Fellow Americans, doesn’t it make you wonder why FOREIGN countries are calling for our disarmament? Doesn’t that seem strange to you? Do you think they are worried about the children in our schools or do they have some other agenda? Doesn’t it concern you that history is littered with examples of governments that become more and more tyrannical following the disarmament of its people? In fact, isn’t that the norm? Shouldn’t our Constitution and our rights be safeguarded at all costs? If our Constitution is irrelevant, then what makes America.. America? How will we continue to be a “free” country and not join the list of nations ruled by tyrants? Without the Second Amendment, how do we the people guarantee that their will even be a First Amendment? My hope is that people will ask themselves some tough questions before they wave off their rights…Have we endured some terrible tragedies as a nation… yes. How does one compare Sandy Hook, Aurora and Columbine to Stalin’s Purges, Mao’s mass murders, the genocide in Africa, the Balkans, the Holocaust, etc… Is that dramatic? I don’t know, but again, I ask.. What makes America… America?