nostradamus, I have only ever bought 2 movies for viewing at home – one is Bladerunner.
The truth is that these movies, even one set in the future like Bladerunner, do age. We become used to better and better techniques in special effects, acting, camera work, sound, storywriting… and eventually even our old favorites start to pale a little. But Bladerunner was a great movie, and is still very good.
By the way, the other movie I bought was Life of Brian. I loved it when it first came out, when I was in college. I didn’t see it again until I bought it some time in the last 10 years, and couldn’t believe that the funniest movie I’d ever seen was now flat and a little puerile. I still like a few scenes though, like that one where the (Jewish) Palestinian terrorists get together to discuss what actions to take to protest their oppression at the hands of the (Roman) rulers of Jerusalem, and someone asks “What have the Romans ever done for us?”.