In case of the prosport, limits are ( 90lbs 59″ for the 5pt harness are, 120lbs/59″ as a booster)….though, lol why someone would keep a 90lb/59″ kid in a car seat is another story…[/quote]
And speaking of the car seats and Freakonomics, Steven Levitt prepared an interesting paper about car seats and car seat testing entitled “Evidence that Seat Belts are as Effective as Child Safety Seats in Preventing Death for Children aged Two and Up*” http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/levitt_carseats_farsdata.pdf
As Levitt indicates, more study is necessary, and his data don’t support the idea of abandoning the use of car seats. But I was interested to see in a later article of his that the testing facility that generated some of the data for the article was initially unwilling to conduct the tests that he was interested in because that facility relied on car seat manufactures for the majority of their business. In any event, they requested that the name of the facility not be disclosed in the article.