[quote=Allan from Fallbrook][quote=CDMA ENG]Couldn’t be more true… You were a Ranger Allan… How many people did you know that got a performance drop because they couldn’t do one particular thing? They did well in everything else but couldn’t hack a run time or a swim time… But were fantastic in everything else? All of those guys were pretty much atheletes that failed because they weren’t well rounded.
CE: Good point regarding particular weaknesses, such as an inability to hack water training or Land Navigation (you’d be amazed at the number of guys that cannot figure basic fieldcraft out). Quite a few guys washed out of water training (the CWST, combat water survival test), including most of the inner city kids (white, black and Hispanic), who had never been around water and generally had never learned to swim. These are guys that are in incredible physical condition and do PT all day long, but water training sunk ’em (sorry, couldn’t resist).[/quote]
Funny you mentioned that. The SEALs just released a study and found that thier highest graduation rate was among water babies athletes. Swimmers and Water Polo was the highest. Guys who played football and baseball were among the lowest. It was all about comfort level in the water and if you have a problem with the “S” in SEAL… Well…