Mate, I already pointed you to the sales IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD that demonstrate a slightly decreasing price trend over the last 6 months. If you’re going to rebut that you’re going to need to bring a lot of data.
I have location (same subdivision) on my side of the data and you don’t. I have relatively paired datasets from both neighborhoods as well as others that demonstrate the price differentials between these neighborhoods, and you don’t. I have DEMONSTRATED trends for decrease in your “comp” neighborhood using sales from late last year and early this year – it doesn’t appear to me that you’ve even been looking at those trends. You’ve got nothing here beyond the fact that this other property has the same number of bedrooms and the transaction is a little more recent.
Think about what you’re saying here. We already have sales in the subject’s immediate neighborhood and which are part of the subject’s subdivision from earlier this year. We have data from neighborhoods surrounding the subject’s neighborhood that demonstrate decreasing pricing trends. now you’re attempting to tell us that the current market is so great in that area that pricing is increasing – not by a little, but by over 10% in the last 4 months. That assertion is not only not credible, it’s not even in the same zip code as credible.
One more data point here for our other regulars – there’s been a LOT of commentary about prices for the new homes in CV showing pricing weakness and minor decreases. Before you seriously take sdr’s assertion that prices in this 20-year old neighborhood are quickly increasing you might want to keep that in mind.