I love the indepth reporting. Seems strange that there is absolutely no justification for the prediction other than the big “Forbes” name. I’m sure they built a “model”, but nice choice of data. Lets see…randomly call a “bottom” with no supporting data or estimate of total price decline, decline %, or nominal bottom price. Then create the expectation for the continuation of the madness. Don’t give a cost basis for the appreciation so you don’t have to bother with any downturn prediction. Don’t specifically say WHEN that increase will begin or how long it will last. Unreal. So basically this guy is predicting an overcorrection of unknown extent and guessing it will come back because it has in the past. I guess all an expert for Forbes has to be able to do is explain what would make a chart look like a “V”, “U”, or “L” and then randomly pick a good positive number. I’m so underpaid. I’m one of the most undereducated posters (financially speaking) on the board and I think I could fake a similar article. I would include lucky lotto numbers for each city in another column.