That isnt how it works. Vaccines teach your immune system how to kill whatever was in the vaccine…
Vaccines, atleast in theory (…) make your immune system stronger, not weaker.
I am quite aware of how vaccines work. Vaccines don’t make your immune system stronger though. This is why I wrote “are we conditioning our bodies to not mount an all out defense from an infection. After all.. it is only a trial run and not the real thing.”
What a vaccine does is ‘teach’ the immune system the antigens for a specific virus or groups of viruses by presenting the immune system with the proteins/polysaccharides from the outer shell of the virus. The virus is not viable in the vaccine. While doing this ‘primes’ the body to mount a defense, it also may create the problem that when presented with a real virus that the body has not yet seen, the body would attack it as if it were the antigens from a vaccine as opposed to a viable virus and not mount an all out attack because all of the previous times it was a vaccine and not the real thing. A vaccine can not continue the attack or grow the attack because the virus is not viable, it is only the protein/polysaccharide coat of the virus. A real virus would actually attack a cell and produce more copies of itself. The immune system has to move quickly and mount an all-out attack. The delay in or weak response to a new virus gives the virus time to get a better foothold.
Using the Mother cat/kitten analogy, overuse in vaccines might be like the mother cat never stopping the ‘teaching’. The kitten never learns the actual hunt.. but only ‘kills’ the food when it is presented.
When people who have never had the flu shot are given one for the first time, often they get very ill. That is because the body is reading it as a real attack and mounts an all-out offensive. It sees a crap load of foreign proteins/polysaccharides entering the body and ramps up fast. When flu shots are given to someone who regularly takes them, the body doesn’t ramp up as fast because you have taught it that while these proteins/polysaccharides are foreign, they don’t multiply/spread quickly.
The result may be a developed dependency on flu-vaccines because the body no longer ramps up fast enough to the real thing.