5357 Carmel Knolls IS right in the heart of CV! Don’t think that you can just make everyone ignore it by putting the spotlight on the Pacific Highlands Ranch listing. Huntington Heights (where 5357 Carmel Knolls is) is right in the heart of CV, your basic Pardee development built in 1995 and right around the corner from Sonoma. A $200K loss is pretty significant, wouldn’t you say?
I’m also aware of two very painful short sales over the last few months in CV, one in Lexington and the other in Barratt’s Paso Fino up on Del Mar Ridge. Plus an ugly bank sale on Durango in Del Mar Heights.
This is just beginning to scratch the surface. Sure, there are still some sales happening in CV, but it is incredibly slow compared to what it was. CV is showing definite signs of increasing weakness. It will be interesting to watch what happens as we move later into the year.