is selling you
- Listing it as a short sale
- Not sure what you mean by
- Q: Why do you need a
- LostCat – I agree with you
- I know some Chicagoans who
- jg –
I had the same side of
- For most renters their
- Cool. A weak 3rd quarter
- The S&P 500 is UP 11.8%
- If you were building widgets
- Anyone else notice a sudden
- That’s great…. Can’t wait
- The reality is that,
- You cannot simply walk away
- You could sell Mizzou
- Although I am a proponent of
- I believe that the
- When your gardener becomes a
- High-paying ($200K – up)
- I once owned a Mt Street
- 4-plex. That might be a
- California finally wins one
- The above facts (not
- Another category where Texas
- Yet another category where
- Another Category where Texas
- Texas Leads California
- Nope. Not foreclosures.
- Texas Leads California
- OK, I’ll take the bait… I
- Sunset Cove is in a decent
- This happened a lot in the
- I think the market will
- Why should we trust the
- The Institute for Supply
- Yes there there is a
- I don’t think the lenders
- I mostly agree with bob007.
- If a beer is substantial,
- GDP came in at 3.5%. Drink
- There’s another factor:
- n_s_r makes several
- I was more worried about the
- surveyor – Really ? Are you
- Make ready the tap.
- 1301.78
That was the closing
- Renterclint –
- Nice work Bugs.
- Bugs, I made a point
- Bugs –
Thanks for the
- “It’s gotta be the biggest
- Prop 13 probably translated
- Bugs – I was simply
- sdcellar –
That was
- blackbox – Just having some
- jg –
OFHEO prices went up
- jg –
Longer-term changes in
- jg –
Thanks for the update.
- sdr –
Clealy my point has
- Update …
S&P 500 closed
- Cow_tipping –
Based on your
- blackbox –
Your message may
- SD R –
Yes, there are higher
- I know about the flaws in
- Move up buyers. The same
- What’s Up with PowayBuyers
- But arson and insurance
- I know it’s off the subject,
- It’s really doesn’t have to
- Can someone help me
- Thanks for the comments
- jg –
How do you draw a
- The Clinton years were great
- However, you can go to
- SD Realtor –
Thanks for the
- The poor have
- SD Realtor –
Before someone
- I meant to say a decade
- Perry –
Can you elaborate on
- My guess is that 4Q 2006 GDP
- $150k for a Mission Valley
- This stock market is
- Check this one out …
- Only 48 trading days ’til
- Insurance companies are
- I love the precision : 6.42
- Do we need to start a
- Our starter home was a 3BR/1
- bubble_contagion –
- PD – I think that your piece
- I agree 100% Daisy.
- It is not a sellers or a
- The biggest monkey wrench
- asianautica –
You took the
- lostkitty – I have to agree
- cow_tipping –
I agree from a
- After reviewing some of the
- TheBreeze –
I have to agree
- Not really … at least in
- When facing a cliff, being
- Monthly Market Update:
As of
- Perry – I have to agree with
- meadandale –
It is a good
- I second PerryChase’s
- We rely on Rich and
- The initial admin response
- The newest house I ever
- I wouldn’t label the 1994
- Book recommendation
- I had this very same
- The number has just been
- SD R –
Excellent point
- I don’t believe that this
- It was something like 90% of
- Have you taken a look at
- How is the Case-Shiller
- PS –
Prices on each home
- The next 24 months will be
- Of the housing slump, Lazear
- The median is one of several
- Money saved by renting vs
- Once again I blame Greenspan
- You be the judge
Alien or
- Did you know that Alan
- What I didn;t understand was
- It also requires a minimum
- The first thing you should
- surveyor –
Depreciation is
- gold_dredger_phd –
Based on
- poway –
I’m not giving an
- PS –
OK I agree on the
- “I know a guy that sleeps in
- At least the members of the
- ps –
I agree wholeheartedly
- Where is the personal
- A consumption tax would
- I found the following to be
- Mortgage rates have dropped
- Cycle –
Great points.
- OK bubba99 the numbers are
- Bubba – Several good points,
- The “Buy a House… Get a
- And so far the advertisement
- All we need is for Congress
- “Studies have shown that
- lendingbubble….
- Yes, people also get mad
- The investors purchasing now
- Too bad. Guess you’ll have
- Interesting … 4 out of the
- Housing blogs will also be
- I agree that the UCLA
- surveyor –
I have had a
- I see absolutely no risk in
- sdr – Thanks for the
- “For those that care, I
- Rates down, re-fi activity
- Hope you are thirsty qcomer.
- Sounds like right now is a
- Toll Brothers stock was
- sdr – getting down to early
- So, in other words we had
- OK. I don’t have the
- Today’s news : “The
- rhino –
Yes it is true that
- We have always avoided HOA
- There are plenty of sales
- I’m not a broker, but
- jg – Absolutely no offense
- What were they selling ?
- jg –
To what puffery are you
- ISM reading implies 2.4% GDP
- Lulu – “Most people renting
- powayseller –
The problem is
- powayseller – You said :
- g_d_p –
Sounds like your
- The SUN Tax.
- “if you exclude the effect
- Housing market analogies in
- BTW, another way of hedging
- g_d_p –
25% that’s crazy,
- qcomer –
My post crossed
- … the other factors
- PS –
If you read the report
- If an economist selectively
- I would have to agree that a
- JG –
Yes, some stealing of
- PS –
It sounds to me like
- So, if people are smart
- By soft-landing, I meant for
- My take is that this signals
- We meant to say 2.2%
- So, we couldn’t trust the
- Here’s another idea
- Not currency, but I’ve put a
- I stand corrected … but
- What if they set up
- “The market is likely to go
- avidsaver – Yep, I jumped
- cooprider14 –
See Rich’s
- townhome appreciating more
- Cars aren’t just past the
- Has anyone ever looked at
- No, it’s not crazy to think
- As someone who has to
- Or, more specifically
- I never saw the Bgates
- So true John Maynard Keynes,
- Maybe I should offer my
- Last time net foreignn
- Is this called a “condo
- These situations are
- I think the market dropping
- Only 85 Trading days ’til
- I don’t understand why
- Older (15+ year) suburban