I agree with the perplexing nature of this health care bill. What I don’t understand is why they don’t have an Adaptive Management Plan? Have a roundtable of the brightest minds in the world from healthcare industry, social workers, doctors, etc. Bring in folks from all over the world that have government managed healthcare (Canada and Australia come to mind, I mean we speak the same language) Kaiser, blue-cross, United, whoever and review the existing bill highlight what works and put it in one pile then highlight what doesn’t and put it in another. Keep and expand upon what works and move forward tweak or delete what doesn’t and set up a committee of the best and brightest and at first they may meet daily, monthly, then quarterly, then annually. Continue to reform and adapt the plan to expand what works and delete or tweak what doesn’t. yes it will probably take decades, but it would be progress.
I know I am naïve, but I am really tired of the stupidity that is my government.