Tell them to take a deep breath and come back to you in a year. I didn’t vote for the guy, don’t even like the guy, but there’s no point is letting the media get you all worked up. The world is not going to end. Put trust in the system and decency of everyday American people. Don’t let the fear mongering of the media and the political class divide us.[/quote]
AN, I get your point about this is the great thing about America, the division of powers, democracy etc., but trust me it’s not the fear mongering media that’s making me worried it’s the actual words that came out of Trump’s mouth. It’s the fact that our country is at a point that we would vote for someone like him. I find it ominous that on the same night he was elected, exactly 78 years ago is when Kristallnacht happened aka The Night of the Broken Glass. Though unlike the time when Germany voted for Hitler, our economy is actually pretty good and getting better. We aren’t walking around the streets with wheelbarrows of money and getting paid every hour.