We’ve seen various people move out of CA and other locations for various reasons–finances, kids can’t afford to buy a home, family ties, politics–etc., etc.
In EP’s case, he and his family lived the good life in CA for more years than most people ever will, so I don’t think he should have any regrets about his move at this point in time. He’s been here, done that.
Now, for those who need, or say they choose to leave, or check out permanently in their 30’s, 40’s or 50’s–the good life was cut short– so, no matter how they rationalize, they might, if they’re honest with themselves, still have regrets–if, in fact, they’re still among the living.
Personally, we, including extended family, would never be interested in leaving CA completely, for any reason, but if it works for others, hopefully, they’ll be happy with their choices.