How about this idea? We could track listings that are being manipulated up and down by 100 bucks to keep the “reduced” label. Here is one example. I have seen one or two others today. Is this what passes for being a proactive agent these days?
Finally we could make a list of all listings that DON’T claim to be a “steal” or waaaaaay below “market value” or have extremely “motivated” sellers making a plea to save them from foreclosure.
By the way, I’m getting tired of hearing about the supposed “market” value of all these homes. For all you delusional sellers out there:
(sarcasm on)
Go ahead and dream about whatever market value you want. Just sell your house and THEN tell me what the market was. You will get your price …….some decade. That’s what makes RE such a can’t miss long term investment. You can always count on inflation to bail you out in the long run.
P.S. If your house has been on the market around 180 days you might want to look up the definition of aggressive.
(sarcasm off)
(end rant)