Submitted by qcomer on February 28, 2007 – 11:52pm.
I can only laugh when I look at so called educated dems/reubs wasting their time over this so called ‘news’. There is an immediate reflex action by the repubs to “intend to believe” the story without really asking for the other side of the story or Gore to explain himself. The dems on the other hand are bent on defending Gore as if he is not fallible or cannot make a mistake? More so they accuse repubs of not checking facts but assume everything contained in Gore’s response is pure truth.
Let’s face it, both of you repubs and dems are biased, egoistic bunch and deep down the real motive behind all these stupid blogs and posts is to feed your biases and egos. You are both intolerant and cannot wait to miss an opportunity to rub others noses in any story you can find. Both of you twist facts to serve your political stances. I am sick and tired of seeing adults fighting like kids.
and what are you doing, mr aloof? declaring how you’re so much better than everyone because you’re a “contientious objector”?
cynical observation made by a rep: smart people don’t vote. which is a sad truth, people are disgusted by politics and give up their voice. which is how an entire state took it upon themselves to rewrite biology and discard one of the tenents of life sciences.
ignoring politics wont make it go away. it only allows the greedy or self serving to take control of your life.
this is not news. this is not an intelligent thread. this (is) politics and slander. not standing up to morons is implicit acceptance of moronic behaviour. will they change their minds? doubtful. will you change yours? doubtful. but all the same, perceptions affect peoples’ opinions and “consensus” counts. prime example: the housing bubble.