flu and sdr… call me spoiled. My first job out of college was in Oceanside. This was the 80’s so North County didn’t have as many employment centers – it was a total reverse commute from my home in downtown SD. 40 minutes there, 45 minutes home. I swore NEVER again.
That’s 90 minutes I didn’t have to do other stuff. If I wanted to go to happy hour with friends after work I had to leave well before closing time. If I had a date and needed time to primp… it was really a time killer.
I swore never to commute more than 30 minutes again… preferably 15 minutes or less. That promise to myself has improved my quality of life. I’m less grumpy when I walk in the door. My kids spent fewer hours in daycare because I didn’t have to cover as much commute time.
Some of us are willing to live in a smaller, older home (obsolete by Brian’s terms) in order to have more time not spent commuting.