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16 years ago

I had no idea “whackage” was
I had no idea “whackage” was even a word. You learn something new everyday.

16 years ago

That’s not just any type of
That’s not just any type of “whackage” we’re seeing on the low tier. They’re getting some “major whackage”!

16 years ago
Reply to  ltokuda

from peak to peak on the high
from peak to peak on the high priced homes I am guessing a return of about 3.6%, looks like Schiller is right!

16 years ago

The Financial Times makes an
The Financial Times makes an obvious point today that is only so once you read it: ie noone else has mentioned it.
Due to measurement days, the ‘April’ CS index records transaction agreed early in the year……………when fixed rate mortgages were much cheaper.

Rich mentions that the ‘May’ number may be lower, and the same logic will apply.

By the way are Piggs seeing any evidence of the now much higher fixed mortgage rates having an impact?

PS Rich, you can’t see your posts on the main page now!!!!!

16 years ago
Reply to  gdcox

I see the tier parameters are
I see the tier parameters are also finally changing, so the higher tier homes are now in the $500k bracket, which will improve the declines, but it makes me wonder if there shouldn’t be a category for sticky tiers.

I’m glad Rich mentioned to which month (April) these data refer, because all accounts I’d seen yesterday on other blogs and the media failed to mention it.

16 years ago
Reply to  34f3f3f

The figures do not

The figures do not refer to April. They refer to mid-March for it is the average of the three month to April. Given that these are final prices and that the signatures are previous by about 90 days of escrow, the latest data refers to deals agreed on a point centred on Feb 1st. (Rich , please correct if wrong).

16 years ago

2 Questions:
1) Will the

2 Questions:
1) Will the housing bailout looming in congress affect where/when prices bottom out?
2) And related to this, will the impact of the next wave of Alt-A/Option ARM resets be mitigated by the bailout?