I do not believe in luck. Good or bad. Nor do I believe in fate or destiny.
The circumstances you are born into have nothing to do with how your life turns out (there are plenty of people born into wealth who die in poverty and plenty of people born into poverty who die wealthy – the world abounds with these type of stories).
I do believe in intention and taking responsibility for one’s life, good or bad. I believe in holding the “right” beliefs, ones that create what you desire in your life.
It is useful for me to believe that I am 100% responsible for my particular set of circumstances, regardless of what they are at any particular point in time. That way, I am able to take full and total responsibility (as opposed to being a victim) for my life, which is a very powerful position to operate from.
It isn’t about control, to the contrary, it is about relinquishing control. It’s about accepting our own particular creation, our experience of life and reveling in it.
I am truly amazed at both the “good” and the “bad” I can create in my life. I believe I created the time and place of my birth as I will also create the time and place of my death. I also believe I create everything that happens between those two experiences (our life).
Taking that belief a step further, it follows that had I been in the World Trade Center when those planes hit or in New Orleans when the flood waters rose and took my business, I would have to take full responsibility for being in that place at that time, regardless of the circumstances and eventual outcome, because I put myself there by my actions, my choices in life.
What this does for me, is it allows me to live totally free and not be at the effect of my circumstances, so I can accept them willingly, because I created them. I can embrace my life, regardless of what it looks like. By living this way, fear disappears. I become the master in my universe.
If ever I want to know my intentions, I simply look at the results I have produced. If I don’t like the results, I analyze them and then change my intentions. I am therefore free to choose to change my circumstances by creating a new set of choices.
So, living that way, holding that belief, I am able to avoid good or bad luck (especially since I do not believe in their existence) and simply live with that which I have created. There is no fate, no luck, just what I intend, just the results of my actions. (And admittedly, oftentimes what we think we consciously intend is just the opposite of the results produced).
What’s the point in holding a belief that doesn’t serve you? Believing in bad luck, fate, destiny or randomness puts you at the effect of life, as opposed to being the cause of it.
Einstein once said the most important choice you can make in life is how you view the world. Either it is friendly and supports your purpose (you are at cause) or it is dangerous and thwarts your purpose (you are at effect).
Life is cause and effect. I choose to be cause in my life(responsible); some choose to be effect in their life (victim).
After all, life is simply the result of the choices you make. Believe what you want but believe that which supports your own particular vision for your individual life. Trust your choices. Embrace your life and everything that’s in it, good or bad. After all, you created it.