There are few human beings that can handle the stimulus and pressure of being a cop in the inner city , or other low social functionability zone. The people who could manage that , they are actually so special that many way better opportunities would fall into their laps. It would be ridiculous for them to risk such an environment.
That the cops snap now and then shouldn’t surprise anyone. I don’t get why there should be an expectation that they don’t on occasion.
So cameras are good. But it won’t make the situation better. Better policing will put even more pressure on the low functioning residents. More black cops would lead to a tendency for corruption or lower desire to actually fight crime. Not because black people are inherently corrupt, but because that is the way the stimulus and pressure would guide them. The problem is how the people function much much more than how the police function. The situation is that overwhelming.
I pretty much don’t like most cops but I can see that they , the best that will actually take the job, get stuck choosing between a war and avoidance of one and everyone is ready to blame them when the problem is largely out of their control.