“One reason Americans are not loved is because we are loud and obnoxious.”
Perry, have you heard any German tourists lately? Talking about loud and obnoxious! Have you been in an English pub with everyone drunk and therefore yelling and insulting you because you’re an American? Have you been to Italy lately? They’re not exactly a quiet bunch. Americans are quiet and polite as mice compared any of these groups. But let’s move away from the stereotyping and note this: speaking of Germans, as I recall, some citizens of German towns were screaming like pigs in protest when they thought we were going to close our bases down.
The reason we are disliked is because of trendy, virulent anti-Americanism fostered by ignorance, bigotry, and anti-capitalism. We’re hated because so far we’ve managed to buck the trend of centralized governments taking more and more of people’s individual freedoms away. Today, the only people it’s okay to be a bigot against is Americans and oh, yes, “the Jews.”