[quote=zk][quote=CDMA ENG]
U-Verse is the best service I have ever had hands down.
Full disclosure. I work for the company but I love this product.
Interesting, CDMA. I checked out uverse, but here was the deal breaker for me: Because of the way their DVRs are set up, you can’t effectively scan the program guide or list while watching a show or a recording. You can either look at one or two channels down at the bottom of the screen, or you are looking at whatever you’re trying to watch through a translucent program guide (at which point you can’t really see what you’re trying to watch well enough for it to be useful). My time is pretty compacted, so on the rare occasions that I have time to watch a show, I’m usually trying to find something to record so that I can watch it while I work out. Or I’m seeing if there’s anything better on. Or I’m checking my list to see if there’s anything I want to watch there. You can’t really do any of that on uverse, and that’s a deal breaker for me. I don’t know if it’s quite to the level of deal breaker for a lot of people, but I’m sure a lot of people would prefer to be able to scan the program guide or list while watching something. TVs are more than big enough now so that you can watch something in a quadrant while the guide or list takes up the rest of the screen (like Time Warner does). I don’t like Time Warner for the most part. Their customer service is the worst of any company I’ve ever dealt with. So I’d like to get rid of them.
Questions: Are you aware of any good way to scan the list or guide while watching tv (or a recorded program) on uverse?
Do you work in a part of the company where you can suggest changing your dvrs so that it can be done?[/quote]
Hmmm… Never tried it while watching the DVR… Never had the desire to surf while watching but I think there is a way to do Pic in Pic window that will still alow you to channel surf… Ill look at that… And I do sit across the hall from the sales team… Ill ask.