Rustico, to answer your questions, I sold in Nov.’05 for 2M. I had no loans, it was all equity, minus commissions, of course. It was the lowest priced 7000+ ft. home listed in the neighborhood, but I feel I got a fair price at the time. Others were priced higher, but not selling. The top end of the neighborhood was abot 3M. As of last month, it was worth approx. 2.6M, so that’s a 30% gain in roughly 18 months. Now there are homes here priced at 4.5M. It’s insane! The market here is without question behind other areas. Biggest gains were in ’06, right after I sold, of course!! Anyway, I’m really not bitter. I’m just posting for amusement, as I’m in a good cash situation. But I would like to eventually buy again, and sometimes wonder if prices will really come down to meet the fundamentals in my lifetime.