It’s interesting that MORE Democrats than Republicans voted for the bailout. You keep conveniently forgetting that little tidbit as well as the fact that The One was also for the bailout.
Expect to see more bailouts after January 20th with BO and the Democratically controlled congress firmly in control. I’ll be back to gloat and affirm how much of a partisan hack you are then…
Yes, I agree that there will be more bailouts. However, I’m hopeful that Democratic bailouts will be more geared to helping out The People as opposed to the Republican strategy of helping 29-year old investment bankers afford their Maseratti payments. In a world ruled by Democrats, I suspect that most bailout money will go directly to help the middle class and poor.
Yes, I realize that many Democrats voted for the bailout. However, my guess is they felt they had to for political reasons. I doubt that Obama will propose any bailouts that involve giving free money to banks. But we’ll just have to wait and see to know for sure.
By the way, I did vote against incumbent U.S. Representative Democrat Susan A. Davis. So I’m not a complete partisan hack.