Reality now is that zero public transit is even being proposed for the area until 2035 and even that is unplanned/unsure/unbudgeted. [/quote]
Well. Maybe technically it is true that nothing is proposed right now, but I doubt it happens anywhere near that late.
In the above link, scroll down to Q4 and you’ll see that MTS Route 308 passed about 2 miles from One Paseo.
Once One Paseo is complete, it would be simple to re-route 308 to go to the corner of Del Mar Heights Road and El Camino Real…and it could be done for virtually zero cost.
Take that bus 5 miles to the Coaster and you’re set up to go anywhere in the county.[/quote]
According to the One Paseo website, they’re proving shuttle to residence to the Sorrento coaster station. So you don’t even need to wait for MTS to reroute 308.