[quote=no_such_reality][quote=Blogstar]I haven’t be following so closely, Allan. My guess is that this all doesn’t go too far beyond the tabloid stuff. Maybe some misappropriation of funds for the “volunteer hostesses”? Any interrogation of Petraeus on Libya will be for show, hand washing and grandstanding purposes.[/quote]
Actually, it goes far beyond the tabloid stuff.
The Petreaus -Kelley thing is likely just tabloid stuff being conveniently used to distract from whatever the real story is…
The media is spun in a frenzy and looking for the cigar moment, meanwhile, what part of Rome is burning?[/quote]
I agree, and that’s why my earlier comment mentioned circuses. I was just telling Allan that I believe ,regardless of how rotten things are in Denmark, that there will not be any incisive inquiries.