Based upon all of the comments thus far, it looks like you are receiving the full gamut of predictions. If anyone REALLY knew. . . well, you know how that goes. . .
As sdrealtor noted, some “Boomers,” (My wife and I are in that group at 50), will be just fine, and have everything we need to maintain our chosen lifestyles in retirement–and then some–either from our own preparation or from inheritances.
That said, it does seem from many of the articles I’ve read such as “Boomers’ Inheritance: The Sobering Reality,”–this New York Life piece paints a far different picture of retirement for Boomers, and for the majority, it doesn’t seem to be good.
So, will the housing market go north or south, based upon any and all elements of the equation?
As we’ve all heard before. . .only time will tell.