From what I understand about there is a “Certificate of Live Birth” and a “Birth certifcate”
Say you are born in a shack somewhere in Hawaii without an attending physican to sign a “Birth Certificate”. In this case you would go to the state and register the birth and receive a COLB. In other words, the state takes your word for it that the birth was in the state. If you were born in a hospital they would issue the “Birth Certificate” signed by the attending physican.
What Hawaii is calling is a birth certificate is actually a COLB. Its not proof he was born there. Its proof that his birth was registered there and the state takes the person registering the birth at their word.
His mother supposely gave birth in Kenya and then immediately flew to Hawaii to register the birth.
Please realize that there is no record of the hospital he was born in to go along with an actual birth there.
Why doesn’t he just release it?? Can you think of a reason???
You are mistaken about the CoLB in Hawaii. A Birth Certificate is kept on file at the Dept. Of Health. From that, they extract the relevant info to produce a CoLB. Everyone born in Hawaii gets a CoLB – No matter whether they were born in a shack or at Queens.
You are trying to create distinctions that do not exist. At least in Hawaii, anyway.
My child was born in a hospital in Hawaii and all we got was a CoLB. They did not offer a BC – and when I asked, I was told that it was unnecessary, as the CoLB contained all relevant information I’d need for proof of citizenship, etc. To put it simply, they don’t hand BCs out.
We used this official, legal document to obtain a US Passport and a SSN. It is considered absolute proof that my child was born where and when it is stated on the form.
Since Obama’s CoLB has been stamped and embossed with the official seal, all information on the document (including birth place and date) are considered valid and true. It is accepted worldwide as proof of US natural birth.
I understand that you don’t agree with my description of how it works in Hawaii, but it’s all based on my own personal experience and not a bunch of theories and assumptions posted on the internet.
If you were born in Hawaii in 1961 and requested a copy of your official “Birth Certificate,” guess what they would send you?
Yep.. a CoLB with Alvin T. Onaka’s Stamped signature and an embossed Hawaii Dept. of Health seal.
And everything on it would be considered valid, true and authentic.
Again, you are grasping at straws here. The “controversy” is manufactured and ridiculous. Especially given the fact that HI state officials have verified that Obama’s CoLB is valid and authentic. They have the original on file – and that information was used to produce the CoLB as seen on factcheck and snopes.