I was simply pointing out the folly in drawing QUANTITATIVE conclusions from monthly zip code specific stats.
Case-Shiller shows San Diego down 6%. Yes it is. Yes, the trend is still down. The C-S is a more reliable (but a bit lagging) indicator. Most areas are probably down at least 10%. The monthly medians simply have too many wild swings to be a reliable indicator of the QUANTITATIVE change.
Also, for the record, I like what LateSummer2008 is trying to do with the westside meltdown blogspot (note, not cited, just mentioned). This is one of the last areas in SO. Cal where the bubble is bursting and what we are seeing in San Diego is beginning to be seen on the westside.
Correction: I cited the source that LA Times uses, which can be viewed here: http://www.dqnews.com/ZIPLAT.shtm
(I hope DQnews doesn’t banish me from this site) They print stats from various counties from this table in the print edition each week over a period of each month in LA Times. I went straight to the source that LATimes uses, so I should have cited it correctly.
Regarding citing web sources. Many posts include links to web sites. For example, I cited DQ news above. In the past I have cited CNN many times, the Bureau of Labor statistics website and probably http://www.irs.gov. I’m assuming this is OK with the moderator. I actually like the fact that you are focusing on the Westside.