I listened to a NPR on the drive home and they were talking about the political end of the bailouts and the election. They repeated that the calls and emails to Washington are 100-1 AGAINST the bailout. One of the commentators called it the most hated piece of legeslation to pass in decades. It really feels that just about NOBODY wants this, but they dont know what else to do.It is fear driving this, nothing else.
The latest revolt about all this is actually from the house Republicans. They don’t want to do this, and if things keep falling down they want to be in a “I told you so” position. If they work, then they can say they supported it only after it got in a position to actually be effective. (dont you just love polspeak!) either way they think something will happen by next week, but they are worried because the backlash from the voters is threatening to look nasty.
I say vote them all out. Part of the problem is that our elected representatives only worry what we say in a crisis. It would have been alot more effective to worry about this 6 years ago instead of 6 DAYS ago.