I’m old enough to remember having frequent “smog alerts” in the late 60’s and early 70’s. It was bad. Your lungs literally hurt from breathing the crappy air. I’m glad they passed the laws that improved the air quality.[/quote]
This proposition has absolutely NOTHING to do with smog. It’s CO2 they are trying to reduce. You know, the stuff that comes out when you exhale? The reason all the commercials show factories spewing smoke out of smoke stacks is because they know no one would vote against this proposition otherwise. Unfortunately, the legislators that we elect to watch out for us are not doing their job (what a shock), which is the reason we had to put another proposition on the ballot. AB-32 is nothing but a job killer. People and businesses are going to leave California in droves. The idea behind it is to price everyone out of using gas, electricity, etc. So that we will have to take the bus, live closer to work and use other “green” (government subsidized) forms of energy. I’m pretty sure that’s not what people want. I’m all for clean air. That is not what AB-32 is about.