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18 years ago

Good to see you

Good to see you back.


Congrats on the changes but I will miss some of the more freewheeling posts.


I really enjoyed the feature on the old website that collected the CR, Mish, TMTGM, Ben's Blog and other posts.


It made Piggington my one stop shop.

18 years ago

I fell asleep in America and

I fell asleep in America and woke up in Communist China.

This was a good site while it lasted…on to another.


"Postings will be less frequent (though probably more in-depth, since there is now a certain barrier to entry).

  • I will no longer be able to participate in forum discussions.
  • I do not wish to cause potential regulator confusion by having material that I've written on the same page as material written by someone else; therefore, I will be soon be shutting off the article comment capability. (The forum can be used to discuss specific articles if desired).
  • Since all prior content has to be approved, and pertaining to the points above, I will:
    • Remove my comments from prior forum topics.
    • Hide all prior article comments.
    • Separate the article wheat from the chaff — i.e., remove old articles that are now dated or for some other reason are not worth forcing upon the already overwhelmed reviewer."


18 years ago
Reply to  rankandfile

“Postings will be less
“Postings will be less frequent (though probably more in-depth, since there is now a certain barrier to entry).”
TRANSLATION: The site is on a steady path towards fading into oblivion.

* I will no longer be able to participate in forum discussions.
* I do not wish to cause potential regulator confusion by having material that I’ve written on the same page as material written by someone else;
COMMENT: Don’t want to “confuse” the regulators, now do we? Heaven forbid if they have to actually read the name of the person who posted.

therefore, I will be soon be shutting off the article comment capability. (The forum can be used to discuss specific articles if desired).
TRANSLATION: See note about censorship above. They think I could possibly log in as an anonymous user and start posting, so they are having me delete the utility altogether.

* Since all prior content has to be approved, and pertaining to the points above, I will:
o Remove my comments from prior forum topics.
o Hide all prior article comments.
o Separate the article wheat from the chaff — i.e., remove old articles that are now dated or for some other reason are not worth forcing upon the already overwhelmed reviewer.”
TRANSLATION: Another level of censorship. I love this part because it is a “whereby” or “herein” away from being true legal speak. There will probably be a disclaimer on the home page before you know it.

Pardon the melodrama, but I am right. The main draw for this website, aside from largely uncensored comments by Powayseller and the like, was the expert input from people like the host. All of which has been stripped away. I am hating the game, not the player here. The bright spot is that this opens up a window of opportunity for another similar site to crop up. Survival of the fittest. Do you know any html Powayseller?

18 years ago

but dahling!
the function of

but dahling!

the function of a blog is to be a _dialogue_, not something analogous to the hideous communication structure as a Powerpint presentation, where the disciples gather to receive pearls of wisdom from the master and communication flows only one way. As brilliant as your articles are, I fear for the future quality of this site if we know that the master is muzzled from responding to the incisive questions of the readership.

Would you be able to respond within the context of new postings? Or would that be precluded?

18 years ago
Reply to  edna_mode

Man this is a rough room for

Man this is a rough room for the guy that owns it.

Rich is providing a FREE service.

The bubble isn't a cult of personality, if the quality of postings declines look in the mirror and make better and more insightful postings.

Congrats Rich again thanks for the excellent website.

18 years ago

I’ve been coming to this
I’ve been coming to this site for about a month now. I’m really glad I found it. Great insight. Great topics. Rich, thanks for all the time & work you put into this. And thanks for doing for no charge. If this page now has few new limitations because the author has encountered a good opportunity, so be it. Keep up the good work.

18 years ago

Congrats on the new gig, I’d
Congrats on the new gig, I’d be interested to hear what you will be doing there…

…I’m sorry to see the paid-service discontinued, but I’m glad you’ll still be commenting on what’s going on. I don’t remember if I subscribed to an annual subscription or not, but if I did, please don’t bother sending me a refund and put it in your tip jar instead. 🙂

All the best.

18 years ago

I look forward to learning
I look forward to learning more about your new gig, Rich. I understand that you cannot make comments; it’s NASD regulation.

That said, all of us can still go crazy on the investment advice. Perhaps Rich’s partnering with an investment guy means that there will be some investment advice forthcoming, but through the proper channels.

I admire all your hard work, Rich. I am happy with my little spot on this board, writing interesting articles for discussion.

A diehard fan,

18 years ago

Rich, I also miss the RSS
Rich, I also miss the RSS feeds to calculated risk and others. That made your site the one-stop shop for me, too.

