Wealth distribution in America has shifted UPWARDS in the past 30 years — DRAMATICALLY. The changes are due in no small part to REGRESSIVE government policies. Name a public finance or policy with economic implications: fiscal spending, war and peace, monetary policy, IRS tax code, government bailouts, globalization and trade, subsidies, contracting, etc. Look at the changes the past three decades.
Billionaires and big business are thriving. The middle class is under tremendous pressure. The changes started with the election of Reagan and the shift towards modern big government ‘conservatism’ (which has little to do with true conservatism). Democrats have been willing accomplices but Republicans have led the charge.
Are you opposed to wealth redistribution? Get rid of tax avoidance and loopholes for asswipe multinational corporations and the super-wealthy. They pay a much lower tax rate on average compared to what middle class families pay (income and year-over-year gains in wealth).
Get rid of subsidies, offshoring and the de facto CORPORATE WELFARE system that is agri-business, healthcare, big pharma, big oil, finance and insurance, bailouts for bankers, that fucking entitlement system that is our military-industrial complex, Detroit automotive, etc. Then you can whine about poor people and wealth redistribution.
Fox news, democrats suck, down with communism, yak, yak… USA! USA!
It’s amazing. Billionaires and corporations are literally plundering the country like pirates, and our government is helping them do it. Both parties are complicit, but the GOP is leading the charge. Meantime, all these tea party types spew Rush Limbaugh talking points about socialism and poor people, as if that had anything to do with USA economic reality in 2010.