First of all, the liberal media handling of this was a total disgrace assuming guilt before GZ had his trail & whipping up all this emotion. Also, Obama’s comment that if he had a son he would look like TM alluded to a assumption of GZ guilt before he had his trial and all the facts came in. Talk about jumping to conclusions, and this is the president of the U.S.! Way to be a leader and divide the country Barack!
The justice system in America works on EVIDENCE not EMOTION and SPECULATION. All this knee jerk liberal horseshit that “if TM was white it wouldn’t have happened” or this or that…is all BS speculation. There is NO evidence to support any of that crap. All that matters in the end is if the jury thought GZ acted in self-defense. That is IT. That is ALL that matters. None of this conjecture garbage about racial profiling this or that. The jury members sat in that courtroom through every bit of that trial, the prosecution helped pick them, and they thought long and hard and made a decision BASED ON THE EVIDENCE. End of story.