Hey, I resemble that remark. Well except that I am not rich at all since I have to go to work to support myself and family. I know some rich people. I am not “barely” one of them either. Heck, I can’t even pretend to “barely” be one of them. They don’t have to work. They can live off the interest of their riches richer than I do off the income from my own sweat.
But I have more than I ever hoped or dreamed I could have so don’t feel pressured at all. Any pressure is my own. You see, if I tell myself that enough times, I start to actually believe it. 😉
I don’t see people leaving the Bay Area in droves. I am because I can. I am lucky. Salaries are, and the job market is, really strong here. Real estate is holding its own and not dropping as much as other areas. I just like SD more is all. Many people here do not care for SoCal so much and think NorCal is heaven on Earth. I completely agree with them . . . if I exclude LA and SD. IMHO, compared to the rest of the country NorCal is heaven on Earth. That would make LA, the nicer part of Heaven and SD the gated community part of Heaven.
Interesting. It was our search for a vacation/second home in SD (a small one mind you) that got us looking at the area again. Reverse sticker shock had us saying “hell with a vacation house, lets move there.” Panama or Spain will be the vacation home goal now (a small house mind you.)