They should keep the things in place to instill the fear of a ticket. They should focus cameras on the people who roll through red lights and stop signs.
Im suprised they havent spaced the timing in between lights – between a red one way and the green the other. This would cut down on the potential for accidents due to the clowns that run reds.
There are bigger fish to fry, like all the morons in this state that refuse to use a turn signal. I wish we were allowed to run those people off the road for that nonsense.
And stop ticketing people for speeding on the highway (referring to the ones that stay in the left lanes, not the ones that lane change like they are in a nascar race). All the fast and furious rice rocket boys who feel the need to lane change constantly without signals should be the focal point of Highway Patrol.
Lastly, put left lane for passing only laws like Jersey has. The HP in Jersey are ruthless with that law and we need it here.