What it comes down to is that we are going to try to punish people in order to make America look less attractive? Short of cutting off peoples feet for running across the border this isn’t going to work. The punishments only work if the illegals get caught. Then what? They face deportation and make another go at it. Build all the walls you want it isn’t going to fix the problem, it may slow the leak. Even without construction there are plenty of jobs. Farming, gardening, cleaning, family run restaurants, drugs… . has anyone asked for their maids/gardeners SS card? The fix for the problem is to “Fix” Mexico. As long as a huge difference exists between the two, any barrier legal or physical will be over come. Maybe after we are done in Iraq we can start making Mexico a better place. Then once TJ is as nice as SD or SD is as bad as TJ we won’t have an immigration problem.
If there is a recession caused by the housing industry I doubt that anyone with enough money to afford a house with a lawn in San Diego will be so strapped for cash as to fire their gardener and do their own yard work. Will there be some job losses yes, but people legal or not will find something else to do.