To the original poster, have you ran the numbers to determine what your cost would be on a usage basis? Meaning, if you used the place for 4 weeks a year, your daily cost would be $X when considering the yearly costs for owning/maintaining the home.
I understand the desire to have your own vacation home where you can decorate as you please and never have the icky feeling that can sometimes come with hotels knowing someone else was sleeping in the bed the night before. However, it would seem to me that only the extremely rich (those who are willing to spend tens of thousands of $’s for the sake of convenience and ease) should even be considering vacation homes in today’s market.
With zero appreciation over the next few years a very plausible scenario, why would someone buy a house to make use of it for only a few weeks a year? A person would be able to stay in the nicest of hotels at a much lower cost when considering the total payments for the year.