Please read the first two sentences again and again until you understand it. I don’t disagree with you. I don’t feel entitled just because my ancestors have been here for hundreds of years. We were all immigrants at one point.
I said they could care less about America other than the U.S. being a conduit to a better life. If they had the same opportunities in their own country, they wouldn’t move here.
I hate to break the news to you, but I think H1-B workers here facing getting laidoff seem to care more about america and american jobs than U.S. citizen CEOs, managers, management, hedge funds, that seem more interested in turning a buck at the cost of screwing over everyone else.
Also, if what you say is true about H1-B immigrants carrying more about the job than about staying in America, then how come we haven’t seen a mass exodus of H1-B’s back to their home countries, considering how the opportunities in China and India, in many cases, are better than here in the U.S.? Their pay/salary might be lower, but not *that* much lower (for good people, it’s definitely not 1:8 as people say it is), and their cost of living is definitely significantly lower than it is here. And yet, you don’t see a mass exodus, do you? If you did, this probably would have already been self correcting because you wouldn’t have an H1-B glut problem as you claim we have.
And I didn’t say there is no abuse at bigger companies. But again, it’s not the primary way big companies use to save on labor costs. The H1-B “threat”, is nothing compared to moving the entire team abroad and hiring locally there…
People are focusing on the wrong “problem”…H1-B or non H1-B, isn’t the issue. It’s the issue that that entire group is being moved abroad because it’s reached a point of “maturity” (run the business) so it no longer needs the “best” talent to maintain it. (at least that’s why the the management team think).
If this is really of concern, then work at companies where it’s much harder to offshore the work…IE the defense industry, and things related to national security that requires a security clearance. I would if I wasn’t so concerned about being a scapegoat in the future if chinese/american political relations going sour in the future, despite not being from mainland china.[/quote]
Again I never said that H1-B’s didn’t want to stay here and keep an American job. Where are you reading this? I’m starting to get confused with where you’re coming from. I know companies leave the states to hire lower waged workers, but that is a separate issue. I’m speaking about companies who are here now and abusing the system. Please don’t bend my words. Thanks. I think you make a lot of good points. I don’t disagree with anything that you’ve said. I’m really just stating the obvious when I say that they’re coming here for personal success. You don’t see H1-B’s picking up an American flag and waiving it around when they get off the plane.