[quote=equalizer][quote=earlyretirement]Thanks so much SD Realtor. Yeah, it looks like that was when things really started growing but I was surprised I couldn’t find out on Google when that road went in.
I know Santaluz takes a lot of flack but it still looks like a really nice area but I hope prices continue to fall before we move out there later this Fall.
I saw this house as well online located a few doors down. Looks beautiful but I imagine they will have problems selling as well due to the proximity to Camino del Sur.
I talked to a few realtors and they said buyers are really turned off by the high HOA fees of $450 a month plus the high Mello Roos taxes.
Thanks again.[/quote]
That second house is far enough away from the street. I just happened to be walking down long stretch of Del Sur searching for gold coins on a Friday night last month at 9PM and that street is really quiet, only one lane in each direction. I would bet that even the house facing street wouldn’t be that noisy, but in this market you can be more picky.[/quote]
Thanks for the comments! We are flying in for a week next month to look at houses including in that area. So there is no way now for us to know how noisy it is without going there and seeing ourselves so the comments help.
Also, we wanted to visit the houses near there at the busiest traffic times. What time do you all think would be the busiest/noisiest time on that road Camino del Sur?