If you consider adding this again, here are some other good ones which have daily updates: Big Picture, iTulip.

18 years ago

“Nobody is going to censor
“Nobody is going to censor anything; the broker/dealer has to review to make sure it’s in compliance with NASD rules, i.e. to make sure that I am not telling people to buy a specific stock or something like that. Since I never do that, they will NEVER make any changes, but they will be able to tell NASD that they reviewed it for compliance. It won’t effect the content at all qualitatively; it’s just that the review step makes it unfeasible for me to do anything but longer articles.”

I guess I am confused. You will no longer be able to comment on the material on this site because you don’t want to over burden the reviewer because the reviewer would have to assess your comments to ensure that you aren’t telling folks to buy a specific stock or something like that; which you mentioned you would never do on this site anyways. Why, then, discontinue making comments if you would never mention anything in violation of NASD rules anyways? And what’s the difference in reviewing one 1000-word article (qualitative) as opposed to ten 100-word articles (quantitative)? Both present the same workload for the reviewer.

I have complimented your site on more than one occasion, I often recommend it to people I talk to, and I am grateful for the information that I have found on it over the past few months. I am also happy for you that you got a new opportunity elsewhere. I just feel that things are being sugar-coated a bit and the real meat of this site will be gone. It’s like the NAR poo-pooing what’s going to happen to the housing market.

This site has helped me to become a better cynic and that’s my point of view with the future of this site. I apologize if my remarks were perceived as “violent”. That’s just my style sometimes. I imagine there is a realtor or two out there who feels the same about some of the comments you made about them or the housing market over the years.

Some questions I still have:
Why are you still able to comment via email but not through the website…won’t the reviewer have to analyze your emails as well? How is removing your past and future comments not censorship? Maybe I am missing something here.

18 years ago

You are out

You are out of line soldier. Knock it off.

Good luck Rich.
(Add me to the list that misses the links to the other bubble-blogs and economics blogs. i dont have much time for this bubble-reading, and it made it all so quick for me.


18 years ago
Reply to  lostkitty

I apologize if I’ve offended
I apologize if I’ve offended you, Rich, but I just can’t buy in to the fact that this website is going to be as good now that you can no longer add your insights/comments.

I agree that I am out of line. And no, I don’t have any information to back up my pointed comments. I don’t know of any stats out there which show that X number of websites tend to lose X percent appeal when their creators no longer can add input to them. But I’ll keep looking. There is a lot of info that I do not know. All I have to go on is what was posted and my common sense/cynicism. Forgive me for my abrasiveness, but please, lighten up a bit. I think some are being a bit too sensitive. If people want 100% political correctness and butt-kissing all the time they can go join a committee.

18 years ago

Well my dear, remember that
Well my dear, remember that it is not only skinny girls with big hair and poofy lips who think only of themselves.

I’m sure a Super such as yourself will make his own luck — I’ll just have to make something completely trollproof and machine washable to match your powers.

and don’t forget us, dahling, I enjoy our little visits.

18 years ago
Reply to  edna_mode

I have been reading this
I have been reading this site for months, when i decided to buy but was shocked of pricing. This site helped confirmed my decision to wait.

Rich thank you very much for all your effort and dedication. You could have decided to close the site but instead you are putting the best of your efforts to continue it making it available for other to continue sharing info and knowledge.

I think everyone should appreciate this. I certainly do!

Thank you again and good luck!

18 years ago

I, like many others,


I, like many others, appreciate all of your hard work. I cannot tell from your original post whether you intend to publish the monthly housing market report. I know that you will be eliminating the premium access but you seemed to imply that you will have access to MLS data and will, in some way, look at it. What are your plans?

Thanks again.

CA renter
18 years ago

I’ve been reading your


I’ve been reading your site for well over a year now, but don’t post often. Just wanted to post to congratulate you on your new job! You’ve provided such a valuable service here, and I cannot thank you enough. Your knowledge, perspective and intellect will be a great asset to your new employer. I wish you the very best in your new endeavours!

18 years ago
Reply to  CA renter

Rich is a hard worker, and I
Rich is a hard worker, and I think he’s lucky too 🙂

(Or should this go on the Millionaire thread…)

Anyway, he’s smart, nice, works hard, and he’s going to succeed at whatever he does. People like him always do. It’s been a priviledge for me to so distantly affiliated with him.