I would never live in Durango CO. It is in the middle of freaking nowhere. I have been to Telluride and Durango Mnt before. Great ski resorts & gorgeous area but I would never live there. The SD coast is NOT quaint! There goes your lack of taste again. Were you raised in a barn? Cape Cod has a quaint coastline, Maine has a quaint Coast line, the Hamtons has a quaint coastline, the outer banks of North Carolina has a quaint coastline…SD does NOT have a quaint coastline… it is mostly overbuilt ugly crap. OB is a sh*thole, PB is full of the mental midgit MTV frat crowd with Denny’s right by the beach, La Jolla is plastic/Beverly Hills-ish. I will give you Cardiff and Encinitas …those are pretty nice coastal towns. Especially Encinitas west of hwy 5. Oceanside is a piece of sh*t IMO. I don’t like Carlsbad. IB is an armpit.