[quote=scaredycat]yes, it’s been a few years for me…but… at the end of the day…waht do i put the money into ? doe sit just go back into dollars? what does it all mean? ther eis no safety, ther eis no stability, ther eis nothing but dirt, spit and blood. and gold i guess.[/quote]
Scaredy, don’t fear. Okay? The only people who will really be up s**t creek are those who don’t see what’s coming and don’t take any steps to prepare. You sound like you know what’s going on – enough to be very concerned. But let it end there. The hardest part of what’s coming, I believe, will be mentally adapting to the new reality. That, in and of itself, is going to take a lot of people down – instantly. Keep your wits about you and just realize that this, too, shall come to pass. A little cash, some gold and silver, a good supply of food of all types, a nice stash of wine, good friends and a working stereo. That’s really all you’ll need to steer yourself through this 🙂
If you are mentally prepared, you can survive ANYTHING.
There’s a song by King Britt (if you watch “True Blood” you’ve heard it) that comes to mind whenever I think about the next few years. It’s called “New World in My View”. Instead of focusing on the world we are about to leave, try to think about the new world that is coming to greet us. As much as I’m sure we all enjoyed the Apple Store, Whole Foods and weekend trips to Puerto Vallarta, there’s a helluva lot of crap in this world – from the Fed and our debt-addicted economy to Paris Hilton and Mario Lopez – that I would absolutely love to put in my rear view mirror.
Money ain’t gonna matter much when this is all done. Money is just a means to prepare for what’s coming.
This is an opportunity to hit the reset button, dude.